chapter 20

...Aurora Lupin...

I met Mattheo in the great hall the next morning, after I struggled to walk back to my dorm I fell asleep as soon as I hit my bed.

"Morning." Mattheo smiled.

I loved his smile, it made me blush. I sat down across from him and watched him.

He raised a brow and stopped chewing his food. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing" i whispered, he went back to his food but I continued to stare at him.


"What?" He sighed.

I faked a gasp and put my hand over my heart.

"I was going to tell you, Kiara is spending the night with Lucy, so my dorm is going to be empty but since I'm boring you I'll go." I sighed.


I rested my chin in my hand and looked at him, faking sad eyes, "I'm gonna be all alone" I whispered.

"Just me, I'm my bed.... naked" I whispered so only he heard the last part.

"What will I do?" I raised my eyebrows and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well, I mean- I can come over" Mattheo smirked.

"Mmh, no I think I'm busy." I flashed him a bright smile and stood up quickly leaving the great hall.


As I was waking down the hall, towards my first class of the day.

"Aurora" I turned to see Mattheo jogging up to me.

I turned back around so he couldn't see me smiling.

"Yes" I sighed and kept walking.

"I got you a muffin, you-you didn't eat so I thought you might be hungry." Mattheo passed me a blueberry muffin.

"Aw, how sweet" I frowned.

"So, um- tonight." He mumbled.

"Tonight?" I tilted my head.

"We have a transfigurations test coming up maybe we could study." Mattheo offered.

"Sure, meet me after dinner?"


After dinner I went to my dorm, Kiara was staying with Lucy so I decided it would be fun for me and Mattheo to hang out.

I lit a few candles in the room and got dressed in a red lingerie set and put some grey shorts and a shirt over them.

Once Mattheo came into the dorm he sat down on the bed across from me and started going over the things that were going to be on the test.

He kept his head down in a transfigurations. book, while I watched him. My eyes wandered from his brown curly hair to his legs. I lifted my foot and placed it on his crotch.

"I don't want to study anymore" I smirked at

him. I started moving my foot back and forth

creating friction.

"W-what do you want to do"

"I think it's pretty obvious" I said and grabbed his shoulders to straddle him.

"What about the test?" He asked as I grinded up

against him.

"You think I lit candles to study?" I said sarcastically.

"Do you think I wore this to study?" I asked pulled down my shirt and revealing my red


"But if you want to study we can" I sighed and

laid back down on the bed. Next thing I know I'm being pulled down onto my back, Mattheo hovered over me and placed

his hand between my thighs.

"You've had an attitude all fucking day. I think you need to be taught a lesson." Mattheo grabbed my hips and flipped me over.

He pulled my ass into the air and pressed his

front against my ass, he roughly grabbed my hair and forced my head back. He rolled his hips against my ass, making me

quietly moan.

I arched my back, silently begging for more.. His hand smacked down on my ass making me jolt forward, his hand rested on my ass and lightly squeezed it as he let out a groan.

"You teased me, saying you were going to be in your bed all by yourself. Naked." Theo chuckled and pulled my hair again.

"And then Mmh, no I think I'm busy" he mimicked me. Smacking my ass again.

"Does it make you feel big and powerful when you tease me?" He asked, putting his hand between my thighs.

"Yes" I whispered.

"You like to be on top? Act like you're in control?" He hummed. "But you and me both know you're a submissive little thing." He chuckled.

He flipped me over and grabbed the back of my thighs, he stayed on his knees and lifted my hips to pull down my shorts, revealing my red

lace lingerie. "Such a slut" he shook his head and threw my shorts across the room.


"Quiet" he said annoyed. "Only talk if you want me to stop. Okay?"

"Okay" I nodded.

He grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it off, his eyes wandered my boobs, barely covered by the red lace.

He pressed his lips up against mine, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him between my legs.

He kissed down my chin and kissed along my jaw, as his lips got to my ear I let out a quiet moan, making him chuckle.

His hands grabbed the back of my thighs as he kissed my neck. He moved his hand along the

scars on my thigh making me gasp. They were always sensitive, I don't think they really hurt, mentally I could still feel my fathers claws digging into my thigh.

