Reborn Of Buisness Beauty
RBB Ep :- 01
Thunder cracked loudly in sky in between the sound and lightening, storm and rain, A woman stood at the end of the cliff , blood dripped mixed with rain water from her hair as she looked down. Her white dress was covered with mud splashes and dirt at brim of it , dress was torn up from different sides revealing ugly wounds underneath.
Suddenly a woman in all maroon walks out of forest near the cliff , chuckling as she walked towards the cliff and stood few meters away from the woman .
Loria's voice broke louder than last time as she trembled in blowing winds.
Loria Haisley (FL)
WHY ???
Jane Gomes
Good Question bad timing
Loria looked down at her ankle which was clasped by metal chain to metal ball
Loria Haisley (FL)
Pls... *voice broke* let me go
Jane Gomes
Cuz... Dear silly Loria i want you dead
Loria Haisley (FL)
But i...
Jane cut through her words
caught me off-guard 😂😂