I found myself at home, uncertain of how long I’d gazed at the twins even after Noah had departed. All I knew was that it was a considerable span of time, and I had no mood for work; my mind was a jumbled mess.
I arrived at my solitary abode, sequestered myself in my study, and poured myself a drink.
“Sir, weren’t you headed to work today?” Jonas, my butler, and possibly the sole soul able to endure my disposition, expressed his astonishment. He’s been in service to my family all my life, and when I chose my own path at seventeen, he supported me more ardently than my own father. He’s been by my side ever since.
"Jonas, have you ever regretted something so deeply that you longed with every fiber of your being to have acted otherwise? That you’d heeded that little voice in your head for just one moment?"
Jonas: Oh, many a time, sir, but we cannot alter what’s past; we can only live in the now and better ourselves for what’s to come.
"You speak such beautiful notions, but how is one to achieve that? Moreover, it might be too late for me." I set down the glass and reached for the bottle, which was swiftly removed from my grasp.
Jonas: Sir, I’m uncertain of the troubles you’re facing but rest assured you won’t find the solution at the bottom of this bottle. Moreover, I am taken aback by your conduct; this is not your usual demeanor.
"Typically, I'm reprehensible, which is why my omega despises me, why I cannot draw near to my children."
Jonas: I didn’t realize you were so intolerant to spirits. He must think I am inebriated, judging by my behavior, as it’s near inconceivable for one such as me to have a child that no one knows of. Yet, here I am, the father of the most beautiful and perfect children one could wish for.
And while I am not drunk, it takes far more than this to make me lose my wits. Yes, this is me, revealing my misery. I yearn to make amends with Noah; I long to be close to my children, yet I am certain the moment I try, he will whisk them away, forever beyond my reach, with the power to erase their existence from my life. I would relinquish all that I have amassed just for a chance.
"Jonas, you have a grandson, correct?" Perhaps the liquor was useful after all; I have had the greatest idea.
Jonas: Indeed, sir. It surprises me that you would recall. When his son tragically passed years ago, his wife and child were left without support. I remember giving them some money; Jonas mentioned they had bought a home, and she is working for me now. I surmise that during the day, the boy is with caregivers.
"How old is he now? He’s about ready for preschool, isn’t he?"
Jonas: Yes, he recently turned six, but Elia was delayed, and the nearby public preschools were fully booked.
"Tell her to bring all his documentation to me; I will ensure he is enrolled in the finest preschool in the country. Furthermore, I am committed to funding his entire education."
Jonas: Are you serious, sir? If this child can bring me closer to my own, I will certainly pay whatever it takes.
"Do I appear jestful? Bring your grandson here, along with the documents. I'll handle everything."
Jonas: My deepest thanks, sir. I will inform my daughter-in-law at once! He departed, radiating joy. Even if my motives are concealed, am I not making a family happy?
I resubmitted the application to the director, made my apologies, yet this time I declared my choice of their institution, requesting my nephew to start the following day. She accepted. Now I just had to wait until tomorrow to see my children again.
In the afternoon, the child arrived at my home, accompanied by his mother, who was profuse in her gratitude, visibly nervous. Truly, since she's been under my employ, our interactions have been sparse, and the boy is rather timid. My abilities with children are non-existent, and it shows. I had no idea what to say, managing only a "hello," likely intimidating him. Damn it all, I can't intimidate my children; I don't want them to fear me.
Jonas: Ares, greet Mr. Daniel, don't be shy.
Ares: Hello, Mr. Daniel.
"Pleased to meet you, Ares. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" He checked with his grandfather prior to responding, then tentatively accepted the offer.
Elia: I cannot express enough gratitude for what you're doing for my son. Thank you, sir.
"It's nothing. From today, both you and your son are welcome to stay in the mansion. Choose the accommodations that suit you best."
Elia: Are you sure?
"Of course. It's necessary for Jonas or me to transport him to school, he should be here." (And naturally, it will be me.)
Elia: Oh, thank you so much, sir! Come on, darling. I watched them leave. The little one offered me a smile, echoed his mother's thanks, and followed her away.
I retired to my chamber, and the next day Jonas, Ares, and I visited the school. The place seemed to charm the boy, with Jonas equally impressed by its renown.
Now accompanied by Ares, we were granted a tour around the school, and as fortune would have it, in the play area were my children. Ares hurried over, and I trailed behind, not needing to request he head in that direction.
He was playing near the twins.
Joe: Hi, what's your name?
Ares: I'm Ares, I'm six, and you?
Joe: I'm Joe, and this is Zoe, we're six too.
Zoe: Hi, why no uniform?
Ares: Mr. Daniel, my grandpa, is going to buy me one.
Joe: That man? I was frozen when my son pointed at me, and little Zoe glanced my way, approching me.
Ares: Yes, his name is Mr. Daniel and he is my grandpa. It's better they don't know my true name, if they mention me to Noah, he won't suspect it is me.
Zoe: Hello! My name is Zoe. Ah, her smile truly sparkles, and her voice is angelic. What would it feel like to hear her call me "Dad"? Without thinking, I crouched to her level.
"Hello, princess. You have a very lovely name."
Zoe: Thank you! I smiled at her gesture, feeling an urge to hug her. But before I drew nearer, she was politely pulled away by my son, whose gaze was stern. He doesn't accept me at all. Watching him protect his sister filled me with joy and pain in equal measure.
Joe: Do not touch my sister.
Zoe: But he's Ares' friend, he must be nice, right?
Ares: Yes, he gave me food, and mommy is happy.
Zoe: See?
Joe: I don't like that man. He rejects me with the same fervor as Noah, as though he senses who I am and despises me for it.
"Joe, there's no need to worry, I'm not a bad person."
Joe: Let's go, Zoe. Without another word, he took off with little Zoe, who at a distance waved goodbye.
Zoe: Bye, Mr. Daniel.
"Until next time, Zoe..."
Jonas: Sir, those children... they look identical to you. Could it be that they... Though I have no intention of denial, what purpose does it serve if both my children and my omega wish for my absence?
"Let’s depart. We have many items to purchase for Ares." Jonas took his grandson by the hand, and we left the school. After I’d dropped them at the mansion, I headed back to work, encountering Noah first thing upon my arrival, exiting his office.
"Good morning." My greeting was automatic; we had never exchanged pleasantries, particularly not after the events that had transpired. I suppose that's why his puzzlement is evident as he walked past me without acknowledging my salutation.
I overheard whisperings about the incident but silenced them with a mere look. Their curiosity need not be piqued; it’s my omega, and I shall grant him whatever latitude he requires.
Returning to my duties, the following day I waited for Noah's vehicle to depart before I took Ares to school.
Ares: Sir, why do we wait?
"I am in hiding."
Ares: Is it a game?
"Indeed, but come, or you shall be late."
Once we were on the ground, Zoe greeted us, but Joe preempted her approach, offering me a stern look and escorting his sister to their classroom without a word.
Ares: I think they don't want to be my friends.
"I believe otherwise. Go, join them." He nodded and followed after them. "Nobody said the road would be easy, but I refuse to give up."
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