Episode 2

I left the living room completely messed up, never imagining that my father could be so cruel as to manipulate with Sara...

Since Sara was born, she has been my weak point and Emiliano Wlop knows it very well, that's why he has tried to have me in his hands by using Sara as a blackmail against me...

He knows that I will do anything for her... Even replace Emma in something so degrading for me... I know I have no choice, no way to escape from this marriage.

As I returned to my room, I closed the door behind me... My hands were trembling so much that I couldn't control my movements, I wanted to run away from this luxurious and huge mansion, which has been a prison for me since I was born...

But I can't escape this hell... My body keeps trembling, it's the rush of adrenaline inside me, combined with the immense pain I feel for not being able to do anything to have Sara by my side.

It's impossible for me to do anything to refuse marrying the demon Edwin Zhan... If only I do that, my father will take Sara somewhere where I can't find her.

That way, my entire life would end, as I would have nothing to live for...

Sara has become my life, my air, my water, my everything... Sara is my world. It doesn't matter how she got pregnant, I don't care who her father is, Sara is mine and for her sake, I don't mind marrying a demon like Edwin...

I dragged my exhausted body to the soft sofa next to the window, I need to take in some fresh air, or else I might lose consciousness at any moment...

I feel suffocated, everything is spinning. Something as simple as breathing is now torture for me.

When I reached the window, I opened it so that the fresh air could come in and hit my face...

After taking a breath, I stepped away from the window and collapsed onto the sofa next to me, immediately bringing my hands to my face and weeping in desperation...

I couldn't bear the pain inside me anymore, being separated from Sara... It is the worst pain a mother can feel when her daughter is not close by...

Sara is less than a year old, since she was born my father separated her from me... I endured it because she was only one room away from mine, but now I don't know where he has taken her...

My hands clenched in frustration... If only I knew the name of the man Emma handed me over to that night, I would go find him to help me find Sara...

I'm not a fool and I know Emma drugged me that night to give me something powerful, I don't believe she did it just to humiliate me even more.

I don't know why she did it, as she could have given herself to him without any problem, but she used me to replace her in bed with that man...

"From what I see, you are trying to find a way out of doing what your father has ordered you to do... But the consequences of disobeying will be fatal for Sara," my mother's voice came from the darkness, and instinctively I jumped off the sofa, then my mother emerged as if she were a ghost...

"How did you get into my room?" I asked, pointing at her presence.

My mother didn't say anything, she just kept walking with arrogance towards me... When she reached me, she stood at a short distance, her gaze far from that of a loving mother, rather resembling that of my worst enemy...

"Diana, it's no secret that I don't love you... And I won't deny it, you are my daughter, I accept that, but that doesn't mean I should love you as such...

My mother's words didn't surprise me, it was clear that she didn't love me... What I don't understand is why? If Emma and I are like two peas in a pod, there is no difference between her and me...

"It's clear that you don't love me, I know that, but the question is, why?!" I questioned, but I didn't hear a single response from my mother...

"Did I do something wrong to deserve your hate? I don't understand why you hate me," I said, but there was no response from my mother.

My mother's face completely changed upon hearing my question. Her gaze was even crueller than before. She immediately raised her hand and forcefully struck me.

"How dare you still ask why I hate you so much?"

"It wasn't enough what you did as a child, now you're a whore who has bastard children from God knows who. I don't believe you've only slept with one man like you try to make us believe. You turned into a prostitute who doesn't deserve to bear the Wlod surname."

Though my soul felt shattered into a thousand pieces, I could only swallow each word my mother said to me. I didn't know what harm I had caused her for her to be so cruel towards me and Sara.


"Why do you do this? Isn't everything you've already done enough?" My voice sounded so broken that each word got stuck in my throat.

"No, Diana... Nothing is enough to satisfy the hatred I feel for you," she replied. Upon finishing her sentence, she turned around to leave.

But before she exited my room, I screamed loudly to get her attention.

"You and Emma planned all of this, didn't you?"

My mother stopped and tilted her head slightly towards me, her mocking gaze confirming the answer to my question. It was evident that she and Emma had been plotting everything to cause harm.

"Your life by that demon's side will be a hell from which there is no escape."

I was astonished to hear those words from the woman who gave me life, although I can't call her my mother anymore. She has done everything to hand me over to a demon named Edwin.

She left without even glancing back. I don't know what I did in the past for my parents to hate me so much.

But I must stay strong for Sara and fight with all my might to have her back in my arms. I miss my beloved Sara so much that I will do my best to have her in my arms again as soon as possible.








Rodelyn Albarracin

Rodelyn Albarracin

nice story for now



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