Reborn Of Buisness Beauty
RBB Ep 6
Erich[FL DAD]
Lor your result are out you got 1st position
Loria Haisley (FL)
*eyes widen*
Loria Haisley (FL)
Loria Haisley (FL)
Loria Haisley (FL)
Oh my god
Loria Haisley (FL)
Loria Haisley (FL)
*started hopping*
Loria Haisley (FL)
i can't belive it
Della [FL MOM]
Yes i thought that you can make to top 5 as your health was not good
Erich[FL DAD]
I'm proud of you
Loria Haisley (FL)
Thank you
Erich[FL DAD]
i am very happy what do you want ???
Loria Haisley (FL)
Erich[FL DAD]
Just ask something
Loria Haisley (FL)
Mm i want permission...
Erich[FL DAD]
Permission for what
Loria Haisley (FL)
To study whatever i like
Della [FL MOM]
*staring suspiciously*
Loria Haisley (FL)
Can i purse for Buisness and software together
Della [FL MOM]
It's not a stable career
Loria Haisley (FL)
Dad you promised
Della [FL MOM]
*left from there*
Loria Haisley (FL)
Dad pls help me
Loria Haisley (FL)
thanks dad
Loria Haisley (FL)
Della [FL MOM]
Only on one condition
Loria Haisley (FL)
Loria Haisley (FL)
Just say it
Della [FL MOM]
You need to study Architecture
Erich[FL DAD]
Just accept it
Loria Haisley (FL)
Then it's done
Loria Haisley (FL)
*tear escaped from her eyes*
Loria Haisley (FL)
Loria Haisley (FL)
Sorry Heily i should have trusted you
Good thing you realise it but it's too late now , well maybe there are more interesting things you can do afterwards /Chuckle/