Episode 4

Amai returned to his room, Marco wasn't there:

Amai: - Ugh, that shitty boss, he thinks he's the man, but I'll still manage to find his weak spot, but not today because I'm wrecked, I'm gonna take a shower and sleep.

And so he did, showered and slept.

The next day he woke up willing, showered, changed clothes and went out to find something to eat. He got close to Jay (the guard) and asked:

Amai: - Hey, do you know where there's something to eat?

Jay: - Didn't they tell you? we have breakfast, lunch and dinner lol there in the cafeteria, but everything has its time, but now is breakfast time.

Amai: - Seriously they didn't tell me? what a bummer, I'm going there now.

He went to the cafeteria:

Amai: - An apple? that's good enough.

He took the apple, ate it and went straight to training. he arrived at the training room and there was already a good group and with them the commander:

Commander: - I see that you are happy today, too bad it won't last long, everyone now, one hundred push-ups and then fifty jumping jacks.

Then everyone started doing push-ups, Amai was for some reason motivated and trained and trained for hours. Lunch time came, everyone left for lunch except him. He kept training, the commander saw his effort and decided to help him discreetly:

Commander: - Fight me, I want to see what you are capable of.

Amai: - I don't want to hurt an old man like you!

Commander: - Old? hahaha.

the commander swept Amai and he fell.

Commander: - Come on, get up! show me what you are capable of.

So the commander advanced on top of him, and Amai dodging, Amai did not focus on hitting but on dodging, he analyzes the enemy first and then attacks, he realized that the commander had a sequence of steps to execute the movements, he soon thought of something but was waiting for an opening:

Commander: - Why are you just running away? come.

the commander punched him, so he pretended to fall to the ground, it was part of his plan, this was the perfect time, he attacked the commander's leg with a kick while he was on the ground, the commander dodged:

Commander: - Everyone who fights with me for the first time always sees my weak point which is in my leg, but I don't stop fighting because of it, I let the person believe they have an advantage but in reality I'm the one ahead of them for a long time.

Amai: - Are you sure?

the leg the commander dodged was Amai's plan, it was precisely for Amai's leg not to hit his leg, it was to go straight through and the other come with the force and squeeze the commander's legs and he would fall (like scissors) and it worked, the commander fell.

Amai: - I told you I didn't want to hurt an old man like you, well now I'm going to weapon training, bye bye.

while Amai was leaving the room the commander was thinking: "Wow, he really thought of everything, besides he's very agile what he lacks in strength he has in intelligence, this guy has potential!

Amai: - That old man, to think that I had planned to hit his leg, and he dodged, I ended up thinking about the rest on the spot lol... Well, now I'm going to train with weapons, if I'm not mistaken it's in this room here.

He entered the room and was immediately faced with people shooting:

subordinate: - Ah, you here.

Amai: - You were the one who took me to train with the commander yesterday, right?

subordinate: - Yes, myself... since you came to train, let me tell you how it works, it's quite simple, you choose the weapon and reload the ammunition, then just put on the protective glasses and aim at the target!

Amai: - Ah, so just do that?

Amai takes the gun and shoots at the target, and impressively hits most of it.

The subordinate is left speechless looking at what just happened, but he disguises it because he feels superior to Amai.

Amai: - Did I do well?

subordinate: - Yeah, it was cool.

So Amai trained and trained, spent the whole day training, even more fighting which was what he was enjoying the most, and he had a knack for it, especially after he remembered that he did taekwondo as a kid, and he didn't even remember it, it was just a vague memory from when he was a child. When it was later, it was time to go see the boss:

Jay (guard): - You don't have permission to enter, there's a man busy with the boss.

Amai: - What are they doing!?

Jay: - Sex probably.

Amai: - Whaaat?

Jay: - The boss has always made it clear that he was Bisexual, so sometimes you will always see a woman or a man in his office, sometimes it's the woman and the man sometimes lol.

Amai: - You really pay attention huh lol.

After a few minutes the man leaves the Boss's room and Amai can finally enter. When he entered, he again saw the boss in his pants only:

CEO: - So you came.

Amai: - Hi boss.

CEO: - How's training going?

Amai: - It's going well.

CEO: - lol you really are strange, usually people say: "It's horrible, I don't want to stay here anymore" and some even commit suicide.

Amai: - Maybe because they didn't have a life like mine, here it's practically a home, I eat, sleep, train is this the hell they told me?

CEO: - You're weird, and I like that.

Amai: - Was that all? can I leave?

CEO: - No, let's train now.

Amai: - Out of nowhere?

CEO: - Yes. ready?

Amai: - Okay, right.

So CEO gets up and the two start fighting inside the office, they both start exchanging blows using the objects that were in the room, it looked like something out of a movie, CEO grabs Amai and throws him on the sofa:

CEO: - Looks like you're no match for me yet, you need to train more.

Then CEO turns his back on Amai so Amai shouts:

Amai: - Never turn your back on your opponent.

And jumps on top of him, they both fall to the ground, Amai was on top of him and after they fell they began to stare intensely at each other until:

CEO: - Are you going to stay on top of me forever?


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