Yoongi's pov
Within the days we and Jimin got close because if this Project. Today us the day Jimin is gonna present our presentation. So Far when Jimin practice this, Jin said Jimin did well. Now is the final thing and Jimin would be presenting it ti some important people. I know his actually nervous because he never done this before.
Currently he us behind the door together with me, Jin was the one who's gonna introduce Him.
I put my hand on Jimin's Shoulder.
"Relax Jimin, You'll do great you practice well." I said trying to assured him.
"But Hyung? What if something go wrong? What if I said something inappropriate? What if-" I cut his panic state.
"Don't think about the what ifs, This about the presentation and focused on it." I encouraged him.
He look shocked and nod. He sigh once more and arrange hisself. As he was called and about to go inside I called him.
"Jimin!" I called and he looked at me. I lean forward to give him a kiss in the forehead. Maybe it will help him calm doen just what I do to Jungkook.
I saw him blush and smile. "Its a Movement to ease your anxious feeling. Take it as my magic spell." I Told him.
He smile brightly and walk towards the door but he murmur a small "Thank you." He mouthed before going inside.
I felt proud at myself and smile. I'd walk back to his office and now saw the two idiots.
"And Why are you here?" I ask.
"I can't believe that A stone heart like you would actually fall in love. The world must be ending." Namjoon said.
I roll my eyes and sat down on my chair.
"Hyung? Do you really like Jimin?" Namjoon ask, and base on his voice his like concern and sincere.
I look at him.
"ofcourse Joon, He likes him. Didn't you see it with your eyes or your just blind?" Hoseok said.
"Hyung." Namjoon called me sincerly.
I narrowed.
"Do you like Jimin? I mean, I'm concerned because Jimin is like a brother to me." Namjoon explains.
I look at him emotionalessly. "I don't know Joon. I never fall in love with someone before. Beside I met him just a week ago." I told him.
"Hyung, It only took you 4 minutes just to fall inlove." Hoseok said.
"A quote that came from an idiot's mouth." I said.
"Hey!" Hoseok argue but I ignore
"Then Hyung what do you feel when your with Jimin?" Namjoon ask .
I smile. "Happy, He makes me smile and makes my heary felt warm and flattered. I smile when he does and I think his beautiful, gorgeous and cute." I told him.
"Then your literay Inlove." Joon said.
"How can you tell?" I ask.
"Well, Your just said it earlier how you feel for him. Your currenly smiling and we all know that your smile is impossible to see." Joon explains.
He had a point, I only smile for Jungkook but outside of the family?
I don't think I'd ever smile.
Jin tried with his Stupid terrible Dad Jokes but it was a failed.
Hoseok Idiotness also Failed.
Namjoon's being Stupid also Failed.
None of them succeed on bringing a smile to myself except Jimin.
Jimin didn't even did anything or say anything, seeing him is already ok for me and brings a smile to my face. Just thinking of him is enough.
"Its no used too, Since Jimin might live someone else." I told him.
I may Like Jimin, I admit that already but... He might don't feel the same. I pouted.
"Oh God! Your reall are inlove!?The world is nearly at end!" Hoseok yelled.
I roll my eyes, Why do I have a friend like him?
They keeo teasing me about hoe I love Jimin but I thought to myself
Do I have a chance with him?
Soon Jimin came in the office looking down. I look at him worriedly.
"Did Something happened?" I ask in concerned.
Jimin then suddenly hug me to my surprise, he then broke it and smile brightly at me.
"They were impressed Hyung." Jimin said happily.
"I don't know Yoongi, But what is written in the presentation.And how Jimin represent it was just stunning. The audience was impressed." Jin said happily.
I sigh in relief.
"Thats good right Jin-hyung?" I said.
"Its more than Good idiot. How about we go out tonight and celebrate?" Jin said happily.
"I'm sorry Hyung. I can't " I said sadly.
"Because you need to go home before 5?" Namjoon said and I nod.
"Well then we can Celebrate it 2mw." Jin said.
"But we have work righ-" I was cut off when my phone start to ring. I answered the called and was shock that it was Mr.Kim who called.
"Yoongi, You did impressed me again. I was never wrong in picking you. Thank you for a wonderful output. I'm also wanted to thank my son for being a good presentor. Tell him I'm proud of him. As a Reward Yoongi, You will having a day off for 3 days enjoy it." Mr. Park said.
I was shock, "Thank You Mr.Park." I said.
"You deserve it." He said and hang up.
"Man Your lucky you got a day off." Hobi said.
"I guess this day can't get any better." I said and smile. I look at Jimin and held his cotton like Hands.
"Thank You Too Jimin. I think if you didn't present this very well I'd never get this achievement done, So Thank You." I said and he was shock but smile with his vute pink cheeks.
"Yo..Your.. We..welcome." He said shyly. I smile because it was damn cute.
"Maybe we can Go to a cafe 2mrw?" I said, I want to do something to thank him.
"Its ok Hyung, You don't need to." He said shyly.
I frown but give him a small smile.
"I understand. I guess You don't like to be with me." I said.
"No! Tha-thats no-not Wh-what I mean.." He argue shyly.
I chuckle. "You look cute." I said.
His eyes widen and I smile again.
"So Cafe 2mrw?" I ask he shook his head.
"Ahm... How about you come to my school tomorrow? We have a small celebration...." He told me.
"I would love too, But I don't know where your school is." I said.
"I'll pick you up." Namjoon offered.
"Me and Jin would go, The school requires us to invite atleast one guess each student. I will brought Jin and Hoseok and I will have 2 poingts." Namjoon said.
"I see." I said.
"We will met uo in the school 2mrw I guess?" I told Jimin as he nod.
We Chat and more until its time to go.
When I got home, Jungkook quickly drag me on the couch.
"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!, Look!" He said excitedly and gave the 5 test papers. All of them had A+
Math, Science, History, English, and Korean. All of those papers have a perfect scores. I was shock and taken Back.
When back when I was still in highschol my grades are average, not like this. Perfect.
I pat Jungkook's head and smile. I kiss his forehead and I saw him chuckled.
"I'm very proud of you Kookie, Good Job." I sign.
He hug me and I can see a smile on his face.
I think that this is the happiest day ever.
Thanks For reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊
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Updated 68 Episodes
I just imagined jk smiled and that was good ...