Helen returned to her job the following day, where everything transpired smoothly, her boss seemingly more attentive and more or less avoiding her. Caught between arranging travel plans and interviewing for her own replacement, she managed to keep her mind occupied for nearly two weeks.
Today, she arrived early at the office to continue with the interviews. It sparked jealousy within her to think that someone else would take her place, but she resolved to stay professional and choose the best candidate. At the moment, she's interviewing a strikingly attractive woman who looks at her in shock – probably contemplating the need to change her provocative attire. Helen smiles at her, but is interrupted by Renato’s voice over the intercom.
“Helen,” he barks, in his usual poor temper, “Get to my office.”
“I’ll finish this interview and be right there.”
“All right, five minutes. And dismiss all the women who've applied,” he responds loudly enough to be overheard.
“But all the candidates are women,” she whispers, “You can’t do this. I have only fifteen days to train someone.”
“I want a male assistant.”
“Fine, I'll draft another advert requesting only men,” she replies cheerily, smiling broadly.
“Now, come to my office.”
The secretary apologized to all the applicants, thanked them for their interest, saw them out, and then knocked on her boss's door.
“Come in,” he instructs from where he stands before the window, arms crossed behind his back.
“What do you need?”
“I want you to cancel the house we rented in Germany and find me a hotel room instead.”
“That might be tough with Hercules accepted.”
“That's what I want to talk to you about. Hercules isn't coming with me; I can't look after him,” he turns and looks her in the eyes as if he wants to confess something. “He loves you. I want you to take him.”
“I can’t just take your dog, and you can't abandon him so heartlessly.”
“Helen, that creature adores you more than me. Since you've stopped coming to my apartment, he's been depressed, barely eats, and won't leave his dreadful duck. Cora took him to her vet who said he's dying of sadness,” Renato exaggerates a bit just to persuade her and seizes the opportunity with his pet being treated for conjunctivitis, with teary eyes and a sorrowful look. “Look,” he shows her a photo on his phone.
“I will come to see him during your dinner with Samantha,” she agrees, her voice breaking slightly. “If he really is sad, I'll agree to look after him. Otherwise, forget it.”
“I assure you, he's very sad.”
Exiting the office restless, she was uneasy about taking on the responsibility for such a beast. What if it later missed its master? She'd have to travel, face Renato again, something she least wanted for now.
Renato smiles; at least his plan is in motion. She would go to his apartment and leave with Hercules, the pitiful furball.
An hour later, he exits his office as if nothing's amiss, greets his secretary who glances at her watch, suspecting he's off to meet his mistress. She feels downhearted as she gathers her things, heads to her apartment, showers, and rummages for something comfortable to wear, finally settling on jeans and a snug tank top. Loosening her hair, grabbing her purse, she goes to see her 'baby'. Before entering, she breathes a sigh of relief, thankful to be alone, punches in the code, and steps inside.
"Hello, baby, where are you?"
"We're in the bathroom, come," Renato replies, surprising her. "Hercules can't talk; I’m surprised you're still asking him questions."
She finds her boss in shorts, trying to coerce the dog into the bathtub. At the sight of Helen, the animal wriggles free from its master's grip and barrels into her, causing her to fall and receive a wet introduction from the dog's licks.
"Sorry, I was just trying to give him a bath before you arrived. He reeks."
"That's fine."
"Hercules, enough. Leave Helen alone," he sternly reprimands the dog, then offers his hand to help her up, feeling a jolt of electricity between them.
The dog steps away from her, then looks back, wagging its tail, with weepy eyes.
"I assumed you wouldn't be here," says Helen, washing her face in the sink. He hands her a towel, thinking how beautiful she looks without makeup. "Thank you."
"I canceled the appointment. I'd rather deal with this first."
"I see. Should I come back another day?"
"No need. See how happy he is to see you?" He nods towards the pet, who now eagerly hops into the tub, looking at her. "Looks like he's ready for a bath now." He hands her a brush glove, but she refuses.
"I'm not bathing this beast."
The dog sits, watching as they argue. Then, when Helen starts to leave the bathroom, he begins to whimper. Renato softly praises the dog before following Helen out and telling her, "See? All he does is cry. You can't leave now."
They return to the bathroom, and Hercules wags his tail with so much enthusiasm that he douses Helen from head to toe. Renato catches sight of her now clingy tank top, swallowing hard, finding it hard to resist. Oblivious to her bra showing through her soaked shirt, she squats down to the pet's level.
"Alright, a quick bath, then I'm leaving. You're such a mischievous dog, getting me all wet."
"Sorry, I'll ask someone to bring you clothes."
"No need, I've got clothes in Cora's room."
"Since when have you had clothes here?" he inquires, surprised, and now understands why she was dressed differently the morning after that day.
"Since I've had to take care of this 'baby' and you've been traveling." She answers while massaging the animal's head and planting a gentle kiss on his nose. "I decided it was best to always have a change of clothes on hand and not spend the rest of the day shaking off his fur."
The dog laps up her attention, while Renato moves in to help fighting the twisted shower hose. When he positions himself next to her, he can't help but draw her close and kiss her. Time seems to stop, and he doesn’t want to let go until the dog shakes himself, dousing them both with water.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he apologizes, his eyebrows knitted together, helping her up, "You'd better change."
"Renato, maybe it's best we don't see each other again," she says. "I can't bear to be close to you; it's too painful to watch you regret everything."
"And to be near you without touching you is torture," he confesses softly, hugging his dog.
She leaves the bathroom and exits the apartment, ignoring the stares of passersby, her modesty shielded by her jacket, drying her tears, and hailing a taxi.
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