Chapter 13

...Aurora Lupin ...

"Lucy! Kiara! I'm dying!" I shouted, slamming my dorm door behind me.

"What's wrong?!" Kiara shouted standing from her bed.

"You'll never guess what just happened." I said walking to my bed and laying down.

"You fucked Mattheo?" Lucy asked.

"How'd you know?" I asked sitting up from my bed.

"You were limping" Lucy laughed, "so I'm guessing he's HUGE!"

"You have no idea! He was fucking amazing and KNEW what he was doing."

"I thought you weren't going to do anything serious with him until you got to know him." Kiara said.

I was a little hurt by her comment, I did know him.

"I know him." I said.

"But last time you did something like this with him he ignored you for days! I heard you cry yourself to sleep the first night he ignored you. I don't want you getting hurt." Kiara stood up from her bed and grabbed my hands.

"He apologized, a-and I wasn't crying, you know it was allergy's." I shrugged.

"I'll kick his ass if he hurts you" Lucy said.

"Do you think he'll ignore me again?" I asked, my emotions were all over the place and I really just wanted to cry.

"No, he'll come running back for more if anything" Lucy hyped me up.

"I need to shower" I sighed.

"What about dinner?" Kiara asked.

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled walking to the bathroom, a nice warm shower will soothe my aching muscles.


The next morning I got up early and started with my chores, Kiara was still in bed so I had to be quiet. I decided to clean off my desk and do some schoolwork, after that I made my bed and grabbed my dirty laundry.

After dropping off my clothes I started my fucking period and had to rush to the closest bathroom, I fucking hated my period, I had the worst cramps and a cold sweat which is literally the worst! I often had to skip classes and go to the hospital wing and get some pain relief potion.

I finished up in the bathroom and washed my hands. The cramps already started and felt like someone was taking a cheese grater to my insides!

While my clothes were getting washed I went to the great hall for breakfast, I grabbed a bagel and gave the other half to Lucy.

I grabbed my clean clothes and went back to my dorm. I struggled carrying my laundry basket and my bagel so I held my bagel in my mouth as I opened my door.

As I opened my door a pair of hands wrapped around my waist making me drop my basket

on my foot and drop my bagel.

"Fuck." I hissed as I lifted my basket off my foot.

"Sorry" Theo chuckled from behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a kinda

annoyed tone.

"Um- I just wanted to come say good morning"

"Oh, morning" I sighed.

I wasn't mad at him, just all my emotions were all over the place and I was overthinking everything about last night, I started worrying that he was going to ignore me Again and the thought of him ignoring me and not wanting to talk to me was killing me.

I turned around and saw my bagel on the floor and started crying.


Stop crying!!

Why am I crying?

Ugh I was really looking forward to that bagel. "Are are you crying?" Mattheo asked putting

his hand on my shoulder. I hid in my hair as I continued to cry silently, obviously not that silent because he knew I was crying.

"Aurora are you ok?" He asked turning me around, I held my head down. I didn't want him to see me crying, especially over a fucking bagel!

"Yes. I'm fine" I huffed and turned around entering my room, I dropped my basket at the end of my bed and turned around and watch Mattheo pick up the bagel and throw it in the trash.

"I'm sorry about the bagel, I'll go get you a new

one." He said walking up to me.

"No, it's fine, really." I tried to reassure him but

I was just lying.

"Are you sure your alright? You were crying over a bagel" He tried not to laugh but I saw him smiling.

"It's not funny" I pushed him back by his chest..

"Sorry, I d-"

"My roommates sleeping" I hushed him.

"I guess I'll just go" he mumbled looking


"No, Theo wait." I sighed grabbing his arm and.

pulling him back.

"I'm sorry, okay my emotions are all over the

place and I- I'm being a bitch, I'm sorry" I ran

my fingers down his arms and held his hands.

"I don't think you're being a bitch" he whispered.

"Can you just tell me what's going on?" He asked rubbing his thumb on the back of my


"I should wake up Kiara, we have class soon"

"Okay" Theo mumbled. "Meet me for lunch, we can eat in here" I smiled

at him. "Alright" he smiled and leaned in kissing my cheek.

After Mattheo left I sat down on my bed and hide in my hands, I can't believe I cried infront of him, and over a bagel!

Fuck I'm really hungry.

I woke Kiara up and got ready for class, I wasn't really planning on doing much makeup because I was tired and feeling lazy but my bitchy hormones gave me a mother fucking

pimple on my temple, luckily it was able to be

covered by my hair and some concealer.

I got dressed in my normal uniform and me

and Kiara headed down to the common room.

Lucy was talking to Pansy. Me and Kiara

walked up to them.

"Hey, me and Pansy were just talking about

potions!" Lucy was quick to announce.

"Hello to you too" Kiara laughed.

"Hi," Pansy chuckled, "oh look there's Draco, I'm

gonna go-"

"Hey ladies" Draco smirked wrapping his arms

around Pansy and Lucy.

"Hands off Malfoy" Lucy scoffed and pushed his arm off her.

He pulled his arm off Pansy as well.

"Did you win last night?" I asked.

"Obviously, it was against the hufflepuffs"

Draco laughed.

"Don't make fun of the huffepuffs!" Lucy

elbowed him.

"I didn't see you at the game, have to say I'm a little disappointed" Draco sighed.

"I was b"

Lucy interrupted. "Busy with-" "Studying, I was studying" I quickly interrupted her, sending her a glare.

She made a "oh" face and smiled awkwardly.

I saw Mattheo coming down from the boys

dormitory's and quickly turned for the door.

It's not like I didn't want to see him and I did feel bad, this time I was the one ignoring him. But I just really didn't want to cry in front of him, again. My first class of the day was dada, with my dad. I got there early to be able to talk to him. "Hey dad" I smiled at him as I walked up to his desk.

