The next day, Amai woke up and Marco wasn't there:
Amai: -Looks like he left early today.
Then he gets up, gets ready and goes to his daily training, he would try again to learn how to swim.
Arriving at the pool, the trainer was there again:
Trainer: -Look who's back, I thought you wouldn't have the courage to come back here.
Amai: -Yeah, I didn't think I'd be back here either, come here trainer, could you teach me please?
Trainer: -Hmm, as I'm in a good mood today I'll give you some tips. One of the very basic things is floating, come here, let's practice.
The trainer enters the pool and asks Amai to enter:
The trainer asked him to let go in the water as he was holding his back:
Trainer: -To float is simple, keep your head above the water and try to slowly regulate your breathing. Staying calm is the key, because you will conserve your energy and thus float longer. Move your arms horizontally. Your body will go up and down if you move your arms up and down.
Amai: -I think I got it, you can let me go.
The trainer let go of him and Amai actually managed to float.
Amai: -Look, I'm really getting there, trainer.
Suddenly the CEO appears, Amai automatically loses his balance:
Amai: -Glub, glub...trai-glub help me-glub.
The trainer grabbed him by the arm and took him to the pool ladder:
CEO: -Are you seriously learning to float?
Amai: -Don't laugh, this is embarrassing.
The trainer watched the boss:
Trainer: -Strange to see the boss smiling, but even for him it's good to smile sometimes.
Trainer: -Seems like I'm in the way here, I'll take my leave for now.
Amai waited for the trainer to leave and said to the CEO:
Amai: -Hey, can we go to my dad's and ask him about my mom? He must know something!
CEO: -Not a bad idea, shall we cooperate together? You want to know about your mother, as I met her I really want to know the truth and also on behalf of my father who asked me to find out, he said that before he died he really wanted to know about his best friend.
Amai: -And is he going to die?
CEO: -No, he is undergoing treatment, but I believe he will recover soon.
Amai: -Sorry to ask, but what's wrong with him?
CEO: -He has lung cancer, when he found out it had already affected him a lot, so professional doctors are taking care of him, sometimes I see him when I can, he still speaks, but very little.
Amai: -Sad, but I hope he recovers soon!
CEO: -Speaking of him, I managed to schedule a visit for you to talk to him, he told me he wanted to see you in person, but the visit is scheduled for next month, it will be a while.
Amai: -I don't mind, as long as I can talk to him it's great.
CEO: -So, shall we go to your father's? lol your fake father, I'll just get the car, wait for me at the gate.
Amai: -Okay, I'll just get changed.
So Amai goes there quickly to change clothes and waits for the CEO at the gate. The CEO arrives in a big car:
Amai thinking "if I was sad in this life, I don't remember"
Then Amai gets in the car. While the CEO was driving, they were having a good chat together:
Amai thinking "We seem so close, the CEO is so...handsome, I still remember the day he whispered in my ear, just remembering it gives me goosebumps"
CEO suddenly says:
CEO: -Tell me, have you ever dated? Do you like someone?
Amai: -I've never dated, but I've been with some guys.
CEO: -Hmm, interesting, so you're not a virgin anymore?
Amai: -What kind of talk is that lol...what about you? Have you ever been in a serious relationship?
CEO: -Hmm, I think only once, but let's forget about that lol I think I'm more of the promiscuous type you know.
Amai: -I don't know why, but that suits you.
CEO: -Really, if you ever want to try it, just drop by my office 🤫.
Amai pretended he didn't hear what he said.
CEO: -Well, looks like we're here, let's go.
They get out of the car:
Amai: -It seems like nothing has changed around here, the moments I spent here will always be with me.
CEO: -What you were supposed to remember, you don't.
Amai: -I was very young and also the memories are old, you want me to remember things from when I was seven years old? In a place I didn't even remember living in?
They knock on the door of the house:
CEO: -Hello? Nobody answers, will there be nobody home?
Amai: -No, I know this trick, he pretends he's not home because most of the people who came here were to collect what he owed.
CEO: -Lol what a situation.
Amai: -Dad, it's me, Amai.
He quickly opens the door and hugs Amai:
Tachimaru looks and sees the CEO:
Tachimaru: -Why did this jerk come too?
Amai: -Calm down, he's not going to do anything bad. I came here with only one objective, to know the truth.
Tachimaru: -What truth?
Amai: -About my mother.
Tachimaru: -You hardly ever asked me about your mother, why all this curiosity?
Amai: -I already know everything, that you are not my real father.
Tachimaru: -Who told you that, son? It was him, wasn't it? This guy who put that into your head?
Amai: -No, dad! I want the truth.
Tachimaru: -This is the truth.
CEO: -Amai, there's one thing you haven't learned yet, in the mafia we have to know how to torture a person.
The CEO approaches Tachimaru:
CEO: -Looks like I'm going to have to resort to that, huh? Mr. Tachimaru!
The CEO takes out his switchblade and points it at his neck:
CEO: -I'm dying to know how long it takes you to die if I punch a hole in your neck.
Tachimaru was sweating cold, and more and more CEO was bringing the knife closer to his neck, until Tachimaru felt the coldness of the blade on his neck:
Tachimaru: -Okay, I'll tell, I'll tell.
CEO: -Job done Amai, now it's up to you.
Amai: -And it worked! Spit it out, old man!
Tachimaru: -I'll tell you from the beginning...
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