Chapter 10-Yoonmin past 5

Jimin's Pov

I'm excited, I keep smiling like an idiot while I was walking in the hallway of our school today.



Today my school is having a small celebration something that they will be booths and cafe held by students. Since I'm in a liberal Arts department I was supposed to be in a dance group but my teacher said the slot for dance group was been out of order so My teacher put me on a singin part.




But that is not the reason why I'm being happy, Its because of Yoongi-hyung.




Oh, God If you guys only knew how much I'm so happy that I could just scream and Giggle loudly as hell.




My maid back at house even shocked when she heard me scream on the tough of my lungs. I was screaming happily when I read Yoongi's message at that time and...





Yoongi: I admit, I'm happy when I talk with you and when your around.

            : Hoseok (Stupid Horse) Is too annoying, Jin-hyung is a nagging mother with a stupid dad jokes and Namjoon (His boyfriend) is an idiot. Your different than those since you actually make me smile.





I'm actually felt happy knowing Yoongi-hyung is happy when I'm with him.




Well, As you may know I already like Yoongi-hyung.




From the moment he catch me back at that Office, When Our eyes Met...




Hay!... I could just fall for him in a thousand ways. His so handsome and gorgeous.




Ever since I saw him, I don't know what hiy me, Maybe I was hit by a magic spell to fall in love with him. His eyes was beautiful, his.... Very handsome and his nice and Kind... Cool at the sametime.




And when he gave that kiss On the forehead?




I'm telling you that A true magic Spell did really cast my heart, It filled with More Rainbows, Magics, and Unicorns. Thats how his kiss affected me.




I giggled again.




"Whats wrong with you?, Your like a girl who had a crush." My best friend Taehyung suddenly pop out behind me. I was day dreaming about Yoongi didn't notice his approaching Oh well? Who cares?




"I do'" I said happily.




"Who is it? The muscular guy from basket ball team?" Tae said and I hit him.








"I'm noy that cheap! I don't like a playboy like him!" I argue back.




"Ok then who is it hyung?" He ask.




"A 17 years old boy like you shouldn't know anything about love." I told him.




"Your 19, yet your already in love. You had your first boy friend when You were 16 and it was just for a year " He said argue back.




Ugh! I hate it when he does.




I roll my eyes.




"Ok, Ok, Tae I'll tell You-" I was cut off by my phone. I grab it and saw the caller, my smile became wide.




"Annyeong Jimin." He said.




"Anneyong Hyung." I said smiling.




"I'm already here together with 3 idiots." He said.




"Yah! How dare you call us that!?" I heard Jin-hyungs voice from the back ground.




"Because the three of you are idiots. Only Jimin has a brain." Yoongi said, and I feel special when he said that.




"Everyone has a brain Hyung." I heard Namjoon voice.




"Apparently, Not all function very well. Some us our brain is dead, like you 3 idiots." Yoong said.




"Why do you need to be mean?" Hoseok said.




"Any Who Jimin, Were at gate. Where are you?" He asked.




"Coming Hyung." I said happily and I saw he hung up the call.




I Start walking but I realize Tae was with me so I look at him.




"Coming Tae?" I ask.




"If meeting your Crush yes, If Meeting My brother No." He said stubbornly.




I then roll my eyes Grab his hand and Drag him out towards the gate.




When I saw my Target I smile. I went and wave at him.




"Hi Hyung." I said and smile.




"Hello Too Jimin. Looks Like you had a big school." Yoongi said and his eyes was in mine. And We will falling at each other's eyes.




"Ehem, Looks like you forget about me." a voice said the back. I look at Tae and smile.




"Wait? Taehyung?"




I then Look at Yoongi, and then Taehyung who was shock seeing Yoongi.




"Hyung?.... Hyung!?" Taehyung said and smile as he launch forward and gave a strong hug towards Yoongi. Yoongi hug back and smile.




I frown, I feel a bit of jealous in my heart since They look really close.




Then Someone just Tap my shoulder and see it was Namjoon.




"Hyung?" I said.




"Don't be Jealous, He and Tae is just Close like brothers. Trust me, they weren't close as Lovers." Namjoon said.




"We know you like Yoongs." Jin said.




I blush and Look down.




"Hyung! Its been a while since I saw you! How have you been?" Taehyung said.




"I'm fine kid as usual. How about you?" Yoongi hyung ask.




"Ofcourse I'm fine Hyung. Your looking at a genius." Taehyung said.




Yoongi smirk. "Aish, You brat." Yoongi said and mess Tae's hair.




"Hyung! My beautiful Hair! Do You know How long it took me To fix it!?" Taehyung yelled and Pouted.




