Reborn Of Buisness Beauty
RBB ep 15
Loria Haisley (FL)
I will not repeate my mistake
She heard a familiar voice outside her room
Loria Haisley (FL)
Mom.... *sob*
Loria Haisley (FL)
Mom i will come in 15mins
Della [FL MOM]
you will make heilly late
At mention of heilly she teared up again
Loria Haisley (FL)
I am so dumb
Loria Haisley (FL)
But i will know trust you more
Loria Haisley (FL)
*glance at clock showing 7:48 AM*
She ran in bathroom to fresh up
Loria Haisley (FL)
*running down the stairs*
Della [FL MOM]
Don't rush on stairs
Della [FL MOM]
*making breakfast*
Erich[FL DAD]
*reading newspaper*
Loria Haisley (FL)
(this looks so peaceful i missed this feeling from 4 years)
Loria Haisley (FL)
Good Morning Mom ( i missed you ) * back hug her*
Della [FL MOM]
Good Morning lor
Loria Haisley (FL)
Good morning Dad (i missed you so much) *side hug him*
Erich[FL DAD]
Good morning lor
Loria Haisley (FL)
*took a slice of bread and ran towards the door*
A hand streched to pull loria back but passed in air
Loria Haisley (FL)
*turned around*
Loria Haisley (FL)
not today mom
Loria Haisley (FL)
*ran out of house*
Della [FL MOM]
*staring in empty space*
Della [FL MOM]
*hand still streched out*
having practicals from 16 Feb
I don't know a word
But still writing here more than 150 words
thanks to this reader for reading and liking my story
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