Episode 12

Tachimaru: -I'll tell you from the beginning... I'm really not your real father, Amai. It was just another normal day, I always liked to drink, I got myself into debt that I couldn't pay, until I saw a desperate woman, I didn't even go near her, she came to me, she was carrying a briefcase full of money, she came up to me and said:

Fatima: -Hello sir, my name is Fatima, before you ignore me, I would like you to hear what I have to say.

As I saw the briefcase full of money I stayed to listen:

Fatima: -I need someone to take care of this child, I want you to go to his father, I want you to raise him even if it's only until he comes of age, I just need you to take care of him as if he were your own life! And in return I'll give you all this money that you are seeing, but you have to promise me that you will take care of him!

I really thought hard about what to do, I even thought it was a joke, but I was finding the conversation too serious and then I came to a conclusion, I said that I accepted to stay with you, and again she repeated that I should take care of you as if you were my life, and then she gave you a hug and before leaving she gave me a piece of paper and said in my ear:

Fatima: -The only thing I ask is that you teach him these symbols.

She said that and left, she seemed determined to do something, but I didn't ask why because she had already given me the money and I only accepted because she and I were after something, me for money to pay my bills and she for someone to take care of you, so after that day I never saw her again, and some time later I found out that she had died in a car accident that was in the newspaper. With the money I paid my debts and still had some left over, the first few years with you were very good, it was good to have a son for us to keep company, you made me feel good, but you know, I'm addicted to drinking and after the money ran out I couldn't support my vices and I went back to drinking and using drugs and the rest of the story you already know.

Amai: -She asked you to raise me as if I were your life.

Tachimaru: -Well, my life is worthless if it doesn't satisfy my vices.

Amai: -And these same vices are going to bring you down, you sabotage yourself, you drown yourself in the well.

Tachimaru: -Now tell me, why do you want to know about her now?

Amai looks at the CEO, the CEO looks at Amai:

Amai: -Nothing, I just wanted to know more about her... and about these codes, is that what you taught me that you said was a culture of your family that was passed down from generation to generation? and what you taught me has no meaning.

Tachimaru: -Yes, I taught you, now I don't know why she told me to teach you those strange signs, I said it was passed down from generation to generation was the excuse I made up, I don't even know what those codes are for, I just taught you what was on the paper.

Amai: -I see, well... it's time for us to go.

Tachimaru: -Amai, I'm sorry for not being the best father, I really tried to raise you but I let my vices get the best of me.

Amai: -I know, relax, you can rest assured I'm not angry with you, I thank you for at least giving me the minimum, but I think now I've found my place.

Amai hugs Tachimaru and leaves with the CEO.

Tachimaru is sad but grateful at the same time, he goes outside and as Amai is leaving by car with the CEO, he looks up and says:

Tachimaru: -Fatima... your son has grown up.

He enters and closes the door of his house.

As the CEO was driving:

Amai: -This is getting more and more interesting, I'm seeing what a mess I'm getting myself into.

CEO: -You'll get used to it... so you mean your place is with me?

Amai: -Not with you, in the mafia lol.

CEO: -It's still with me.

So they went back to the mafia. Before Amai got out of the car:

CEO: -I'm not staying with you anymore, I'm going to an important meeting, it seems someone wants to talk to me.

Amai: -I understand... before I leave boss, I have something to ask you... if the Southern Mafia is your enemy, tell me why?

CEO: -There are several reasons, and one thing that bothers me is that no one knows who the boss is there, even my father, who is older, has never seen him, my father told me that when he was boss the Southern Mafia didn't attack him or the mafia but after I became boss there have been attacks recently, we only know it's the Southern Mafia because they have the trademark on the weapons, it's like a little symbol that's on the weapon, I'll explain better later.

Amai: -All right.

Amai gets out of the car and the CEO goes to the meeting.

Amai: -This Southern Mafia thing is very suspicious and very dangerous, if no one knows who the boss is, he can just come here, I don't know, become a subordinate here, steal important information and leave.

Marco: -Talking to yourself at this hour, Amai?

Amai: -You showed up.

Marco: -I was on an important mission... I overheard you talking about the Southern Mafia, so, it's hard for a mafia boss to come and infiltrate here, despite the tight security, usually the subordinates before entering here, are seen in their files everything about the person, and as we are the mafia, you know, we can look deep into the person's soul, and there is also the oath, if the person betrays the mafia, we can kill them no matter what.

Amai: -But there's always a loophole, we're a mafia, but so are they.

Marco: -You're right about that... I see you're already very close to the boss, aren't you? I guess you've already found out about your mother!

Amai: -Huh? You know about her?

Marco: -Yes, I know, I'm best with the boss, lol he always vents to me and stuff, I'm the only one here he really trusts, not the only one, because now he has you.

Amai: -lol.

Marco: -You don't know how much I heard about you, when he found out your location this man wouldn't stop talking about wanting to see you, that you were his childhood friend and such.

Amai: -Really?

Marco: -The first time I saw him laugh lol it was like he wasn't even the head of a Mafia, and it seems like he's been smiling more than usual since you arrived.



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