Reborn Of Buisness Beauty
RBB ep 18
Professor A
May i know why you are sneaking in my lecture
Loria Haisley (FL)
Professor A
You are late Miss Haisley
Professor A
I want a clear explanation on your actions
Loria Haisley (FL)
I missed my first bus so need to wait for next one
Professor A
i hate it when people are not punctual
Loria Haisley (FL)
I apologize
Professor A
you were late and tried to sneak in my class as punishment you can't sit in my lecture for next 3 days
*loria walked towards the door*
Professor A
Miss loria where are you going. bunking the class ?
Professor A
Miss loria was i not clear go stand at back of class room for the lecture
Loria Haisley (FL)
*joy flashed in loria eyes as she stood at back of class and heard the lecture*
This was noticed by two people
Professor A
* shoulder relaxed *
Professor A
( a good student )
The second person * clenching fist *
Eyes burnig in anger and dissatisfaction
( you got damn lucky bit#h )