Chapter 4

"I'll be handing back your test now" Professor Mcgonagall said walking past the desk as she handed back everyone's tests.

Transfigurations isn't my best subject I struggled a lot last year but was still able to pass. But with my father being a teacher he wanted more from me than a D in transfigurations.

Mcgonagall walked past the desk in front of me and Mattheos desk and stood in front of me.

"Some of you.." she said passing Mattheos test back to him.

"Did better than other's" she finished her sentence passing me back my test with a disappointed face.

"See me after class" Mcgonagall said before walking off. Well fuck this can't be good.

"Shit" I said under my breathe before turning my test over to look at the grade.

"Shit indeed" Mattheo said leaning towards me as we both looked at my grade.

"Don't look at my paper" I said pulling my test away from his eyes.

I fucked up bad. My parents are going to kill me. Fuck. This is the worst test score I have ever gotten. A 63...

"It's not as bad as you think, your still passing" Mattheo said trying to make me feel better. It wasn't working.. I found it sweet that he was trying to cheer me up.

"What did you get?" I asked curiously looking over at Mattheos test. He quickly pulled his test away from me.

"What did you get?" I asked again. Mattheo smirked at me holding his test away from me.

"Worry about your own test." He said.

"I want to see there's now way you could have done bet...." Mattheo showed me this test he raised his eyebrow at me

"No way!" I said looking over his test. He got a 97!!

"How did you-

"You are all free to leave" Professor Mcgonagall said walking back up to her desk.

"Have fun" Mattheo smirked while standing up grabbing his test from me.

"You- you had to cheat there's no way." I said to Mattheo as he threw his bag over his shoulder.

"I didn't cheat, I'm just smarter than you" Mattheo smirked.

I stood up from my desk and walked to Mcgonagalls desk. She looked up from her desk and watched Mattheo walking past me.

"Mr. riddle could you stay too, I have an idea"

Mcgonagall said. Why would she want Mattheo to stay. What was her plan. I panicked as Mattheo walked up beside me and stood at my side. We both looked at Mcgonagall waiting for her to say something.

"Aurora you've had trouble these past few years with my class, not just with tests but also with transfiguration spells"

It wasn't a lie I could rarely transfigure anything. I looked down at the ground avoiding


"I think a few tutoring lessons would help, your a smart girl you just need a little help."

Mcgonagall said looking at Mattheo. I as well looked over at Mattheo confused about why he

was still here.

"I think Mr.Riddle could help you"

"What?" I snapped my head back to Mcgonagall.

"If Mr.Riddle agrees to tutor you I would advise you to take the lessons." Mcgonagall said. I could see Mattheo smirking out of the corner of

my eye. God he was so annoying!

"I wouldn't mind tutoring Miss.Lupin, I feel bad-I saw her test score today it wasn't the greatest, I think I could really help her." Mcgonagall smiled at Mattheo then turned her

attention back to me.

"Well what do you say?" Mcgonagall asked. I gulped I was going to fail this class if I didn't take the lessons, but also I don't think my father would be happy if I took lessons from Mattheo.

"I can't" I whispered.

"I don't understand your going to fail my class if you don't" Mcgonagall said.

"I know, I know but I don't think my dad would like me to" I whispered biting the inside of my cheek.

"Your father would want you to pass my class"

Mcgonagall said.

"Me dad doesn't want me" I paused looking over at Mattheo than back at Mcgonagall "he doesn't want me hanging around Mr.Riddle" I whispered. Mattheo scoffed from beside me.

"I'm offering to help you and your willing to fail

this class because your father doesn't want you hanging around me?" Mattheo scoffed again.

"I could try and find someone else to tutor you but most students aren't that eager to give tutoring lessons"

I looked to my side at Mattheo who was staring down at me with his kind eyes.. his eyes were oddly kind, I'm not saying that he isn't kind, I mean I don't really even know him so I

wouldn't know.

"I'll take the lessons from Mattheo" I said looking back at Megonagall.

