Episode 6


As soon as my sister laid eyes on me, she came at me like a wild animal wanting to slap me.

"Malik, you irresponsible boy, where have you been? How can you sleep out and not tell anyone? Do you know how worried I was?"

"I'm sorry, sis, I forgot to let you know."

"Sorry? Do you know how easy it is for these people to make a black man disappear without a trace? What if I never saw you again?"

My sister became overly protective after the death of our father, and living in a racist country like this, I can't blame her.

"I'm fine, I just decided to sleep over at my, uh... boyfriend's house."

"What boyfriend, Malik?"

"My boyfriend is Latifah's husband."

"And since when do you have a boyfriend?"

"You know I'm a grown 30 year old man, right?"

"Damn right I do, but you didn't say you were seeing anyone. And you barely leave the house, I had no way of knowing you were with someone."

"It's complicated, we started talking through messages, and then we decided to meet in person, that's why you didn't know."

"And who is this guy, Malik? What does he do? And when will I meet him?"

"His name is Dimitri, he works in... uh... Finance, and he'll be here as soon as possible."

"Dimitri is a white boy's name, man!"

My brother-in-law looked horrified as if I had committed sacrilege.

"Yes, the family came from Russia."

"Seriously, Malik? You really want to get involved with a family full of white people?"

"That's my brother-in-law, he's going to darken someone's family, good one!"

He was about to hit my hand when Latifah glared at him.

"Don't encourage him, honey!"

"It's okay, Latifah, I know what I'm doing, don't worry, okay? I want you to be happy for me, can you do that? Can you?"

Now, I know I hit a nerve with her, but it was necessary or I would have had to listen to a whole sermon about interracial relationships that have gone wrong throughout history.

After that, the day went on normally, Latifah made lunch, I helped. Then Malcon did the dishes while I played with the kids, I have two beautiful nieces, Brenda and Bianca. They are my little princesses and I love and spoil them all the time, since I can't have children, I can at least spoil other people's children.

When it was close to dinner I got a message from Dimitri, the message just said that he would come for dinner and ask for my hand at 7, very kind as always.

After I told Latifah she started freaking out in the kitchen with this dinner, I was almost regretting it.

I went upstairs early to get dressed and try to look like a happy and in love groom, and mostly not roll my eyes at everything that giant ogre says.

When it was exactly 7 o'clock the doorbell rang, I looked through the curtains and saw the black luxury car parked at the door, my brother-in-law behind me, whistled.

"Brother-in-law, now you've done it, hooked a rich guy, just by the car you can tell he's loaded."

"For God's sake, Malcon, don't make that kind of comment in front of him."

"As soon as my sister arrived accompanied by Dimitri, I realized one thing, how should I greet him? He's already made it clear that he's straight, so I think just a hello, and standing next to him will be enough.

"I went up to him and said hello, and stood next to him as I had thought, my sister looked weird but called everyone to the dinner table.

"Our home is simple as you can see, Mr. Romanov, but I hope you enjoy the food."

"I don't like people who pretend to be what they are not, I prefer sincerity. Your home is beautiful and cozy, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the food."

Very direct as always, how can he be such an ogre even on these occasions? Doesn't he have a shred of social courtesy?

"So, tell me, Mr. Romanov, how did you meet my brother?"

Damn, we didn't think of a plan for this, I'm going to have to improvise.

"At school, we met at school."

"Do you have children or nephews who study there, Mr. Romanov?"

"No, I don't."

Oh yeah, that helped a lot you stupid white boy!

"He sponsored the new computer lab, donated the new computers for the kids."

"Wow, what a beautiful gesture."

Dinner was served and we were making small talk, something that Malcon did masterfully, since he loves to chat with anyone, until Latifah asked a question that would embarrass anyone, I felt like a virgin teenager again.

"So, Mr. Romanov, what are your intentions with my brother?"

Contrary to what I thought, Dimitri was comfortable with the question, it seems that he and my sister like to be so direct and tactless.

"The most honorable possible, ma'am, I would like to communicate that I have asked Malik to marry me and he has accepted, so I came here to introduce myself and answer any questions you may have."

"Malik, you said you were just dating."

"Well, I wanted to make it a surprise, so, surprise, I'm engaged!"

"Don't you think this is too sudden?"

"We are over 30 already, there's no point in dating and a long engagement, we are sure of our decision so we decided that there is no reason to prolong this. I would like the ceremony to be at my house, I set the date for a month from now."

Okay, that's news to me too.

"I'll leave everything in the capable hands of my fiance, I believe he will have your help. I will also leave a card for you to buy everything you need."

"Well, it seems that you have everything very well resolved, I can only be happy with you and offer my congratulations. But before that, Mr. Romanov, I want you to answer me one thing."

"Yes, tell me."

"How will my brother be treated by your family, and in your circle of friends? Know that if you are going to take him out of this house to be mistreated or humiliated and a victim of racism and prejudice, I ask that you do not go ahead with this marriage story."

"That will not happen."

"I want you to promise me that you will defend my brother and that you will not let anyone humiliate him or disrespect him, can you promise me that?"

"You have my word, I will defend him as I defend myself."

"Very well, I think that's all for now."

Thank heavens this terrible and embarrassing dinner is over.

Now I am walking to the car with my "fiance".

I wonder if now that we're alone he's going to scold me for something? There's no way to know because he doesn't show any reaction on that poker face of his.

What a beautiful engagement dinner, isn't it?



Blake Nicholas

Blake Nicholas

Seriously😂😂 why Pretending but not the Truth





I can't 😂....i just can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣








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