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Soul's Revenge

Soul's Revenge

Ainun was rummaging through the trash, just as she did every day as a scavenger. But this morning, she felt as if she had struck an enormous fortune when she found a good-quality suitcase.


The suitcase contained dismembered body parts of a young girl.

Even worse, the girl was from their own village, Bakti Reso—she was the daughter of the local landlord.

In the Miracle of Love

In the Miracle of Love

Carlos is a very competent doctor, used to having control of his life. He is also homosexual and is loved by everyone at the hospital where he works, but his life turns upside down when he saves the life of a mobster.

That night, Carlos hears screams and realizes that some armed men broke into the hospital and three people were shot, and he realizes that the night will be long and that his day off will be ruined.

"I'm a doctor," he said as he caught the man's attention.

The man came towards him, pointing the gun at him and ordering him to save the man in front of him, while Carlos struggled to maintain his composure. He had no choice but to look at the man with the gun.

"You come with me."

Carlos acted quickly, turning around when he realized there was another man behind him.

The Sacred Luna of the Alpha King

The Sacred Luna of the Alpha King

For Azula Rosseltod, the night of her transformation became a night of joy and pain. On one hand, she had been blessed with her sacred wolf, but on that same night, her destined mate broke the bond that connected them because he loved another woman. Azula accepted the rejection and moved on with her life as if nothing had happened.

Everything was going well until the visit of the Alpha King changed everything, revealing that he is her second chance at love. The attraction is immediate, and Azula decides to give herself the opportunity to love, but from this point on, conflicting feelings begin to surface. The mate who rejected her now seems jealous, and Azula’s secret will lead her to confront danger.

Will Azula be able to face those who seek her power? Can the Alpha King protect her?

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