"That's good to hear, I really think he can help you get your grade up" Mcgonagall smiled.

"You two can use my classroom, I suggest you two study ever night on school nights. I'll be done with my classroom at seven you two can use it from seven to eight"

"Alright I'm glad we got that sorted out, now get to your next classes!" Mcgonagall said me and Mattheo turned around..

"So Professor Lupin doesn't want me hanging around his daughter" Mattheo chuckled as we exited Mcgonagalls classroom.

"We should get started as soon as possible, do you want to start tonight?" I asked following quickly after his big steps.

"I suppose that offering to tutor you means I actually have to" Mattheo sighed.

"Why did you? Offer to tutor me?" I asked grabbing his arm stopping him and turning to face him.

"Should I not have?" Mattheo asked looking down at me.

"I just don't understand why you did" I said looking back up at the brown eyed boy.

"I'm not heartless" Mattheo chuckled "you suck at transfigurations I'm great at it, that's why" I blinked at him, he really didn't answer my question.

"I won't tell anyone if that's what your worried about"

"I- I'm not worried about people knowing." I sighed "I just don't want to hear it from them, 'he's dangerous, he's bad news, and I'm your father and you will stay away from that boy" I

mimicked my fathers voice.

"You Aurora your the only person who hasn't judged me because of my father, I appreciate that." Mattheo said his brown eyes scanning my face waiting for me to respond.

"I just don't think people should be judged because of their parents"

"Even if I am the devil in disguise?" Mattheo. smirked raising his eyebrow at me. "Shut up" I laughed playfully slapping his chest.

I sat at the slytherin table playing with my food. I was to stressed out to eat my first tutoring lesson with Mattheo was tonight. I

haven't told any of my friends and I'm not

going to. "What time is it?" I asked.

"6:49 you've asked ten times, hot date with Alex?" Kiara laughed biting her lip.

"No I have to study." I said.

I wish I had a date with Alex it would be way less stressful than tutoring lessons with Mattheo.

"I'm gonna go I'll see you guys later" I said

goodbye to Kiara and Lucy.

Mattheo was at the other end of the slytherin table I passed him as I walked out the door. He was eating his food while two boys sat beside him clearly bothering him.

"Aurora" someone grabbed my hand as I walked down the hall. My first thought was it was Mattheo. My heart fluttered at the thought

of it being Mattheo. I turned around to see who it was but it was

just Alex. My heart rate steadied as I looked up

at Alex's bright blue eyes. "Are you gonna swing past my dorm tonight?"

He asked smiling down at me. I looked down at my hand still in his.

"Maybe later I have something I have to do

right now" I smiled back at him.

"Where do you have to be?" Alex asked annoyed.

"I have to study for transfiguration. I suck."

"Study with me." Alex grabbed my hand tightly. I blinked up at him and pulling my hand out of

his rough grip. "I know we're just hooking up but I really want

to kiss you right now" Alex whispered leaning in brushing his lips against mine. I shook my head trying to reject him in the

nicest way possible. "I really want to see you tonight" he continued.

I was really getting annoyed. "I told you I need to study." I repeated, "and maybe we should calm down for a bit." I whispered. He knew from the beginning I

didn't want anything serious but now he's.

acting a little too clingy and wanted more than

just sex. Part of me feels bad but I was very clear with him about what this was..

"Lupin let's go" a dark voice said walking past me and Alex. I pulled away from him looking to see who that was. Alex pushed his eyebrows


Mattheo? He never calls me by my last name. Only infront of Professor Megonagall.

"That's who your studying out with?" Alex asked I turned my attention back to him.

I couldn't help but notice he looked upset. "Yes. I need help with transfiguration." "Aurora are you coming I don't have all night!" Mattheo slightly raised his voice walking back

up to me.

"Just a second" I said turning to see Mattheo right behind me... extremely close behind me.

"Where are you going with him?" Alex asked glaring past me at Mattheo.

