Episode 10


I can't think too much about the professor and all that shit, not today. I have a father to shame, and enemies to take revenge on.

I was waiting in the office when Ivan told me that all the guests and board members were already in the dining room. Good friends, that's my cue.

I walked there calmly and firmly.

When I arrived, my father was smiling and proud as a peacock. This is going to be so good to enjoy.

"Good evening, everyone."

Everyone stood up as a sign of respect in response to my greeting.

"I am immensely happy to share with my family the joy of my marriage."

My father was the first to speak.

"It is an honor, son, to be present at your engagement dinner, we are all anxious to meet the bride."

My ex-father-in-law was the second to speak up.

"Dimitri, I'm sure my Alexandra would be happy to see that you are finally moving on with your life."

His words seemed sincere, but I can't say how I feel about it, but now is not the time to debate the matter.

"Well, I'm sorry, but isn't this my engagement dinner?"

"Of course not, Dimitri, you yourself said that we are here to celebrate your wedding, son?"

"Exactly, I got married this morning, I prepared this dinner to celebrate together."

"How did you get married Dimitri, without telling me? without me being present?"

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, Dad, but I'm already a grown man and head of this organization, I don't need anyone to accompany me on my engagements."

My father looked furious, at me for challenging him and at himself for almost losing control.

"Well, as you all were worried about me, and thinking about how being married would do me good, I decided it would be good to do it, for me and out of respect for you too."

Everyone could tell by the way I was speaking, it wasn't my usual way of speaking, but the sarcasm wasn't that explicit, so everyone was too confused to say anything, except my father, of course.

"So, son, when are we going to meet the lucky one who won your heart?"

"Ivan will take care of that."

I waved to Ivan, who left immediately.

While greeting everyone individually, Ivan went to get Malik.

As soon as he arrived and I laid eyes on him, I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, his black skin contrasting with the white fabric of the suit was magnificent, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Ivan, I remember my son telling you to bring his wife? Did you happen to become senile? Where is my daughter-in-law?"

The disrespect for my friend made me react and go back to executing my plan.

With all the falsehood, I acted as if I hadn't heard my father.

"Oh honey, you're here."

I went up to Malik and kissed his forehead, held his hand, he wouldn't look me in the eye and was shaking a lot, I think I exaggerated earlier, the idea of him being afraid of me didn't please me at all, but that's something for me to solve later. Hand in hand with Malik, I approached the head of the table, my rightful place.

"I am pleased to introduce my husband Malik to everyone, honey, this is my family."

He looked at me uncertainly, blinked a few times and then tried to regain his composure.

"Good evening, it is an immense pleasure to meet you all."

Everyone's discomfort was visible, some weren't even trying to hide their surprised, disgusted and even hateful looks, but I was ready for anything. My father was furious and all efforts to remain calm were in vain.

"Dimitri this is no time for games, as you said yourself, you are a grown man."

"I don't know where you got the idea that I'm kidding, you wanted me to marry a woman, and I married a man, as simple as that."

"Don't play innocent, Dimitri, we were talking about you marrying a woman, not a man, much less a black man!"

"Dimitri this man is not in a position to take over what was once my daughter's position, just look at him? He is an abnormal man who likes other men, a pervert. Our organization doesn't deserve to have its name associated with his kind. Have you considered that he could be a dangerous criminal? What kind of people is he?"

"The only reason Robert you're still breathing is out of consideration for your daughter, but you better watch how you speak."

After my ex-father-in-law spewed all his shit, the chairman of the board decided he wanted to speak too.

"This is a disgrace, Romanov, contaminating our lineage in this way, discrediting our organization by making this filthy black man one of us? What do you intend? To sink us for good? What will our enemies think when they find out that our boss is gay? Frankly Dimitri you disgust me, you and this black..."

Before the bastard could finish his insult, I pulled out my gun and shot him in the forehead, killing him instantly on the table.

"Does anyone else have anything to say?"

Everyone was shocked by the scene, and besides the shock, an awkward silence fell over the place, Malik's hands were shaking even more on mine.

"I want to make one thing very clear gentlemen, I will not allow anyone, and I mean anyone, no matter their position. No one will offend, discriminate against or mistreat my husband. He will be treated with the same respect you owe me."

Still with my gun drawn I continued.

"I don't care about killing every one of you, or anyone else, to defend my husband, and you can be sure I don't care about showing anyone how much of a man I still am, despite being married to another man."

This time I hugged Malik by the waist, bringing him even closer to me.

"From this day forward, all of you must respect and be loyal to my husband, Malik Akello Romanov is now part of our family and our organization, if you want to keep your positions and especially your lives I suggest you get used to the idea."

Although they were still very unhappy, I could see that they were also resigned.

I looked at the body on the bloodstained table, and decided that I am fed up with this charade. But not before delivering the final blow, Dad, this one's especially for you.

"As you can see we can't have dinner tonight, I don't think you're in the mood either, so I suggest you go back to your homes, besides, I intend to enjoy my honeymoon, don't we darling?"

Malik looked at me with his usual confused face, without giving him time to react or say anything, I lightly held his chin with my index finger and brought him close to me and kissed him. Not a peck or a discreet kiss, but a very scandalous and lustful kiss. I heard the murmur of people, and opened my eyes in time to see my father looking at the scene with a look of hatred, just the way I wanted.

Now that I've gotten what I wanted out of this dinner, why can't I stop kissing him?

Author's Note

My sweeties, who wants a Christmas present chapter? Comment there what you are finding the story.😘😘



Jojo Reid

Jojo Reid

this is exactly why I love mafia romance man insisted on.life from today I'm a fan of DIMITRI ROMANOV





who's gonna tell him now🫣





a man of action 🤌



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