Mattheo kissed my neck, kissed the scars on my

neck, the ones I hid from him, from everyone. I usually block out any sensation I feel when someone touches my scars, but today I couldn't block it out.

I needed to tell him. I didn't want to keep living this lie, he's been open about his scars with me, I can trust him.

"Theo "I tapped his shoulders, he mumbled against my neck.

"Stop" He pulled away quickly and stood up shaking

his head, "what's wrong? I'm sorry I didn-"

"It's okay, you stopped" I smiled lightly at him.

I placed my hand over neck and sat up pulling my blankets over me. I didn't realize I was crying until Mattheo mentioned it, I hated crying over something

that happened years ago. It still hurt, mentally

and physically.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry filled his eyes as he knelt down beside my bed.

I muttered and reversed the concealing charm

I used on my neck, I looked into Mattheos big

brown eyes, he moved his eyes to my neck. "D-did your father do that too?" He asked, I

blinked away my tears and shook my head. "This ones all me" I whispered.

His eyes snapped back to mine, he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a wolf..."

"Just like my father" I whispered. "Say something" I whispered as he just looked at me, his mouth half open in shock.

"It's it's surprising but it's nothing you have to

hide from me" he smiled lightly. "You don't-" I wiped away the tears that continued to fall down my cheeks. "You don't think I'm a m-monster?"

"Not at all, angel." He smiled. I smiled shyly at him, my hand went to his hair

stroking back his curls. "My angel" he whispered.

"Your angel" I bit my lip trying to hide my smile and my blush.

"I'm yours, are you mine?" I asked.

He smiled at me, "No getting rid of me now

Aurora, I'm your devil." I blushed at his words, I

grabbed his hand and pulled him up. He sat down on my bed across from me, "I'm

sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I should" he sighed. "Shit" he mumbled. He cupped my

cheeks. "I'm sorry-"

"No, no don't apologize, you stopped the second I asked you to" I smiled at him and put my hands on his wrists.

"I should have stopped sooner, if you were feeling uncomfortab-"

"Theo." I put my finger up to his lips shushing him. "I'm always comfortable with you." I pulled my finger away from his lips and kissed him.

"You always make sure I'm comfortable, and I appreciate that so much!" I smiled at his shy smiled. He always made sure I was comfortable and made me feel safe. When I was with him I knew I could stop at any second. His first priority was always to make me feel comfortable.

"Sometimes I think I annoy you" he mumbled.

"Why do you think that?"

"I just-I repeat myself a lot about you know making sure your comfortable and you probably just get annoyed and want to get to the point-"

"I love that your first priority is making sure I'm comfortable, it means the world to me"

"It doesn't get annoying?"

"Not at all" I whispered to him, I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"It's just c-consent is really important to me." his voice cracked and he looked away from me.

"Me too." I agreed and tried to look him in the eyes but he looked away.

"Mattheo.." I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "Are you ok?" I said quietly as I watched his eyes fill with tears.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good" he mumbled and stood up quickly. "Are you hungry? I kinda want ice cream." Mattheo said and avoided our awkward conversation.

"no I just ate" I watched him, he wasn't acting normal and he was all over the place and manic.

"Can you come sit" I whispered, patting the bed

beside me.

"I-I can't-I don't know. I-" he blew out air and paced through my dorm.

My heart hurt watching him-clearly struggling with something.

"Please sit"

"You can talk to me" I offered him a small smile.

"I don't want to talk a-about this" he swallowed hard.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about it." Whatever it is.

"Do you need a smoke? Maybe we could go watch the stars in the astronomy tower" IІ smiled and stood up, gathering my shirt and shorts.

"I quit."

"Oh, we can watch a movie"

"Okay. I like that idea." He sat down on my bed resting his head against my headboard. I sat down next to him tucking myself in my blankets.

I gasped, "can we watch the princess and the frog!" I smiled brightly at Mattheo, he smirked at my fascination with the movie.

"Sure" he chuckled, he seemed to calm down.

