Episode 15

As Helen once again fell asleep in the arms of her exhausted, teary-eyed mother, Renato was gathered at his parents' home with his entire family and friends, enjoying a farewell lunch prepared in his honor.

In the living room, everyone was engaged in conversation while he made yet another attempt to call Helen. Danilo approached his godson and murmured under his breath so that no one else could understand their exchange, making him feel as though he were in a spy movie.

"Everything's arranged; you have an interview with Manuel at one of my branches tomorrow," Danilo whispered.

"Thanks, godfather, just make sure she doesn't find out I asked for your help, or she won't take the job. I'll send the money for her salary."

"Don't worry, I can cover it, and the job advertisement we posted basically describes her to a tee, so I don't think we'll get many other applicants. I've already told HR I want her and her alone."

"I don't know how I can ever repay you for all that you do for me."

"Just come back soon," his godfather said, hugging him and whispering in his ear, "Don’t deny yourself her love; it's clear you adore her."

"She wants nothing to do with me. I've called several times today and her phone is off."

"There's still such a thing as a text message."

"You're right."

Renato pulled out his cell phone, composed a short message, pocketed the device again, and hoped that this time she would reply.

Danilo glanced out the window at the twins in the garden under an umbrella, talking with Abigail and then embracing her affectionately as if celebrating something.

"Something's going on out there; let's go see."

"Better yet, let's gather the rest of the family. Abi has something to tell them."

"Alright, it’s clear you already know what it's about," he remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Abi and I have no secrets."

"Well, let's bring everyone together."

Renato called everyone into the living room and wrapped his sister in a warm embrace while the twins clapped joyfully.

"Renato, you're very kind, but it's my turn to speak and share what's happening. It’s my responsibility."

"Agreed, little sister, I'm with you," he said, kissing the top of her head before sitting down beside Lorenzo.

Standing before everyone, Abigail felt her legs weaken. She exhaled slowly and began to speak with a nervous yet steady voice, to avoid repeating herself.

"Family, I have something to tell you, it’s not easy, but I hope for your support and understanding," she said, looking especially at her father. "Things with Hernan didn't turn out as I had hoped, and I decided that ending the relationship was the best and healthiest option," she sighed before continuing her story. "He no longer lives with me, which is why he isn't here today, and I hope you can accept my decision."

"I knew it," Facundo couldn't hide his joy. "I never liked that man, he wasn't right for my girl."

"Dad, no man is ever right for your princess," Lorenzo interjected. "Let her finish speaking."

"Dad, you were right, he is a complete idiot," Abi said with tears in her eyes, cursing her hormones at that moment. "He let me down in the worst way, but I forgive him and hope you all can too, because he left me with an incredible gift," she said, placing her hand on her belly, and April understood immediately, bringing her hands to her mouth and connecting eyes with her daughter in shared emotion.

"There's no need for anything from that man, whatever it is, you can send it back," Facundo answered crossly. "You have enough money to buy whatever you want."

"Facundo, look at your daughter and stop interrupting," April scolded. "I couldn't return it. We're going to be grandparents!" she exclaimed excitedly, rising to embrace her daughter lovingly. "Congratulations! This little one already has the love of the whole family; a father isn't needed."

"Thanks, mom. I was afraid you wouldn't accept it."

"Darling, in this house, all babies will always be welcomed, whether they are of our own blood or not."

"Tell me what that Hernan idiot did to you so I can go kill him," Facundo asked angrily. "He gets you pregnant and then leaves you on your own."

"He doesn't know about the baby, and I don't want him to."

"Facundo, that man doesn't matter, come hug your daughter; she's shaking like a leaf."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Facundo obeyed and hugged his little girl tightly. "You have our support. I love you, little one."

"And I love you all."

"This calls for celebration," Sabrina cheered. "Congratulations, goddaughter. I recommend a cesarean; the anesthesia is a super fun ride."

"Sabrina, no one's drugging my daughter. She'll have her baby like her mother did," Facundo stated sternly. "Naturally and without fear."

"Don't argue about the birth; there's plenty of time for that. Plus, I hope my child is born in a hospital and not in my bedroom. My birth story still seems incredible to me."

"More incredible was finding out you were a girl. That day, you nearly lost your godmother. Your father wanted to kill me," Sabrina said, laughing as she recalled the incident.

Everyone laughed, chatted amongst themselves, and spent the day recounting stories.

Renato checked his watch and decided it was time to return to his apartment, thus interrupting the hugs and affection given to Abigail as he said his farewells.

"Family, the time to say goodbye has come, and I don't want you to come to the airport, so we’ll say our goodbyes here and now."

"Son, come back soon," April hugged him once more as she began to cry. "Promise me you'll call often."

"I promise."

"Take care of yourself, son. I wish you much success and that the business operates perfectly," Facundo said, shaking his hand and winking.

"I hope so."

"Godson, don't worry about anything; I've got that matter handled."

"I'm counting on that," he shook his godfather's hand, mimicking his father's wink without realizing it and laughed at the unintentional imitation.

"Brother, remember that if you need me to travel for anything, I'll do it," Lolo said, hugging him and whispering. "I think you should reconsider the surgery."

"Thanks, Lolo, I know I have your support."

"Renato's not going to have surgery; he's just going for work, so don't put silly ideas in his head," April overheard the whisper and made her stance clear. "He's beautiful; he doesn't need any surgery."

"Not everyone is as strong as you, mother," Lorenzo replied. "Some of us have our fears and can't accept our imperfections."

"Enough. My godson is leaving; this is supposed to be a temporary farewell to show our support," Erica interjected. "Today, we should prove we're a united family and not fight over trivialities. I’m sorry, April, but this time I agree with Lolo. Renato will decide what he wants to do with his face, and it's not for us to interfere; we should only offer our support. Now come here, sweetheart, and hug your godmother."

Renato embraced his exuberant godmother who, despite her tendency to talk too much, was the only one who could silence his mother.

"Thank you, godmother; I'm going to miss you."

And with that, the young man said his goodbyes one by one to his family members and left the mansion, a lump in his throat but with hopes for a brighter future.


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