Episode 6

On Sunday, Renato woke up early in the morning and, weary from thinking about the enigmatic woman, decided she was just one of many and he would forget her, after all, he didn't even know who she was. At noon, he lunched at his parents' home, where everything was normal, and they caught up with each other.

Abigail introduced her new boyfriend, a very quiet man who spent the time observing the family's interactions. Hernan, when he finally spoke, surprised everyone with the news that he was going to move in with Abigail.

"Daughter, isn't it too soon?" Facundo intervened, troubled by something about the young man. "You've only just met, and you are very young to make such a decision."

"Dad, I'm twenty-seven and already live on my own."

"I know, but living together is different; it's sharing your life with someone you hardly know." He looked for April, seeking her support. "Love, what do you think? Say something."

"If my daughter is happy, we have no right to object. Look at us, we married within six months, had Reni, and I was pregnant, and it didn't turn out so badly. You have my support."

"Traitor." Facundo huffed and approached to kiss his wife. "You’ll pay for this, kitten."

"Don't worry, I'm already sharpening my claws."

"Good Lord, you're too old to be talking like that," Lorenzo, the most daring one, always taunting his parents. "Get a room."

Renato observed his family but his mind was light-years away, or rather, his thoughts were overshadowed by a blonde and her dragonfly, no matter how much he swore to forget her.

"Reni, what are you thinking about? You've been silent since you arrived."

"Dad, I'm preoccupied with business. In a month, I’m traveling to Germany and will be gone for at least six months. It all depends on how well things go with the new branch."

"That’s a long time to be alone in that country. I don't like the idea." April couldn't help but worry.

"Mom, I'll be going with my secretary and Hercules."

"Promise me you'll call all the time." She stood up to hug her son.

"I will," he whispered, holding her tight. "Don't worry, six months fly by."

"You know, when I was younger, I looked into a clinic in Germany. They were the best at removing blemishes – the procedure was expensive and painful, so I dropped the idea of going, but for a while, I considered it."

“Good thing you didn’t go through with that surgery; you would’ve lost your natural beauty," Facundo commented, winking at her. "And I might not have found you, you would've been just like anyone else."

"With or without a blemish, I have never been, am not, nor will I ever be just like anyone else, Mr. Rinalde." She affirmed, offended, and everyone laughed.

"Do you remember the name of that place?" Renato asked, intrigued, thinking it might be the same clinic he was considering.

"Son, that was a long time ago."

"But was it effective? Were the doctors reliable?"

Suddenly, everyone in the room fell silent, paying attention to the conversation.

"Reni, you’re not thinking of removing your blemish, are you? That would be madness."

"Why? If you could choose and ask, why can't I have that same right?" Renato said, pacing. "You were lucky that dad sought you out and loved you, but I am marked and cursed by that man. I saw those spells; I know something bad will happen if I start a family."

"That's nonsense, look at my face; not only do I have this blemish, but also a black eye, and I’ve been happy and formed a beautiful family."

"Son, your mother's right, forget those damned notebooks," Facundo spoke slowly to calm his son’s temper. "Nothing they said was true. That man was insane, a cold-blooded killer trying to feign madness to escape prison."

"We won't know until I have a child."

"Brother, I support you. If you want, I'll accompany you to Germany, and we can go through it together."

"Thanks, Lolo, but I prefer to do this on my own."

"Lorenzo, you have to keep studying, you have to submit your thesis. I won't let you leave," April declared. "Besides, Renato isn't going to do anything."

"Mom, we’re all adults here. We don't need your permission," Lorenzo replied seriously.

"Son, you can’t speak to me like that," April was shocked to hear her youngest speak to her in such a manner. "I'm your mother."

"April, the boys are right, they’ve all made their lives. We can only support them now."

"I'll go with Renato if he decides on the surgery," Abigail offered. "I have some free time, things at the company are well managed, and I’m sure dad won't mind covering for me for a while."

"Abigail, you know you can always count on me, but now you're about to commit to this young man." He dismissively pointed at Hernan. "And that demands time and energy."

"Enough, I haven't decided anything yet, and in any case, I’d rather be alone. I better go home to rest, tomorrow I have a stressful day at the company."

Renato left his parents’ house in a foul mood but with an idea in mind; he would try to gather information about that place and seek a second opinion. The clinic he'd called was relatively new, and he wanted effectiveness. He would see if he could consult various doctors about his case while in Germany and then make a decision. His blemish wasn’t as difficult to remove as April's; it was in a less compromising area, a bit lighter, and centered on his forehead like a third eye.

In the afternoon, Renato went for a walk on the beach with Hercules and his hideous duck, trying to distract himself from thinking about the trip and the blonde, as physical exercise always helped him relieve tension.

"Give that to me; it's time to dispose of it,” he said, trying to take the toy from the dog’s mouth. "Give it here; I don't know why you like it – it's as ugly as the girl who gave it to you." He spoke to his pet with a chuckle, then threw the duck in a trash can and started to run; the dog seemed upset and retrieved it. "Fine, you win; we’ll take it back home, but both of you need a bath."

"Bark... bark… bark…"

"Come on, I'll race you." He ran at full speed, and his dog caught up to him. "Well done, Fleabag. Let’s head back."

Back at his apartment, Renato put the duck in the washing machine and bathed his dog. He filled the bathtub, lathered his Saint Bernard with shampoo, and scrubbed vigorously. Once his pet was dry, he took a shower, and when both were ready, they each went to bed.


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