I don't know what was going on with him but I'm not going to pressure him into speaking about something that is making him


Once the movie started I whispered word for word every line, Mattheo laughed at me, but I loved this movie it was my favorite.

"And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea" I repeated as I keep my eyes on the movie, I could see Mattheo watching me from the corner of my eye.

"That she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature" I continued as I turned to Mattheo

and grabbed his chin.

"Leaned forward" I said leaning forward, "raised him to her lips and kissed that little

frog" I smiled before pressing my lips against Mattheo's.

He pulled away and started laughed

uncontrollably. "So I'm a frog?" Mattheo raised his eyebrows.

"No, you're a prince"

"And that makes you..."

"A queen obviously" I rolled my eyes playfully.

asked defensively.

"Why are you a queen but I'm a prince?" He

"Relax" I laughed.


I rested my head on Mattheo's chest as we watched the movie. "Aurora" he whispered, I lifted my head up and looked at him, he was crying.

"Mattheo, why..." I trailed off and sat up, he wiped under his eye and sniffled.

"What's wrong?" My heart broke seeing him like this, I don't know why he was crying but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with him acting all weird since our conversation about consent.

"I don't-I-fuck." he shouted making me flinch.

"Theo-" he quickly stood up and started pacing.

"Please Theo, you can tell me anything"

"No I can't. I don't want you thinking I'm pathetic or w-weak"

I stood up and walked up to him, grabbing his hands and squeezed them lightly. "Whatever you tell me it will never make me think you're weak or pathetic." I looked up at him, pleading for him to talk to me.

He brought his hand up to his forehead and inhaled harshly.

"She-she's on me an-I was just fucking s-sleeping, I was sleeping!" He cried.

My bottom lip shook as I tried to say something say anything but I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. I didn't really know what he was trying to say.

"I got woken up by her o-on me, I-I didn't even know what she was doing" he swallowed hard, I squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him.

"I was fourteen" he whispered. My heart broke.

My eyes filled with tears, I expected what he was going to say next but it didn't hurt me any less.

"I don't even know if I can call it r-rape" he closed his eyes and tears fell down his cheeks, my stomach twisted, I felt sick. I felt angry, I wanted to kill this evil bitch, with my bare fucking hands.

My eyes got heavy and my tears flowed out of them, "Mattheo, I'm so sorry" I whispered, shaking my head. He wouldn't look at me he kept his eyes closed and his jaw tight.

"I didn't I didn't say no. But I didn't-" he cried and rested his head on my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair.

"I didn't want to, I should have s-stopped her." He cried into my shoulder.

"Mattheo, hey look at me" I lifted his head and wiped his tears. "You are not pathetic or weak." I stated. "You are strong. You're a survivor." I pulled him in, wrapping my arms around him as he tucked his head into my chest, he tried to silence himself as he cried. "I couldn't she wouldn't stop. She just-" he


"Sit" I whispered and say him down on my bed crouching down in front of him, I rested my hands on his knees and looked up at him.

"She kept telling me that I-I wanted it, I wanted her, but Aurora-" he let out a shaky breath, "I didn't want to"

Realization that I was probably the first person he told this to hit me like a bus, I tried not to cry, I didn't want to make it worse for him.

"I don't know how she overpowered me, I guess - I guess I didn't know what was happening- until...." he trailed off.

He was fourteen, god was it his first time. I swallowed hard and wiped my tear away.

"Scream" I stood up, he looked up at me and

furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let it all out. Scream" I grabbed my wand and put a silencing spell on the room.

He stood up and walked to me, "do you do this often?" He asked.

"Alone when I need to let go of all the toxic things that in my life" I wiped his tears of his


"Now scream, it feels so good" I nodded reassuring him.

His screams shattered my heart, they sent chills down my spine and a cold feeling in the back of my neck.

His screams were dark and spoke the language of pain and sorrow.

Once he was done screaming I laid him on my bed and got in next to him pulling the covers over both of us, I pulled him in tight, he pressed his head against my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I stroked his hair and hummed to him until we both fell asleep.



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