Episode 5


I gaze at the half-drunk brandy glass before me, and then my greedy eyes return to the map.

"Philadelphia belongs to the Camorra, Boss."

I nod. "How's the progress in Pennsylvania?" I inquire of one of my captains.

"Making headway, my lord."

"Making headway? Be more precise," I command with a growl.

He steps forward, pointing with a shaky hand. "The territory from Potter to Franklin is now Camorra's. Not a single man from La Cosa Nostra remains, my lord."

"That's only half," I clarify. "I want Pennsylvania under Camorra control as soon as possible."

"We have some wounded soldiers, sir."

I look at him. "I don't give a damn about personnel issues. If we're short on men, find more. Lower the initiation age to thirteen. Waiting until fifteen seems absurd. Many of us were fully lethal by the age of twelve."

"Yes, sir."

I turn to another captain. "How are we doing with the southern territory?"

He puffs out his chest. "Maryland is pretty much ours now, Boss."

"Maryland?" I ask scornfully. "That's not enough. I need the Camorra to conquer the Virginias, to carve a path southward. Everyone knows we need an exit to Mexico as soon as possible. I don't want to miss the chance to negotiate with the Sinaloa Cartel." I bang the table, and everyone takes a step back. "We must move swiftly southward and westward. I need Texas at my feet and a route to Mexico. This is insufficient," I add, annoyed, tossing the map off my desk. "Get to work," I order, and they all leave my office as if fleeing from a demon, which perhaps they are.

Today, I could kill without any provocation.

"Everything well in paradise?"

"What do you think?" I snap, furious at the incompetence of some of my captains.

"My friend, I saw some of your captains wet themselves."

I smile. "They're fucking cowards."

He comes over and claps my shoulder. "They're doing what they can, my friend. This territorial struggle against La Costa Nostra is ambitious, it can't be done in a day."

"I don't want any of those rats near, Dante, you know that." I sit in my enormous chair facing the only friend I have. Friend, though I wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he betrayed me, and I know he would do the same. "And remember, this struggle is our struggle; the 'Ndrangheta will benefit too."

He shrugs. "I know, that's why my people are lending a hand. Later, we'll call in the favors, my friend."

I smile; I know the favors that the 'Ndrangheta will ask are not for the faint-hearted. And my friend and his family, the Messinas, are the ones leading it.

"How's your nona?"

"You know, the usual, bickering with father and praying I find a good Italian girl and marry."

"Luckily, I'm a widower and now I command the Camorra."

"If my nona heard you, she'd whack you with her wooden spoon."

My phone interrupts our conversation and I scowl at Anna's exaggerated message.

Everything's an emergency to her.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, it's just Anna, asking for a call about something to do with Kate's daughter."

"Your daughter, you mean."

"You know I wouldn't say that."

"Ah, my friend, one day you'll realize that family is everything."

I smile. "And one day you'll understand you shouldn't spend so much time with your nona, she's brainwashing you."

My friend laughs heartily. "It's too late for me; nona lives in my head." His grey eyes stare into mine. "Call poor Anna, she wouldn't bother you if it weren't something important."

I sigh in annoyance and message Anna to call me.

"She'll call; I'll put her on speaker so you see I'm right."

My phone rings, and I answer on speaker.

"What's so urgent that you dare to disturb me?" I demand, my voice steely.

"My Boss, I wouldn't bother you if it weren't a matter of life or death. The baby won't eat and has lost weight."

"That's not an emergency, Anna. Force-feed the child; the baby doesn't get a say in this."

"Of course, she does, you damned fool!" someone else yells out.

"Sofia!" Anna is scandalized.

"The baby will die if she doesn't eat, and that formula tastes like dirty water. I wouldn't drink it either," the other voice retorts.

"Anna?" I ask.

"Sir, my apologies, the new nanny is a bit on edge."

"I'm not on edge!" the voice interrupts again, inciting laughter from my friend. "I'm furious, what you're doing to this little treasure is a sin."

"Do you know who you're speaking with?"

"I don't care," she responds vehemently, amusing my friend. "I need a card to buy the baby stuff and a new milk."

"Excuse me?" I ask, still disconcerted by the insolent voice.

"You heard," she replies, her words seething with anger. "And give the damn baby a name," she commands, making my teeth grind.

"Anna, clarify the staff's place," I order. "I thought you'd hire someone who knew how to respect their Boss."

"Respect is earned, you colossal idiot!"

"Sofia, enough!" Anna commands. "I am so sorry, Sir. Forgive her, she's just a child."

"I am not," the voice that's been causing me a headache interjects.

"Sir, if you wish, I can let her go right now."

"No. I'll fire her myself," I say, relishing the thought of having that brat in front of me. "For now, sort out the issue with Kate's daughter. That's what you're paid for. I don't want more calls like this."

"Yes, Boss," Anna replies.

"Buy whatever she wants; I couldn't care less."

"If you weren't such an idiot..." the insolent voice starts again, but I hang up before I hear another word.

"Wow," says Dante with a wide smile. "I like women like that, with spirit."

"If you want her, take her. I'd appreciate it," I reply as I massage my temples. "She's a bold one who doesn't know her place yet, but she will learn."

Dante laughs. "I would like to see that."

"And you will, my friend, indeed you will."



Dutchess NG

Dutchess NG

She'd get her a** shot if she really spoke to a mobster like that. Ever seen the sopranos?



Yvonne Ajayi

Yvonne Ajayi

I love her boldness



Yvonne Mantey

Yvonne Mantey

looks like someone's going to be in trouble😏



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