Chapter 15

...Aurora Lupin ...

"What?" I asked, my eyes going wide as I stared at him.

"Do you want to fuck him?" Mattheo asked again.

"Wh-WHAT?!" I raised my voice.

"Yes or no, do you want to fuck Zabini?"

I stared at him with my mouth open, shocked.

Why would I want to sleep with Blaise?

I didn't want to, I wanted to be with Mattheo.

But if Theo wasn't in the picture, I don't know.

Would I?

"I'm taking your silence as a a yes" Theo smirked.

"What-no, I-that's not even-" I struggled to struggled to find a way to say what I was thinking.

Yes, Blaise's hot but homeboy have you seen yourself.

"Would you like to fuck me and him?" He smirked.

My mouth fell open even more with a small smile on my lip.

"I-I-how? I don't know what to say."

"Say what you want" Mattheo said, intensely staring down at me, I didn't know if this was some sort of trap to get me to admit feeling, that I don't even have for Blaise.

"I don't know, I guess that would be fun" I whispered, putting my head down.

"Hm" he chuckled, I lifted my head back up to meet his gaze trying to find a reaction, but I couldn't quite read his face.

"You would like that wouldn't you" he smirked, his hand going to my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Getting treated like a whore by both of us" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Y-yes" I whispered, my heart was racing and my legs felt like jello.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like with both of them.

At the same time!


What did I just get myself into? It's not like we're actually going to do it.. right?

Was I trying to convince myself? It's not like it's something I wouldn't enjoy.

I'd be quite fun, very enjoyable.

Shit, I really wanted to the more I think about it.

"I'll keep that in mind" he said calmly and walked out of the astronomy tower.


I stayed in the astronomy tower, glued to the floor, I couldn't move. My mind was just racing at all the possible ways they could make me


They way they would sound, hearing both of them at the same time would be enough to drive me over the edge.

Their grunts, their moans.

What would I sound like? I'd be a complete


They would laugh at how easy I would come

undone for them.

I picked at the skin on my bottom lip as my

mind raced.

I was finally snapped out of my trance when

my lip started bleeding.

I slowly walked back to my dorm like a zombie.

My mind raced all night and I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't even tell Kiara about this, she would think I'm crazy for wanting both of them at the

same time.

But have you seen them? Fuck it would be


After hours of laying in my bed the sun came

through my window and I had to get up and face Mattheo.

I walked into the great hall, looking for Mattheo

and I found him next to Blaise.


I walked past both of them as they smirked at


I tried to calmly walk by them and sit down, even though I was panicking.

Why was Mattheo talking to Blaise? Was he telling him what we takes about? He must be.


Mattheo Riddle

Once I walked into the great hall I instantly spotted zabini and sat down next to him.

"I don't want any trouble-" he started.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight" I roughly shook his shoulder in my hand.

"I came to talk about Aurora"

"What about her?" Zabini asked.

"Clearly you fancy her, and I'm fine with that obviously she fancy's me more but that's besides the point. I came here to ask if you wanted to sleep with her"

He froze as I laughed.

"W-what? Why would I-I mean yeah" he stuttered.

"Just wondering, apparently she wouldn't mind fucking you"

"Wait, really? Did she say that?" Zabini started getting excited but I sent him a glare.

"Here she comes, now let's mess with her" I chuckled.

As she walked by her eyes went wide and I could tell she was panicked but she tried to hide it.

"I have an idea, you just won your last quidditch game right?" I asked.


"Good, let's celebrate party in my dorm."

"Sick" Blaise chuckled.


Aurora Lupin

Throughout my classes I was still panicking about everything me and Mattheo talked about and the fact that he was talking to Blaise this morning.

I haven't talked to Mattheo yet today and I really didn't want to. I knew I had to eventually so I decided to talk to him during transfigurations.

"Theo" I whispered getting his attention.

He put his hand on my thigh and turned to face me, leaning in so he could hear me better..

"What?" He asked.

"Why were you talking to Blaise this morning?" I whispered.

He chuckled lightly, "I knew you'd still be freaking about that"

"Yes, obviously." I scoffed.

"You didn't tell him what we talked about did you?" I asked, trying to stay quiet.

"Not everything" he smiled

I gave him a concerned look before turning back to Mcgonagalls teaching.


I sat down in the common room my leg bouncing up at down I just wanted to hide in my room for the rest of the year.

I haven't even talked to my dad yet and I know he's going to be pissed that I'm-with Mattheo?

I guess we're not actually together.

"So... I heard you want to fuck me"

I looked up from my lap and saw Blaise staring down at me with a wide smirk across his face.

"Excuse me" I stood up facing Blaise, "can you be quiet!"