Who knew Alex would be this possessive over me. I didn't want a relationship with him not that there was anything wrong with him. He a great guy. Great in bed... and all around the perfect boyfriend. But I could never see myself with him, we were just too different.. was

Telling Alex the truth was easier than lying even though failing transfigurations was embarrassing I wouldn't even know how to lie about this one.

"Mattheo's just-"

"How many people are you spreading your legs for?!" Alex yelled.

I inhaled quickly at his harsh words. Did he really just say that? I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Mattheo pushed past

me throwing a hard punch at Alex's face. "Mattheo!" I yelled.

Alex fell to the ground where Mattheo left him. He turned around to face me. "Let's go" Mattheo said my eyes traveled up to meet Mattheos. He

wasn't even phased about hitting Alex. "You can't jus"

"He deserved it" Mattheo spat glaring down at


He was right Alex did deserve to get punched

but I never would have thought Mattheo would have hit him.

Alex let out a big groan as he stood up.

"Whine about it later" Mattheo said looking at

Alex holding his bloody nose. "We've got somewhere to be" Mattheo said grabbing my elbow and pulling me towards Megonagalls classroom.

I hesitantly turned my head away from Alex and looked down the hall where Mattheo was leading me. I looked back up at the brown haired boy leading my away from Alex, his face was as calm as ever as he looked straight


"Are you seriously fucking him!" Alex yelled. My head snapped towards Alex. No one else was in the hallway but I was still shocked at how he spoke to me.

"No I'm not sleeping with him! Why would you even think that?!"

"Don't lie to me what else would you be doing with him!" Alex shouted, I scoffed.

"I shouldn't be surprised you'd spread your legs for anyone! Even the dark lords son!!" Alex yelled.

My chest hurt from his words.

"Don't give me another reason to hit you" Mattheo said annoyed standing by my side. Placing his hand lightly on my wrist.

"He's the son of a killer! You're so fucking desperate for attention" Alex scoffed wiping the blood from his nose.

"I'm not sleeping with him" I said storming up to him.

"You have no right to accuse me of sleeping with him just because I'm studying with him." I snapped.


"I don't want to hear your explanation, your a fucking whore and I'm done with you!"

Mattheo riddle

I've had enough of this, hearing him bitch and call her names and treat her like shit. It was

ridiculous. "Your a fucking whore and I'm done with you!"

He yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. Aurora took a step back "wh-" she mumbled.

I was tired of him treating her like she and he

definitely just crossed the line.

I pushed past Aurora slamming my fist into his face as he stumbled back I shook my hand that was now covered in his blood and mine. I took a step back towards Aurora, glaring at


"Learn how to keep your mouth shut, if I ever

hear you calling Aurora names again a bloody nose will be the least of your problems." I said to him.

Before I had time to react his fist was connected with my jaw. My hand came up to my cheek rubbing it lightly.

"Alex!" Aurora shouted "Big mistake" I chuckled

I fought him to the ground hearing Aurora yell from behind us. I held him by his collar before punching him.

Aurora lupin

I stood behind the boys with my mouth wide open.

What the fuck are they doing? Where are the teachers?

Alex managed to flip Mattheo over and started

punching him.

I flinched as he punched Mattheo. Oh god how do I stop this?

I furrowed my eyebrows and watched the boys.

He called me a whore. I jumped on Alex's back and wrapped my arm around his throat, "I'm not a whore." I gritted

out, "and I'm not someone you can treat like

shit." I tightened my arm around his neck. He had stopped fighting Mattheo. He stood up with me on his back. I quickly pulled away from him and jumped down to my


Alex spun around glaring at me, "why are you

defending him?"

"I'm not defending him! You called me a whore, I'm defending myself from you dickhead." I glared right back at him.

I heard Mattheo snort from behind Alex. I forced myself to hide my smile.

