After recalling each of the words that the dying old man said to him and after having several drinks, Renato fell asleep on his office couch. The next morning, Helen arrives an hour early with a suit for him, which she picked up two days ago from the dry cleaners and kept in her apartment, knowing the state her boss would be in after his confrontation. She knocks on the door and hears him complain, then enters, places the suit, along with a bag containing the tie and underwear, on the desk. She turns on the personal coffee maker in the office, presses the button for an extra strong espresso, then approaches him, strokes his face gently, and delicately rearranges the hair falling across his forehead, taking advantage while he's still sleeping, withdraws her hand, steps back, and whispering close to his ear, she says:
"Boss, you have an hour to get ready. Wake up."
"Go away! Leave me alone, I just want to sleep."
"Boss, the Germans are arriving."
"You're unbearable, you're just like my mother, always nagging." he protests and tries to cover his face with a pillow.
"Boss, I don't mean to bother you, but you need to get up; we have a meeting."
"Tell me, why haven’t I fired you?"
"Because I'm efficient." she loudly retorts so that he can hear her. "And the only one who puts up with your tempers and because nobody wants to work for a grouchy, ungracious, good-for-nothing ogre." she whispers under her breath, while searching for a clean towel in the private cupboard in the bathroom.
"You're hideous, you should wear your hair down sometimes and change your style of clothes. Even my grandmother was more feminine."
"Boss, there is nothing wrong with my clothes." she replies and automatically inspects herself. "Now please, you must get up."
"It must be that for which I hired you and why I don’t fire you. You're not a threat. You're ugly and dress poorly; I could never be interested in a woman like you. You wouldn't attract me even if I were drunk."
"Boss, your things are on the desk and your coffee is ready." Helen exits the office with tears in her eyes, each day it was harder to endure that man’s contempt.
An hour later, the Germans were in the boardroom, and Helen greets them as if nothing, after having cried for ten minutes in the ladies’ bathroom unnoticed.
"Good morning, the CEO will be with you shortly." she says very efficiently in German. "Would you like anything to drink?"
"Coffee and aspirin." Renato answers as he enters without looking at her.
"Anything for you gentlemen?"
"No, thank you."
The young woman goes to fetch the beverage for her boss and when she returns, he looks at her with a frown. As she leans in enough to hand him the cup, he reprimands her harshly in her ear.
"You mustn’t cry at work, go and touch up that makeup; you’re looking haggard; cover up those under-eye circles. You look dreadful; you’re the first image people see of this place, and surely you'll cause me to lose a great deal of business."
"I'm sorry."
"Put aside your personal issues. This is an important meeting."
"I know." she answers and leaves.
"Well, if there are no further interruptions, let's begin." the CEO speaks in English, as he does not know German, but as he starts to look for a report, it is not among the papers. "Excuse me, I’ll be right back." Renato apologizes, stands up, goes to the door, and is surprised to hear his secretary.
"Ungrateful, that’s why I woke you up you miserable wretch, good-for-nothing, all you do is complain." the girl mutters under her breath on the other side of the door in English so the rest of the employees don’t understand, with the bad luck that Renato had gotten up and was about to leave to look for a folder but hears these words, a half-smile forms on his face, and he asks seriously:
"Anything else you left out?"
"I'm sorry." Helen apologizes and sits at her desk surprised. "What do you need?"
"I need the comparison charts; they’re not in the folders."
"I’ll bring them right now."
"Helen, you seem irritable today. Are you on your period?"
"WHAT?!" she asks offended. "How can you ask me something like that? And no, I’m not on my period."
"Helen, the Germans are waiting for me, give me those reports, hurry up, I need them now. Later we can talk about your menstrual cycle."
"Here." she hands him a brown folder and begins to gather her things.
"What are you doing?"
"I’m leaving; I no longer want to work for you. You are disrespectful; you can't talk to me like that."
"You can’t resign; you yourself set that clause."
Renato reenters the boardroom to continue the meeting as if nothing had happened. An hour later, the men shake hands—apparently, the deal was a resounding success and to celebrate, they will go to a restaurant at night for dinner. Once everyone says goodbye, the CEO leans back in his chair—he has a terrible headache, so he calls his assistant to the office.
"Helen, I need you to make reservations at a restaurant for tonight. You’re also included, so try to find a dress suitable for the occasion."
"I'm sorry, but I won’t be able to join you tonight."
"I don’t want excuses; I'll see you at dinner whether you like it or not; besides, I’m sure you have nothing more important to do." he speaks and looks at her with disdain. "Now get something stronger; the aspirins are not working, and I have another meeting."
"Sir, you've already taken too many aspirins for one day."
"It's not your concern, go to the pharmacy."
"Okay." the young woman exits the office, genuinely worried for her terrible ogre.
Helen leaves the building, heads to a pharmacy, angry at herself for not being able to respond to her boss as he deserves. Tonight is her mother's birthday, and once again she will miss a family celebration. When she finally gets a stronger headache medicine, she returns to the office, about to enter when April recognizes her at the elevator doors.
"Helen, please wait."
"Mrs., it's good to see you here."
"Call me April, Mrs. was my mother." she approaches and gives a very affectionate kiss. "Tell me, how has my son been?"
"In a foul mood, unbearable and with a headache."
"Seems like you're not having a good day either." she inquires, raising an eyebrow. "What's happening?"
"Today is my mother's birthday, but your son only thinks of himself and forbids me from attending."
"Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him."
"No, Mrs., that’s not necessary. I will go to the work dinner and then stop by to greet my mom."
"No way, family comes first."
"Thank you. But please, if he refuses, don’t insist."
The elevator doors open on the top floor, April enters her son's office without even announcing herself, and the young woman follows her embarrassedly, holding the bag with the medicine, and when he sees such a fuss, he looks up to meet his mother’s piercing gaze. The girl approaches the desk, places the package on the table, and exits without a word.
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