Bound by Obsession

Bound by Obsession

The First Glimpse

Ethan Blackwell was used to having control. As the CEO of Blackwell Enterprises, his influence stretched across industries, and his name carried weight in every corner of the business world. Deals were struck with a nod, and fortunes were shaped by his decisions. In his world, nothing was unattainable—except for the one thing he hadn’t known he needed.

That was, until he saw her.

The evening of the charity gala had started like any other, with Ethan surrounded by powerful figures. A sea of tailored suits and glittering gowns filled the ballroom of the opulent Grand West Hotel. As usual, Ethan was there as both a guest and a sponsor, his presence ensuring the success of the night’s event. But amid the orchestrated elegance and the chatter of high society, his attention was drawn to someone who didn’t belong to this world.

Lila Carter.

She stood off to the side, camera in hand, capturing the event through her lens. Unlike the others, she wasn’t dressed to impress or vying for attention. Her long, dark brown hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail, and her sharp eyes focused intently on her work. Lila’s understated beauty caught him off guard, but it was her quiet confidence that stirred something in him.

Ethan’s gaze lingered on her longer than he intended, and he felt an unfamiliar flutter of curiosity. He had never seen her before, and that in itself was unusual. He knew most of the photographers who worked these events, but Lila was new—a refreshing difference in the sea of familiarity.

“Who’s she?” Ethan asked his assistant, Michael, who had been by his side the entire evening.

Michael followed his gaze. “The photographer? Her name’s Lila Carter. She’s freelance, does a lot of event work in the city. Pretty talented, from what I’ve heard.”

“Find out more about her,” Ethan said, his voice low but commanding.

Michael nodded and stepped away, leaving Ethan alone with his thoughts. As the night wore on, Ethan couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting back to Lila. There was something about her, something that tugged at him in a way he couldn’t explain. He was used to being the one in control, the one who commanded attention. But this time, it was different. It was as if, for the first time in years, someone had made him feel vulnerable.


The next day, Ethan found himself sitting in his office, the sprawling view of the city behind him. His thoughts were distracted, still caught on Lila. He rarely let anything or anyone occupy his mind for long, but this was different. He needed to see her again, to know more about her.

Michael entered his office, breaking his thoughts. “I’ve got the information you wanted. Lila Carter’s a freelance photographer, been doing it for a few years. Keeps a pretty low profile—no social media presence, no big-name clients until recently. Seems she prefers to work quietly.”

“And her personal life?” Ethan asked, leaning forward.

“Nothing significant. She lives alone, no family in the city. Seems to be focused on her work.”

Ethan’s lips curled into a small smile. *Perfect*, he thought. She was an enigma, and he loved a challenge.

“Get her for my next event,” Ethan ordered.

Michael hesitated. “She’s already booked for several others, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Make it happen,” Ethan said, his voice firm. “And arrange a meeting with her beforehand.”


A week later, Ethan found himself sitting at a high-end restaurant, waiting for Lila to arrive. She had agreed to meet him, though her response had been brief and professional. As she walked through the door, Ethan felt a surge of anticipation. She was just as captivating as he remembered—calm, composed, and entirely unaware of the storm she was about to step into.

Lila approached the table, her posture straight, her expression unreadable. “Mr. Blackwell,” she greeted him with a polite nod.

“Please, call me Ethan,” he replied smoothly, motioning for her to sit.

She took the seat across from him, setting her bag down beside her. “I’m not sure why you wanted to meet. I’ve already accepted the job for your event.”

Ethan leaned back in his chair, studying her carefully. “I wanted to get to know the person behind the lens. You have a unique eye for your work, and I admire that.”

Lila’s brows furrowed slightly. “I appreciate the compliment, but I prefer to keep things professional.”

Ethan’s smile didn’t falter, but internally, he felt the stirrings of frustration. She was distant—too distant. But that only fueled his desire more. She wasn’t like the others who were drawn to his wealth and power. She was independent, seemingly unaffected by him, and that was something he wasn’t used to.

“Of course,” Ethan said smoothly. “I respect that. But tell me, Lila, do you enjoy your work?”

Lila hesitated, unsure of where this conversation was headed. “I do,” she replied cautiously. “It’s what I’m passionate about.”

Ethan nodded. “Passion is important. It’s what drives us, isn’t it?”

She gave a small nod, her eyes flicking away for a moment. Ethan could see the walls she had built around herself, and it only made him more determined to break through them. He wasn’t accustomed to rejection, and Lila’s distance only fueled the growing obsession within him.

As the evening went on, Lila remained polite but distant, refusing to give more than necessary. She was professional to the core, never allowing the conversation to stray into personal territory. But Ethan wasn’t deterred. He would find a way in—he always did.

By the time the dinner ended, Ethan had made up his mind. He wanted her, and he would have her.

No matter what it took.



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