Reborn Of Buisness Beauty
RBB ep 11
*comes running inside*
Loria Haisley (FL)
*eyes slightly open*
Nurse 8gm Ambia Num and prepare shock machine
heart monitor lines dropping
heart monitor lines drops near to even
*removes his mask and walked out of door*
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*stood in front of him*
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*rushed up to doctor and grabbed his neck suffocating him*
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
She can't die!!!!
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*her eyes were bloodshot full rage*
It's... Already a miracle she survived so long.....ahh... *struggling to speak due to strong hold* she was severely wounded lots of cuts and tore up skin.... She suffered psychologically tooo....
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*loosen her grip*
Something triggered her to remember it
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*left his collar and walked towards door*
[BFF of Fl] Helery Johnson
*suddenly falls after seeing loria's cold body and lost her conscious*
Nurse runs over and holds her