"If you've wanted to hookup all these years you could have just asked. Kinda turned my on though, hearing it from your boyfriend" he smirked, keeping his voice hushed.


"You going to his party?" Blaise asked.

"What party? Theos having a party?" I asked Blaise not really giving him enough time to answer before I walked out towards the boys dormitory's.

I waited in theos' dorm for a few minutes before he walked into his dorm.


"You're throwing a party?" I asked before he could finish his sentence.

He closed his door and threw his bag down on the ground.

"Yes" he replied.

"You should go." He said as his head snapped around the room.

"Okay," I sighed and stood up from his bed.

"Sorry, I just-I'm meeting someone" he said.

"Oh..." I whispered keeping my head down.

Who is he meeting? Is he mad at me for saying those things about Blaise? Shit.

"Are are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No" he said calmly.

Was he meeting another girl? Is that why he looked panicked?

"Well, have fun at your party" I said and walked

to the door. I was being petty. But who was he meeting? None of your business Aurora..

"You're not coming?" He stopped me from opening his door.

"I don't know" I whispered.

"I want you to" he said annoyed.

I wanted to ask who he was meeting, but I

didn't want to be some annoying, clingy girl that asks him a thousand questions after we hooked up once.

Was it just a hook up? I thought it was more than that we were more than that.

"Fine, I'll be there" I whispered before reaching for his door handle again.


Friday night

I had barely spoken to Mattheo since Wednesday afternoon in his dorm.

I sat on my bed waiting for Kiara to finish up getting ready, I wore some simple dark wash jeans and a crew neck. I didn't even want to go.

I was still stressing over the Blaise thing and about who Mattheo was meeting and why he was so secretive about it.

"Ready?" Kiara exited the bathroom smiling.

"Sure" I sighed.

Mattheos dorm was filled with the whole quidditch team and a few other slytherins.

Before I knew it Theo was wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"I'm glad you're here" he smiled. "I've got something planned for you tonight" he whispered.

"Where are the drinks?" I asked, definitely needed some liquid courage for whatever he had planned tonight.

"Nope, you're not drinking tonight" he said.

"Why?" I asked with a hint of attitude.

"I need you sober enough to consent" he smirked.

I swallowed hard, I didn't like the sadistic smirk he had.

"Looks like someone's got quite the attitude tonight" Blaise came up to the other side of me throwing his arm over my shoulder.

My heart started racing faster than normal, both of their arms around my waist and shoulder, their roughly touch driving me insane.

"We should do something about that attitude" Blaise smirked past me at Theo.

Fuck! This is what he had planned tonight?

I'm pretty sure my heart is going to burst out of my chest.

"Don't worry, we will" Mattheo squeezed my waist before pulling away and joining the party.

Blaise did the same, "you coming?" He asked.


Throughout the party I stayed sober. It was exhausting. I just wanted one drink to calm my nerves.

I walked over to the area where all the different alcohol was and grabbed the first thing I could find, vodka.

I quickly grabbed a cup and poured a good amount of vodka in, I quickly downed it before Mattheo could see.

I threw the cup away and went to find Kiara.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked, she was talking to a boy from the slytherin quidditch team.

"Really good, look how hot he is" she whispered with a big smile.

"Have fun" I chuckled, before walking away.

I turned around and saw Lucy dancing with Pansy.

I walked over to the two smiling at Lucy, she saw me and quickly pulled her hand away from Pansy's waist.

"Having fun?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Yeah, Pansy's a great dancer" Lucy said quickly.

"Okay, I'll leave you two to your dancing" I smiled at Pansy as she blushed.

"Love you" I smiled at Lucy, simply telling her I accepted her if she was with Pansy or not.

"You too" she smiled, as I walked away I heard Pansy and Lucy giggle.

I looked straight ahead and saw Blaise and Mattheo leaning against the wall, staring at me.

As their hungry eyes moved down my body I shifted awkwardly.

I knew exactly what Theo had planned, and the anticipation was killing me.

I wandered the party for a few hours to scared to talk to Mattheo or even look In the direction of him and Blaise.

They were all buddy-buddy tonight. They have barely even talked and now their best friends.

They must find me amusing.

"Alright, party's over" Theo shouted as he smirked at me.

My eyes went wide and I looked towards the door as everyone started to leave.

Run. This is where you run.

I tried to tell myself to run but my feet wouldn't move, a part of me wanted to stay with Mattheo and Blaise.

"I'm glad you decided to stay" Mattheo said as the last few students left his dorm.

"Did I have a choice?" I asked with a hint of attitude.

"Don't act like you don't want this" he chuckled.