"Guess Your Fixing it again." Yoongi said.




"Mean." Taehyung said.




"I didn't know you too are close " I said interrupting there moment.




"Yeah, I use To work as Mr.Kim's assistant and I met him and the idiot Namjoon." Yoongi explains.




"Yah!" Namjoon argue.




I chuckle. "I see, Hyung." I said.




"I didn't know Your friends with the brat though." Yoongi said and chuckle as he called Tae a brat.




"Hyung!" Taehyung whine.




"And You never told me that your friends with an angel." Yoongi said and look at Taehyung.




"Angel?" Taehyung ask.




Yoongi then walk beside me and held my hand softly. I blush and felt my heart raced. But I smile because of his hand.




"Him." Hyung pointed me.




Taehyung was shock then look at Yoongi, then Me.








I glare at him.




"Hyung is not my Boyfriend!" I argue back.




"Yeah, He isn't but Soon to be." Yoongi hyung said. I look at him like he was kidding but I can see his smile, the way his eyes spark was Damn. Beautiful.




So I can't really determine if his serious or not.




"Jimin? Lets go and explore your school? I would love to spend time with you rather than with this idiots " Yoongi hyung offered and I nod as I lead him and walk away.










For Hours and Hourse I'd show Yoongi-hyung ny school and he was impressed how Beautiful and Big the school is.




He said during highschool, he just went to a public high school. So its not as great as big as this school. He stop at 9th grade when he was 15 due to his parents lost.




I'd found out too that Yoongi-hyung has a brother, so During 15 and his brother is still 9 years old he already take care of his brother. With the legacy that his father left him, they manage to go through life for a Year. Then When he was 17 he decided to strive hard to work both for him and his younger brother.




Thats why he end up in Mr.Kim as his assistant then to our company.




Currently we were on the mini park inside the school grounds. We were sitting on the fountain.




"I'm sorry Hyung." I told him as I feel a bit sympathy to him. well, I feel guilty. Here I am, Having the money in the world where as to him struggling to get those things.




"Nah, Its ok Jimin." He said and look at the sky with a sincerely Smile.




"Even if I don't reach what I want." He said and put his Hands on the sjy like he was grabing it but retreat it sadly. "Life turns out great " He said and then look at me.




" Because if I didn't suffer of all of those, I wouldn't met Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and You. An Angel came from above." He said and smile.




I blush and Felt my heart Flattered. We then Look at each other eyes and Were fallingbfor it.








Very deep...




And I love how I was trap in his eyes. I don't want to escape.




I can feel that he too is Drowning.




Suddenly when I blink, Yoongi-hyung's face was inches away from me. I blush even more and felt that I'm getting anxious....




I think his gonna lean to the kiss until....




"Its look Like Midget find a Midget." Someone said.




I look the owner of the voice and pouted  Its Jackson, The Jackass in this school, with two of his Gangs.




"Tsk, Jackson. If you came here to insult me then sorry."I said glaring deadly at him.




Yoongi-hyung is about to kiss me and you just ruin it! Bastard!




"I'm not a toy." I said and grab Yoongi and attempt to get out but he Block the way.




"Get lost." I said coldly.




"Why Midget? What are you gonna do hm~?" he said in an intimidating, arrogant way.




I started to feel fear.




"Leave him alone." I heard a familiar voice and its Yoongi.




And Hyung was different, The cool yet deadly smirk inplanted on his face was something, and his awra of ready to kill doesn't help me to stop thinking how Cool he looks.




Handsome and gorgeous.




"Oh? The 2nd midget Talk back? Do you know Who am I?" hJackson ask.




"A piss of Shit. I wonder why are you here, Shouldn't you be in the dumpsters?" Yoongi hyung said.




I cover my mouth and stop myself to let out a laugh. Jackson was shock.




"Tsk! What You just said!?" Jackson said and Grab Yoongi's collar. Then Yoongi then Grab Jackson's Hand and remove it harshly on his colar. Then he get Jackson's hand and we heard a crack.




It was Yoongi who broke One finger of Jackson. Jackson yelled in pain.




"Next time, Try to touch Jimin and I'll make sure your finger isn't the only one who's break! Got it!?" He said  very dangerously enough for Jackson and his crew got scared and run away.




I smile. "Wah! You look cool there Hyung!" I shouted happily.




"I am? Thanks I guess." He said sheepishly.




"And very strong too. Do you go to Gym?"




"Sometimes, But this couple of months and year I don't go to gym anymore. I was focused on my work." Yoongi hyung said..




Aw... He is so hard working...




I said and smile, a husband material to be exact.




No, No, No, Jimin. Your too young for that, Too young!