"Would you look at that, it's my favorite student he chuckled...

I laughed along with him, "I'm sorry about the other day, where I yelled at you for asking Mattheo questions, I just i didn't want you making him feel uncomfortable." I sighed.

"I know, and it's very sweet of you to care about things like that, you're just like your mother" he smiled, "I got carried away and crossed a line, it won't happen again." My father reassured me.

"Okay" I smiled, "me, you and mom should get together this weekend"

"I'd love that, I'll owl her after class"

"Love you." I said as students started filling the class, I took my regular seat next to Lucy.

The class went by incredibly slow, and my cramps were only getting worse and worse, I walked up to the front of the class and asked my dad if I could leave early because I missed breakfast, he hesitantly said yes and I headed to the hospital wing to get something for my cramps.

After going to the hospital wing it was time for transfigurations, I had to sit next to Mattheo and I knew he was going to ask me if I was okay and want to talk about what happened this morning and I just begged myself and my hormones not to cry.

I sat down next to Mattheo, sorting my books out in front of me.

"Hey" he whispered, his hand found my thigh under the desk making me jump forward a little bit.

"Hey" I mumbled.

Professor Mcgonagall started teach and I was just praying he wouldn't try anything, like our last transfigurations class.

After class I grabbed my things and hurried to the bathroom hoping to have time to deal with my business before my next class.

"Can we talk?" Mattheo grabbed my hand right before I entered the bathroom.

"Can't you see I'm busy, sorry" I mentally slapped myself for snapping on him.

I pulled my hand away from him and went into the bathroom, not expecting him to follow me sense this was the girls bathroom.

"Theo what are you doing in here?" I asked, trying to hide my tampon in my hand.

"Are you mad at me? I just feel like you are, and if it's because we did something you weren't comfortable with I really want to apologize, I never wanted to make you fee"

"I'm not mad, I'm just trying to go to the bathroom before my next class." I huffed

crossing my arms over my chest.

"Are you sure? You seem pretty angry" he tried

to walk up to me but I backed up.

"I'm not angry ok!" I shouted.


I'm sorry" I sighed almost breaking down again.

"You can talk to me." Mattheo placed his hand on my shoulder.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm having a shitty day." I laughed and almost started crying again.

"Will you talk to me about it?" He asked kindly.

I smiled at him, "I started my period this morning and I'm having really bad cramps then I dropped my bagel and cried in front of you. I also feel like I've been a bitch to you all day." I explained quickly.

"You haven't been a bitch to me all day. You just seem on edge." Mattheo cupped my cheek.

I sighed and hid my face in my hands. "I'm embarrassed." I mumbled In my hands.

"I'm sorry- hey don't be embarrassed" Mattheo grabbed my shoulders.

"I know i was being annoying" he chuckled trying to make me feel better.

I whined in my hands.

"Don't be embarrassed a-alright" he laughed.

"Your laughing!" I pulled my head out of my hands and saw him bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing.

"Ugh- this is so embarrassing" I cried in my hands.

"No, no it's not, okay it's completely normal" he lifted my chin.

"It explains the attitude you've had all day"

"You're being mean" I glared.

"And why you cried over a bagel"

"Don't remind me" I hid in my hands again.

"I'll wait for you outside and then walk you to class"


Mattheo walked me to my next class, potions and kissed me on the cheek before going to his class.


After my classes I headed to my dorm and got dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I tucked myself in my bed and started doing some schoolwork, Kiara wasn't in our dorm so it was just me.

I heard a knock on the door and was to lazy to go open it, "come in" I sighed from my bed.

Mattheo poked his head in "Hey, I brought you something" he smiled.

He closed the door behind him and walked up to my bed holding something behind him.

"What is it?" I asked.

He pulled a plate out from behind his back with a bagel on it.

I blushed and hugged his waist as he stood in front of me, his hand fell to my head and started rubbing my hair.

"Thank you" I whispered against his stomach.

"You're welcome, m'lady" I pulled away from him, revealing his big smirk.

"M'lady" i whispered smiling brightly.

"What are you working on?" He asked passing my the plate with the bagel.

"Potions paper" I sighed.

"Do you need help?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"I was just about ready to give up."

"I'll do it" he offered, grabbing the parchment from me and my potions textbook.

"You don't have to do that" I shook my head as he looked at my potions textbook.

"I want to, beside you're going to get a way better grade if I do it" he joked.

"Alright, smartass I expect a outstanding!" I settled down in my bed and started eating.


Mattheo Riddle

Aurora fell asleep soon after finishing her bagel, I finished her potions paper and placed it on her nightstand along with a note.

I brushed her hair away from her face before leaving and going to my dorm.

My door was left open, telling me someone I didn't want here was here.

"Hello father" I sighed, closing my door behind me.

"Ah, my son" my father stood by the end of my bed.

"Apparently you've been busy" he said with a chuckle as he held up a empty condom wrapper.


"I sent you here for a reason!" He shouted storming up to me.

"You have been a disappointment your whole life! I should have killed your mother when she told me she was pregnant with you!" He grabbed my throat and slapped me up against the wall.

"You always bring her into our fights but you never tell me who she is!" I shouted his grip on my neck got tighter.

"Quiet! I didn't come here for a fight, I just wanted to know how my plan was going but now I'm curious who is this girl?" My father asked stepping away from me, removing his hand from my throat.

"No one" I lied.

"Is she a pureblood? I would hope so" he chuckled.

"I know you didn't come to ask me about a girl, so just get on with whatever you came to bitch about"

"Watch your attitude!" My father shouted.

"I'm getting quite bored sitting around waiting for you to do what I've asked you to do, so I want you to hurry up with the mission" my father said and then with a snap he was gone.



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