"You asked for it, wildcat," I warn her. I'm tired of feeling like a fourteen-year-old boy when I'm with her.
She's tempted me beyond reason. No one could judge me for this, not even God.
"Your eyes are the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life, like Mia's," she whispers, blinking slowly.
Before I can kiss her, her face falls forward, hitting my chin.
"Not now," I mutter angrily.
Once again she's left me aroused and standing tall.
I shift her slightly, but she's deeply asleep. This woman must be under my father's command. Her job must be to provoke me until I simply can't take it anymore.
But I won't let her. There isn't a man or woman yet born who can beat me. And clearly, she won't.
I lift her into my arms. I curse when her face falls against my neck and I can feel her warm breath on my skin. Even asleep, she manages to stir me.
"Damn you, Sophia Palermo," I hiss in fury.
I have no idea where she sleeps, so I lay her down on one of the couches in Mia's bedroom.
Damn it, I'm even starting to call my daughter by the name she chose.
This has to end. I know what I'll do.
"Fire her?" Anna asks, puzzled. "Fire Sophia?"
"That's what you heard. I want her out of my house today."
"But sir, the girl gets along very well with her..."
I raise my hand. "I don't care. I don't want to see her again. Pay her what she's owed and a generous bonus, but I want her gone."
"It won't be necessary," says Sophia, entering the kitchen and startling both Anna and me. "I don't need your stupid bonus," she adds, and I can't help but see her eyes filling with tears.
"Sir, maybe we can work this out," Anna starts.
"No," Sophia and I say at the same time.
She glances at the monitor in her hand. "I'll say goodbye to the little one, and then I'll leave."
"Miss Sophia..." Anna tries once more, ending my patience.
"Anna, leave," I command. "Now," I add when I see her open her mouth.
"Please take care of Mia. Hire someone good, who loves her," pleads Sophia with a trembling voice when we are alone.
"I will. She's not your problem anymore. Aren't you going to apologize for yesterday?" I ask, anger rising.
She frowns. "If you mean what happened in the kitchen, you're the one who should apologize, not me."
"I'm not talking about that and you know it."
I stand and grab her by the arms. "No. You know exactly what I'm talking about. How much is my father paying you?"
"Your father? I thought you were the one paying me."
I laugh without humor. "You like to play the innocent, don't you? Well, your tactics won't work with me. I want you out today."
"Yes, I heard you, you made it quite clear," she says, wiping away a tear, trying to manipulate me once more. My old man must be paying her well.
"I'll say goodbye to Mia."
"Stop calling her that!" I explode and shake her. "And no, I don't want you near my daughter."
"I have to say goodbye."
"No, go with Anna to collect your pay and get your things out of my damn house."
She starts to cry, trying to sway me, but I'm stronger than that.
"I need to see her, I have to explain that I'm leaving..."
"She's very young; she won't understand why I'm leaving."
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I shout, causing her to step back.
At last, I can see in her eyes the same fear that I see in my enemies. And I'm not sure if I like it.
She steps back, looking at me as if I'm a monster. Before I say anything more, she turns and runs out of the kitchen.
Finally. One less problem.
I'll see what to do about the girl and my father. I have more important things to do today.
I try to eat while the new nanny walks around with the girl, who hasn't stopped crying since Sophia left. She's had a damn week of non-stop crying, only stopping when she sleeps, which is for very few minutes.
"Take her outside," I order.
"It's raining," the nanny replies.
"I don't care, take her out of here right now."
My head is killing me.
Anna enters the dining room and slams the cutlery down with unusual force next to me, exacerbating the headache I have.
"Have you something to say?" I ask.
"No, sir," she says while dropping a glass of whiskey in front of me, again slamming it on the table. "The turkey will be ready in five minutes."
"Turkey? You know I detest turkey."
"I'm sorry, sir, I forgot," she says as she leaves the dining room.
I could fire her and tell her what she deserves, but I simply can't. Anna has looked after me since mom died. And even when mom was alive, she was always there, defending me from my father when he disapproved of something I did.
The old man has a sadistic streak, which he always used on me and mom.
Damn old man.
I accused him of hiring Sophia to ruin my life, but he denied everything. He claimed he didn't even know I had a nanny. He's a bloody liar who won't admit that he lost.
I remember Sophia crying and I'm not sure if it was he who lost or I. As my daughter's screams continue, I think I know the answer.
I walk to the door and see the nanny with the girl in her arms, who won't stop crying. Her skin is red and her tears have wet her entire face.
"Give me the girl," I demand. "You're fired."
I take Mia in my arms. Her small face reminds me of Sophia crying while she begged me to let her say goodbye, but I didn't.
And now both are suffering.
We are all suffering.
I buckle and take my phone. I call Sophia's uncle, since of course, I don't have her number.
"My Capo," he answers. "To what do I owe the honor?"
"Put Sophia on the phone."
"Are you deaf or what?"
"No, my Capo, sorry, it's just that... I thought Sophia was at your house."
Damn it.
"She hasn't returned to your place?"
"No, my Capo. If I learn anything about her whereabouts, I'll let you know."
I hang up.
Stupid fool.
He doesn't even know where his niece is.
I look at my daughter. "I will bring her back to you, Mia. I swear it."
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Updated 60 Episodes
Mengdze Flora
i hope she is okay
suite's you well