"Fucking pathetic both of you." Alex scoffed walking past me. I wanted to yell at him again

for calling us pathetic but I definitely don't

want to keep this going so I let him walk away. Mattheo started laughing, "God he is a


I laughed with him seeing his dimples that I

didn't know he had.

"we missed half of our tutoring lesson, we can just meet tomorrow" I said taking a step

forward away from the wall.

"But there's a bathroom down the hall, at least

let me clean your hand it's the least I could do I

smiled at Mattheo. "Alright lead the way" Mattheo smirked.

I wet a paper towel in the sink, while Mattheo

leaning against the wall behind me with his arms around his chest.

I lifted my head from the sink, looking at Mattheo through the mirror my eyes scanned his body, I could see how big his biceps were

through his robe. Mattheo smirked at me when

he saw me clearly checking him out.

I turned off the sink, ringing out the paper

towel before walking up to Mattheo.

I held the damp paper towel in my hand

holding the other one up to Mattheo crossed


I gasped when he brought his hand up to my cheek and brushed my hair out of my face.

I held eye contact with him before my stomach

swarmed with butterflies.

His knuckles were cut, bruised and bloody. I lightly pressed the damp towel on his cut trying not to hurt him but he didn't move a muscle he was completely unfazed by it.

I stared up at his cold eyes for a few seconds

while I cleaned his fist.

I looked back down at his hand that was now clean with no blood on it, it just had cuts on it but they weren't to deep and they already started healing.

"You're welcome" I joked looking back up at him before throwing the paper towel in the trash

"Funny" he said annoyed

"You gonna clean the rest of it?" He asked referring to his bloody nose and the cuts on the side of his face

"Do you want me to?" I asked

"Easier if you did it not me" he said.

I grabbed another paper towel and got it wet before walking back to him. I cleaned his temple against didn't move a muscle he really

wasn't fazed by the pain. He stared right at me. while I cleaned his face I tried to keep my eyes on his temple but I couldn't help looking at his


After cleaning his temple I looked down at his lips that were covered in blood from his nose. I awkwardly cleaned off his lips revealing the natural light pink color of his lips.

A small smirk appeared on his lips while I stared at his lips i awkwardly looked up at him regretting helping him clean up.

I cleaned under his nose and his nose was no longer bleeding. I let my hand fall to my side after I was done cleaning still looking at his lips.

"Here" he said grabbing the paper towel from me.

"What?" I asked looking away from his lips and up at his eyes.

"I got a little blood on you earlier" he said quietly.

"Oh okay" I whispered.

He put his hand up my my cheek where h8: fingers brush my cheek with his bloody hand. He wiped off the dried blood from my cheek before looking at my lips.

"Thanks" I whispered his eyes flickered up at my eyes before cupping my cheek leaning in.

No way! Now way he's leaning in right now! Why would he! Am I going to kiss him back? Do I want to kiss him back?

My stomach twisted at him leaning in. I closed my eyes. I was going to let him kiss me. I was ready to kiss him. I wasn't just going to let him kiss me I was going to kiss him back.

I wanted to kiss him back.

I wanted to kiss Mattheo Riddle...

His nose brushed up against mine before the sudden smell of his cologne filled my nostrils. My heart was pounding against my chest. My stomach felt like it was going to explode.

I could feel his lips millimeters away from mine, his big hand still on my cheek, I lifted my hand up lifting it up to the back of his head, his curly hair between my fingers.

As he leaned in closer the loud slam of a stall door slamming shut pulled us both away from each other. We both looked around the room, only to see moaning myrtle flying towards us.

I rolled my eyes at her, suddenly becoming very pissed she interrupted me and Mattheo.

"Oops, am I interrupting something" she giggled before I could tell Mattheo not to say anything because it would just make her cry he snapped back at her.

"Yes actually you are!" Mattheo spat annoyed

"I don't like you! Your very mean!" Myrtle yelled before flying down into a toilet crying

Mattheo turned back faced me. I bit my lip awkwardly looked down.

I was really about to kiss him.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said before quickly walking out of the bathroom.



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