I keep telling myself but I can't help but fall more Towards Yoongi.




"Oh! There are you guys! Jimin you need hurry your performance is Gonna start soon." Taehyung said as he appeared.




"Oh! MY gosh I didn't know. Will you stay Hyung?" I ask Yoongi.




"Yeah ofcourse, But what performance your gonna do?" Yoongi hyung ask




"si-singing.."I said feeling shy.




",Good luck." Hyung  said




And I were happy.




Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoy 😊😊







it's fine Jimin, you'll always have a second chance ^^













See all
1 Lack Of Sound
2 Chapter 2-Deaf
3 Chapter 3 -Sweet Nightmares
4 Chapter 4-Yoongi
5 Chapter 5-Yoonmin Past 1
6 Chapter 6-Misery
7 Chapter 7-Yoonmin past 2
8 Chapter 8-Yoonmin past 3
9 Chapter 9-Yoonmin past 4
10 Chapter 10-Yoonmin past 5
11 Chapter 11 Yoonmin past 6
12 Chapter 12 Yoonmin past 7
13 Chapter 13 Yoonmin's Last past
14 Episode 14
15 Chapter 15 Yoonmin Tradegy Prologue
16 Chapter 16: Yoonmin Tragedy Story
17 Chapter 17- Prologue
18 Chapter 18-M.Y.G & J.J.K
19 Chapter 19 M.Y.G & J.J.K
20 Chapter 20 Taekook
21 Episode 21
22 Chapter 22 Taekook
23 Chapter 23 Taekook
24 Chapter 24 Taekook
25 Chapter 25 Taekook
26 Chapter 26 Taekook
27 Chapter 27 Taekook
28 Chapter 28 M.Y.G & J.J.K
29 Chapter 29-YM
30 Chapter 30-YM
31 Chapter 31-YM
32 Chapter 32 M.Y.G & J.J.K
33 Chapter 33 Taekook
34 Chapter 34-YM
35 Chapter 35 Taekook
36 Chapter 36 Taekook
37 Chapter 37 Taekook
38 Chapter 38 Taekook
39 Chapter 39 Taekook
40 Chapter 40-YM
41 Chapter 41-YM
42 Chapter 42 Taekook
43 Chapter 43 M.Y.G & J.J.K
44 Chapter 45-YM
45 Chapter 45 P.J.M. &M.Y.G & J.J.K
46 Chapter 46 K.N.J & M.Y.G
47 Chapter 47 tell the truth
48 Chapter 48 start of tradegy
49 Chapter 49 tradegy
50 Chapter 50 Not an Accident
51 Chapter 51 almost Breakdown
52 Episode 52
53 Episode 53
54 Episode 54
55 Episode 55
56 Episode 56
57 Episode 57
58 Episode 58
59 Episode 59
60 Episode 60
61 Episode 61
62 Episode 62
63 Episode 63
64 Chapter 64
65 Chapter 65
66 Chapter 66
67 Chapter 67
68 Chapter 68

Updated 68 Episodes

Lack Of Sound
Chapter 2-Deaf
Chapter 3 -Sweet Nightmares
Chapter 4-Yoongi
Chapter 5-Yoonmin Past 1
Chapter 6-Misery
Chapter 7-Yoonmin past 2
Chapter 8-Yoonmin past 3
Chapter 9-Yoonmin past 4
Chapter 10-Yoonmin past 5
Chapter 11 Yoonmin past 6
Chapter 12 Yoonmin past 7
Chapter 13 Yoonmin's Last past
Episode 14
Chapter 15 Yoonmin Tradegy Prologue
Chapter 16: Yoonmin Tragedy Story
Chapter 17- Prologue
Chapter 18-M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 19 M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 20 Taekook
Episode 21
Chapter 22 Taekook
Chapter 23 Taekook
Chapter 24 Taekook
Chapter 25 Taekook
Chapter 26 Taekook
Chapter 27 Taekook
Chapter 28 M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 29-YM
Chapter 30-YM
Chapter 31-YM
Chapter 32 M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 33 Taekook
Chapter 34-YM
Chapter 35 Taekook
Chapter 36 Taekook
Chapter 37 Taekook
Chapter 38 Taekook
Chapter 39 Taekook
Chapter 40-YM
Chapter 41-YM
Chapter 42 Taekook
Chapter 43 M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 45-YM
Chapter 45 P.J.M. &M.Y.G & J.J.K
Chapter 46 K.N.J & M.Y.G
Chapter 47 tell the truth
Chapter 48 start of tradegy
Chapter 49 tradegy
Chapter 50 Not an Accident
Chapter 51 almost Breakdown
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68


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