"We all know you do" Blaise came up beside Mattheo staring down at me with the same sadistic smirk Mattheo had.

"So what?" I laughed, crossing my arms over my chest. "You think because I want you two I'm just gonna do anything you tell me to?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I think" Mattheo said sternly.

He was right.

"Well I'm not" I lied.

"I think you will" Blaise chuckled.

I looked around the empty room and back at

the door, I could leave.

Did I really want to though?

I looked back at the boys, Mattheo's brown curly hair draped over his forehead, his tongue

licking his bottom lip as he eyed me.

Blaise eyed me down as well as he bit the inside of his cheek.

I stayed silent as I looked between the two boys,

I didn't know how to say 'I want both of you!'

"Do you want this?" Theo asked.

"Yes" I mumbled.

"Good, strip." He said as his eyes wandered

down my body.

I took a step away from the boys, eyeing them one last time before confidently pulling off my crew neck and tossing it on the ground leaving

me in my black bra and jeans.

The boys eyed me hungrily, I unbuttoned my

pants, keeping my eyes on them trying to seem confident, but I'm reality my heart was racing and I was started to feel insecure about being

in my bra and underwear around them. I pulled off my pants leaving me in my black

bra and underwear.

Mattheo chuckled darkly, "what happened to all that confidence you had earlier?"

"What did she say?" He asked Blaise.

"Hmm, you think just because I want you two I'm just gonna do anything you tell me to" Blaise copied my words from earlier.

Blaise came around behind me and unclasped my bra and Mattheo walked in front of me and knelt down as he pulled my underwear down. My nipples hardened as the cold air hit them,

I instantly felt very self conscious and covered my boobs up

"No need to hide" Mattheo whispered.

Blaise came back around, both of them faced me, they really took their time watching my body.

They both took a step towards me and wrapped their mouths around each of my nipples,

making me gasp.

Mattheo swirled his tongue around my right nipple as Blaise sucked on my left nipple.

They both pulled away after I moaned, the two boys stood in front of me and pulled off their shirts.

I pinched myself making sure this was really happening, my hands moved to Mattheo's belt, pulling it off for him before moving my hands to Blaise's belt.

The need to have them grew more and more as I saw them pull down their pants and stand in front of me in their boxers.

"Show us what you want" Mattheo said, he walked over to his nightstand and pulled out his box of condoms.

I grabbed Blaise by his shoulders, keeping my eyes on Mattheo, I pushed Blaise down onto the bed, his hands grabbed my hips as I straddled him.

I pulled his boxers down as he dragged his lips across my neck, Mattheo passed me a condom. I opened the condom and put it on Blaise.

I grabbed his dick and pushed him into me as I kept eye contact with Mattheo.

Mattheo had a smirk on his face as he watched me ride Blaise.

I moaned as Blaise started squeezing my hips and kissing my neck. He wasn't as big as Mattheo but pretty close.

I pulled his head back bringing his lips away from my mouth so I could kiss him, my lips locked with his, his mouth engulfed my moans.

I pulled my lips away from his and started to quicken my pace, my head fell back as moans escaped my mouth.

Thankfully Theo had already put a silencing spell on his room so no one else could hear the music from the party, I was able to be as loud as

I want.

"Your moans sound beautiful" Theo praised as he came up behind me and grabbed the back of my neck pulling my head further back, My eyes locked with his as I continued to ride Blaise. Blaise's lips reconnected with my neck, kissing and nipping.

"Do you like this?" Theo asked squeezing my neck. "Fucking him while I watch you?" He asked a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Yes" I moaned.

Mattheo gripped my hair and pulling me off Blaise, spinning me around to face him.

"Dirty slut, don't you think?" Mattheo asked


"Dirty slut" Blaise said agreeing with Mattheo.

Matthen let go of my hair and pushed me back towards Blaise, Blaise grabbed my hips and

pulled me down reentering me.

I moaned as Blaise hit my g-spot effortlessly, my mouth fell open and Mattheo grabbed my jaw and held my mouth open.

I reached my hands up and pulled down

Mattheo's boxers, I wrapped my mouth around Mattheo's tip as Blaise gripped my hips and bucked his hips, pounding into me.

Mattheo roughly grabbed my jaw and pushed himself into my mouth. As I moaned around mattheo he grunted, Blaise's hand slapped

my ass jolting me forward, forcing more of Mattheo into my mouth.

Blaise's hand wrapped around my waist his fingers rubbing my clit softly.

Mattheo kept both of his hands on both the

sides of my cheeks, my head bobbing back and forth around him as he face fucked me. "You're doing a good job taking me down your throat" Theo praised.

"You feel better than I ever could have

imagined" Blaise said keeping his fingers

circling my clit and his other hand on my lower back.

