Sweet Secretary

Sweet Secretary

Episode 1


I made it! I can’t help but feel very happy for what I am experiencing. I got it!

In front of me is the huge monitor that has a database open. I'm getting to know the system! My desk is tempered glass, I have my own office and the music playing through my headphones makes me feel more excited.

*—"You are on the right track! You've done very well Julen"—*I can’t help but congratulate myself.

I enter a new record, the window of my office allows a pleasant stream of natural air to refresh me. I save the record as soon as I finish capturing it and move on to the next one.

""Not bad. I'm not stressed and I like being alone. A plus not having to share an office!""

I capture a bunch of records, it's two in the afternoon and I'm about to go out for my lunch break, when the door opens.

—"Julen. How's everything going? How do you feel on your first day?"—It's Jessica, the head of human resources.

—"I'm fine. Everything is perfect. The system is not very difficult, actually..."—

—"I need us to walk around the company. I want you to meet someone."

Meet someone?

—"Sure. Just like after I meet that someone, I'll go to eat."

She nodded.

Voyague is a very large company. Walking through the administrative area, the IT area, the engineers and other workers; It was amazing to see so much talented people here. One day I would like to have a permanent job like them!

—"What do you think?"—She asked.

—"It's very big. I like the work environment!"—I responded.

—"It's good that you think so. I..."—

But she was not able to finish. The impact of that object makes us all turn to look in the direction of the central office. That's right! We all set our sights on the CEO's office. And it seems that he is furious.

The door to his office opens and a woman comes out crying. We were all looking at her! This was getting a little intense.

—"I heard that Christian's ex-wife asked for the boss's personal number and his secretary gave it to her"—a guy named Kevin informed Jessica.

—"He fired her?"—I asked a little shocked.

—"Yes. She's most likely out."

—"What is Christian like?"—I was curious to know.

The boss came out of his office and approached us.

—"Jessica. It's good to see you! My secretary is out, I'm going to need you to..."—

But he was not able to finish the sentence. His eyes were examining my person. He took several seconds to observe me and in the end, he reacted.

—"Do you need me to...?"—Jessica didn't know whether to finish asking her question.

—"What's your name?"—Christian turned to me.

—"My name is Julen. Nice to meet you!"—I extended my hand to offer him a cordial greeting.

My gesture seemed to shock him. I hesitate to shake his hand with me, but in the end, he agreed.

—"It's his first day. Julen..."—Jessica wanted to report.

—"Excellent Jessica! You are always prepared. Julen, I need you to take my schedule. We're going to a meeting this afternoon. Your work area will be cleaned in an hour. While they are throwing away the previous secretary's things, you can read my schedule so that you are familiar with it. Okay?"—Christian was being very direct.

—"I am..."—This time I wanted to speak, but it seemed impossible. He interrupted.

—"I'll go to the Carnel meeting. I'll pick you up at four"—He was very authoritarian.


He left. The sound of his shoes against the floor was very intense.

The three of us were left processing everything that had happened.

—"I will not be the replacement for his previous secretary. Who does he think he is?"—My words radiate a certain annoyance.

—"Technically he's your boss,"—refers Kevin.

—"Yeah, but..."—

—"I'll try to talk to him. Don't worry Julen, we'll fix this misunderstanding"—Jessica consoles me.

And what should I do now? There were forty minutes left of my lunch break. This couldn’t be happening to me!

—"What should I do now? Do I listen to him?"—I asked both of them.

—"I think so. Let me see if I can talk to him this afternoon."

That's how I ended up sitting in the company cafeteria, eating my salami sandwich while Christian's schedule was examined with my eyes. I hope everything works out!

—"Hello!"—A partner approached.


—"Can I join you?"—

—"Yes. The seat is free."

He nodded. He put his food tray on the table.

—"You're Julen, right?"—His voice made me curious.

—"Yes, that's me."

—"I heard you're Christian's new secretary."

—"It seems that everything is known here."

—"It's part of the work environment."

I nodded.

—"Well. Actually there was a mistake. I am an intern and I am a data entry clerk. Jessica from HR told me that she would talk to Christian to clear up the confusion."

He began to eat.

—"Good. I will be aware of what happens between you."

My cell phone started to vibrate with an unknown number.

—"Looks like Christian is calling you."

—"How do you know it's Christian?"

He smiled.

—"Because you're his secretary. He never lets his secretaries eat in peace."

I had to answer.


—"The meeting was moved up an hour. I'll see you in the lobby in five minutes. Bring my briefcase."

He hung up the call. I swallowed saliva.

—"Well?"—My partner was curious.

—"I have to go. It was Christian"—I admitted in a neutral tone.

I picked up my eating utensils and took them to the lady who was serving. I went back to the table for Christian's planner and my cell phone.

—"See you around"—I said goodbye to my partner.

—"Take care Julen!"—

—"Sure. What’s your name?"

—"I'm Erick. Nice to meet you!"

I had to run to get to Christian's office. I took what he asked for and it occurred to me that I should also go for my things. My departure time was seven o'clock at night.

In the lobby was him. Standing, in his gray suit, white shirt and black tie.

—"Here's your briefcase."

He was a little surprised by what I said.

—"Load it for me."

And he started walking towards the exit. What was wrong with him? Why that unfriendly attitude?

He stopped next to a black car. It gleamed with luxury!

—"This is my car. Take a look at it before you get in. Don't forget what it's like!"—He suggested.

I examined it for a few minutes. My pupils scanned the shine of the vehicle. I felt his eyes on me.

—"It's time to go"—He opened the door and invited me in.

I wasn't nervous until that moment.



Winnie Uzonna

Winnie Uzonna

nice beginning



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