Accidentally Pregnant with My Boss's Baby

Accidentally Pregnant with My Boss's Baby

Episode 1

Over the years, omegas have experienced a better quality of life and have even achieved more rights.

Public hospitals offer various treatments and inhibitors are distributed free of charge.

The majority of doctors working in hospitals are betas, for obvious reasons: pheromones.

As the world moves towards a new era, many things have changed, while others haven't, as they are part of nature, such as marking in an alpha-omega union.

With everything evolving, some clinics work with fertilization and insemination, as many couples face difficulties conceiving naturally. This procedure takes place when an omega enters their heat cycle, at the clinic, and fertilization is performed.

New advancements now allow omegas to work in the same environment as alphas.

A drug has also been created for alphas that can ease their rut, as it is a delicate period for them.

Even with everything slowly improving, omegas still face prejudice in a hypocritical society that prefers to blame them for their nature rather than hold both parties accountable.

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Alphas are individuals who can be born male or female, are endowed with great intelligence and strength, and if they are born dominant, things take on a whole new level—beauty is already guaranteed.

The same goes for omegas; they can be born male or female, and both can become pregnant by an alpha. They are beautiful, possess an undeniable charm, and their pheromones can drive an alpha to lose control. When marking occurs, both the alpha and the omega only sense each other's pheromones, making it impossible for others to perceive their scent.

Betas are ordinary human beings, incapable of perceiving any scent, and if they mate with an alpha, they cannot procreate.

In society, omegas are still seen as tools for procreation, and technology has made it much easier. Poorer omegas work as surrogates, which has greatly benefited prestigious families.


Ranielly lives with his mother since his father abandoned them while she was pregnant. He doesn't know who his father is, and his mother refuses to talk about the past.

He earned a scholarship to study architecture at a prestigious university attended by the elite, the majority being alphas.

He has red hair, violet eyes, is of average height, and has fair skin. In the eyes of many, he is considered handsome, neither thin nor overweight, with a well-proportioned physique.

He possesses a gentle personality yet is very firm in his decisions and dreams of providing a better life for his mother, Mariana.

Mariana is 36 years old and a fighter, having done everything to raise her son alone. He is her greatest pride.


"Son, wake up. Today is your first day of college."

Ranielly opens his eyes * I'm coming, Mom. Today is my first day of college, I'm so excited! I'm going to make all of Mom's struggles worthwhile.

He gets ready and listens to some advice from his mother.

Mariana * Son, don't trust those handsome alpha faces. Take your medication and keep your phone with you. Call me if anything happens.

Ranielly Mom, I'll be fine. He leaves.*

Mariana * It's so hard to accept that he's all grown up now and going out into that cruel world. But no matter what, I'll always be by his side, playing the role of both mother and father, even though that wretch abandoned me because our son is an omega. And the worst part is that Ranielly inherited all of that scoundrel's features, especially his red hair.

She takes a deep breath amidst so many emotions.

Ranielly arrives at the university and is immediately noticed for his unique appearance.

"Everyone is staring at me. It's a bit strange being here. I dare say there aren't many omegas around."

I'm pulled from my thoughts when a young man approaches and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Saiury. You must be an omega. I am too, and we'll be in the same class."

Ranielly smiles * Hi, I'm Ranielly. It's nice to meet someone.

Saiury * Don't mind their stares; they're just a bunch of self-centered alphas.

Ranielly He says it as if it were easy, but I feel like I'm in a huge tank of water, a small fish surrounded by sharks.

They head to class, and everything goes smoothly. At lunchtime, they eat together.

Saiury * Do you have a boyfriend or are you seeing anyone?

Ranielly *I was taken aback by the blunt question\, so I replied:* No. *He smiles and continues:* I do. I've been with him for three years. At first\, I hated him\, but we ended up getting together.

Ranielly * You started dating him when you were 15?

Saiury * Yeah, he's two years older. When I graduate, I'm going to marry him, since we've already gone way beyond just sleeping together.

Ranielly blushes * Did he mark you?

Saiury * Yeah, on my 18th birthday.

Ranielly is shocked at how openly Saiury talks about everything with such ease, considering they've just met.

The first day was uneventful. He returns home to find his mother.

Mariana * Son, tomorrow morning, after college, you have a doctor's appointment—a routine checkup. So don't take your medication today. According to the date, your heat cycle is tomorrow, and the doctor will prescribe a new medication. How was college?

Ranielly * Okay, Mom. It was good. I made a friend.

Mariana * Is he an alpha?

Ranielly smiles * No, he's an omega.

Mariana * Great! Now go take a shower so we can eat. *Ranielly goes to his room.* I know I'm overprotective\, but my fear of him getting hurt is greater. Sometimes I appear harsh\, but my motherly heart aches every time he leaves the house.