I moaned around Mattheo's dick again, making him groan. I grabbed his wrists for support.

Mattheo brought his two fingers to his mouth

and locked them before bringing them to my nipples, he circled around my nipples with his wet fingers, Blaise continued to pound into me, gripping my body tightly surely leaving his mark.

With the both of them penetrating me I found

myself coming close to my high, my stomach

tightened, Right before I was going to reach my high Blaise pulled out of me, Without warning Mattheo finished in my

mouth, I swallowed after he pulled out and wiped my chin.

Blaise pulled off the condom before grabbing my hair and and pushing me on my knees, as

I fell onto my knees I opened my mouth, ready

for him.

He pushed himself down my throat, gripping

my hair tightly.

"You're such a fucking slut" Mattheo chuckled

darkly from behind me.

With one final grunt Blaise came in the back of my throat. I quickly swallowed and was pulled up by Mattheo.

Mattheo laid me down on my back, Blaise walked to the side of the bed.

Mattheo crawled on top of me and kissed me. He pulled away his hand wandered down my waist, "you did good for us, but we're not done with you yet" Mattheo smirked.

Mattheo kissed down my chest and stomach, his fingers stroked my thigh.

Blaise laid down on the bed beside me, he leaned in and kissed my nipple making me

moan quietly.

Mattheo peppered my thighs with kisses and Blaise sucked on my nipple, I gasped Mattheo. kissed my clit, he grabbed my thighs and pulled them over his shoulder, he kept his hands on the top of my thighs as they rested on his


Blaise stopped sucking on my nipple and kissed

up my neck, Mattheo started sucking my clit.

"Yes, Theo" I moaned as he entered his tongue

into me, I grabbed his hair pushing his head.

Blaise kissed up my jaw before pulling my head

towards him and pressing his lips against mine.

Mattheo flicked his tongue back and forth

inside me, I started to push my legs together but

Mattheo held them open as he licked up and

down my clit.

I kept one of my hands on Mattheo's hair the

other one went to Blaise's jaw as I kissed him,

my mouth fell open, I couldn't continued to kiss

him back as I reached my high.

I moaned against Blaise's lips as I finished on

Mattheo's tongue.

"You taste so good witch." Mattheo whispered as

he kissed my thighs.

Blaise reached down and dragged his fingers

across my slit, he brought his fingers back up to

his lips and sucked them clean of my arousal.

"You taste lovely" Blaise smirked.

I sat up, Mattheo shifted to my side, Blaise and

him both on other sides of me.

I grabbed Mattheo's shoulders and pulled him towards me smashing my lips against his, his hands went to my waist pulling me closer to him.

I pulled away from his lips and turned to Blaise grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him.

"I want you...." I ran my hands down Blaise's chest, "in my mouth" I whispered.

I turned my head to the side looking back at Mattheo, he must have already known what I wanted from him because he gripped my hips and pulled me on my hands and knees.

I gasped at his sudden action, I heard him open a condom wrapper behind me, Blaise grabbed my jaw.

A small moan escaped my lips as Mattheo lined himself up with me, pressing his tip inside me.

"Beg" he said holding my hips tightly. "Beg us, tell us how much you want us" Mattheo said.

"Please you both make me feel so good" I begged.

Without warning Mattheo slammed into me making me jolt forward towards Blaise.

"Open" Blaise demanded, I did as he asked and opened my mouth, Blaise pushed himself down my throat making me gag around him.

My cheeks hollowed out around Blaise, Mattheo pounded into me, I moan around Blaise's dick only making him face fuck me faster.

Tears started to fall down my face as I gagged around Blaise. Mattheo hit my g-spot effortlessly as he wrapped his arm around my waist and working my clit.

I found myself coming close to my second orgasm of the night. I moaned and gagged around Blaise, my moans were muffled but their moans echoed off the walls only bringing me closer to my high.

Blaise shot his cum into the back of my throat, I swallowed trying not to cough, I was finally able to breath out of my mouth. My breathing was heaving and I was exhausted.

As I reached my high I moaned and dug my nails into the comforter, I let out one final moan as I came around Mattheo's dick.

Soon after I came so did Mattheo, we all fell back onto the bed, exhausted.

All of our chests rose and fell quickly, my thighs were sore and I knew I wasn't going to be able to walk properly in the morning, but I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing that was.

I have never felt anything like that before, nothing will ever compare to that, they way they treated me, with respect but also as if they were better than me, I know it shouldn't have turned me on, them degrading me and making me beg but the begging only made me want

them more.

"Holy fuck" I whispered.


Okay.... HOLY FUCK is right Aurora.

Anyways what did y'all think? ->


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