"Eric is pressuring me to get pregnant. We've been married for five years, and he hasn't marked me because of his damn family and their outdated rules. But now I have a plan. I got some tests that say I can't conceive, so I suggested he hire an omega to have his child. That way, I solve all the problems and don't ruin my body"a body I work so hard to maintain. At the beginning of our relationship, he always made it clear that he wanted children. I never had that desire, but to marry him, I pretended.

Ray is a handsome, sophisticated omega from a good family. By marrying Eric, he brought even more prestige to the family. He's the youngest son, and his older brother is a dominant alpha who lives life sleeping around with no interest in settling down.

Eric is in his office when his secretary\, Mario\, enters. He is a beta. *Sir\, tomorrow you will be going to the School of Architecture to announce an internship opportunity for the student with the highest GPA.*

Eric * I'm aware of that. Tomorrow is also the day of the procedure at the clinic. I'm quite anxious about it.

Mario * It's good that you've come to an agreement with Mr. Ray.

Eric * Yes, although not in the way I would have liked. To have a child with a stranger... a child should be the fruit of great love.

Mario is surprised to see the cold man speak in this manner. He could separate from his partner, but he is in love with him. However, Mario knows very well how Ray keeps Eric by his side.

"It doesn't matter, sir. It will be your and Mr. Ray's child. He will assume the role of a mother, even without a biological connection. Have you already chosen the person?"

Eric replies coldly * Yes, someone who demanded a hefty sum to relinquish the child. What comforts me is knowing that Ray is willing to love the child as his own.

The next morning, Ranielly is running late for college and ends up bumping into a tall man with captivating green eyes at the university entrance.

Ranielly *I don't know what happened when that man's eyes met mine; my heart skipped a beat. All I could do was apologize.* I'm so sorry\, sir. *He nodded and walked away.*

During class\, the professor announces that a major company has opened a single\, highly paid internship position for one student. This opportunity is highly competitive\, as they only seek the very best. Most students are on edge when the professor says\,* And the selected student is... *He looks at the paper\, incredulous.* Ranielly Campos! Congratulations. Come here and collect your badge.

The others are stunned. This internship was coveted by everyone in the university, and surprisingly, the omega newcomer got it.

Ranielly I don't know how to feel, knowing I got the internship, and I'll finally be able to help my mother. I'm so surprised when Saiury congratulates me that I'm speechless. I walk up to the stage, take the badge, and to my surprise, that man appears again.

Eric * Congratulations. This man beside me is Mario; he'll be in touch with you. I look forward to working with you.

Ranielly nods and returns to his seat.

Eric *Those eyes\, a different shade\, and that hair... but those eyes...* He's pulled from his thoughts by Mario.

Mario * Sir, it's time to go. We need to pick up Ray and head to the clinic.

Mariana picks up Ranielly from the university and heads to the clinic. Upon arrival, Ranielly is swiftly taken to the doctor's office because his cycle has started. The good thing is that the entire staff is composed of betas.

Mariana *I pay for this private clinic with great sacrifice to ensure my son's safety\, and to me\, that's priceless.*

Eric is at the clinic with Ray.

Ray asks the doctor if everything is ready. The doctor confirms that it is, and Eric's sample will be brought in shortly to carry out the procedure.

Ray, not paying attention, knocks over the files a young woman is carrying. * I'm so sorry! The young woman smiles, picks up the files, and walks away.

The doctor picks up the files and steps outside. * Mr. Eric, the procedure will be performed now.

Eric Today, my dream will come true. Great!*

Ranielly is lying on the table, wearing only a gown, which he finds incredibly embarrassing. But he needs new medication; he's older now, and his scent is getting stronger.

The doctor enters. * Hi, don't worry. It'll be a quick procedure. I'm going to apply a local anesthetic so you won't feel any discomfort.

Ranielly wanted to ask questions but was too embarrassed. This was his first consultation of this nature, so he simply replied, * Okay.

The doctor picks up a syringe and performs the procedure. * Now lie down for a few minutes, and then you can go home. Come back in three weeks for some tests.

Ranielly feels sleepy and ends up falling asleep.

In the other room, the doctor examines the other patient and says, * I've administered the medication. Now we wait to see its efficacy.

A few minutes later, Ranielly wakes up, gets dressed, and goes to find his mother.

Mariana * How was it?

Ranielly * It was fine. Let's go home now; my scent is strong.

They leave.

Eric is in the corridor when he smells a unique fragrance, something surreal to him. It smells of violets, soft at first, but then it becomes intense. He takes a deep breath, and his eyes automatically turn a golden hue. He rushes to the bathroom, splashes water on his face, and looks at himself in the mirror.

"My eyes changed so quickly. Whose scent is that?"








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