Episode 9

Amai takes a peek and sees people who seemed to be together to attack the boss:

Amai: "If I help you, will you tell me everything you know about me, and why you know about me?"

CEO: "We'll figure that out later, this is not the time for talking."

Then the CEO pulls a gun from his waistband and starts shooting at the person with the weapon:

CEO: "For now, stay alert to see if anyone else is armed!"

Amai checks if anyone is armed, but only sees thugs with wooden sticks:

Amai: "It seems like no one else is armed."

Then the CEO says:

CEO: "I'm going to count to three, on three you run to fight the other thugs, okay?"

Amai: "But what about the shooter?"

CEO: "Trust me! One... two... three!!!"

Amai runs towards the thugs, the shooter aims at Amai and right after the CEO shoots him:

CEO: "Easy target... I'll see how Amai does, I'll help him in a bit."

Then the CEO watched what Amai was going to do.

As Amai ran, he grabbed a piece of iron from a trash can, and immediately started hitting the thugs with the iron bar, they fought as if they were swords, but in reality it was Wood VS iron, Amai fought and dodged very well, besides being agile and fast:

CEO: "He's very good at hand-to-hand combat, I better go help him."

The CEO went to help him defeat the rest of the thugs, they looked like an unstoppable duo, then many thugs joined together and the CEO and Amai had their backs to each other:

Amai: "So, boss? Can you handle it?"

CEO: "Hahaha, you're all confident! I'll take the ones on the right and you take the ones on the left."

Then they started fighting again, to be faster, Amai dragged the tip of the iron bar on the ground to sharpen it and stuck it into the thugs' feet, it was a place where they weren't paying attention, so it made it easier for Amai to defeat them.

And the CEO was with his gun, he had perfect aim, but there came a time when the bullets ran out and the CEO started to fight hand-to-hand. A thug grabbed the gun from the shooter that the CEO killed, and before he could use the gun, Amai grabbed him in a rear-naked choke:

Amai: "I guess now, you can't move anymore, can you?"

Amai had immobilized not only his neck but also his hands, and this made it impossible for the thug to use the weapon. Amai saw a thug approaching the CEO with the sharpened iron bar that Amai was using to pierce their feet, the CEO was busy fighting the others:

Amai thinking "I can't let this bastard take out the boss before he tells me what he knows."

So Amai quickly released the rear-naked choke and remembered a move he learned while training with the commander, the move called seoi-nage.

(This move here)

And he threw the thug to the ground and at the same time he passed out, so as he was holding the gun Amai quickly grabbed it from the thug's hand and aimed to shoot:

Amai: "I hope the target practice was worth something."

Then he shoots and hits the thug before he could hurt the CEO, the CEO from afar gives a thumbs-up in thanks, then the CEO knocked out the last one standing:

Amai: "Finally, I thought we weren't going to make it out of this alive."

CEO: "You did great, huh?"

Amai: "Thank you."

Amai pats the CEO's arm:

CEO: "Ouch!"

Amai: "Are you hurt???"

CEO: "No."

Amai lifts the sleeve of his shirt and sees the bruise:

Amai: "Then what is this?"

CEO: "Oh, a bruise, I hadn't even noticed 😁."

Amai: "Let's go back, we have to take care of this bruise."

Then they leave the thugs there on the street all fallen and bruised and leave.

While they were walking:

Amai: "I didn't know you were such a good shot!"

CEO: "Yeah, it was what I trained the most, I didn't know you were such a good fighter."

Amai: "I didn't know either, haha."

CEO: "Thanks for saving me back there."

Amai: "Look, it's nothing personal, but I only saved you because you have things to explain to me!"

CEO: "I know deep down you wanted to save me."

Amai: "Conceited!"

CEO: "Don't say anything to anyone there, please, the guard is reporting everything to my father, I don't want him to worry."

Amai: "Okay."

Then they arrived at the mafia building:

CEO: "We're not going to my office, we're going to my room."

Amai: "Why?"

CEO: "Shut up and let's go."

Then the CEO took Amai to his room, they entered and closed the door:

CEO: "I'm going to get the first aid kit, just a minute."

Then Amai is watching how beautiful his room is, all organized, Amai sees some pictures of him as a child in frames on the wall:

Amai: "Hey, this boy is the boy from my memory, so the CEO is somehow connected to me...?"

And soon after, Amai remembers something else, it was him and the CEO playing as children, they seemed so close.

CEO: "Come here, help me out."

Then Amai goes to help:

CEO: "Help me clean the wound, it's on my arm (almost near my shoulder) I can't reach it."

Amai: "I need you to take your shirt off."

The CEO takes off his shirt and Amai observes the big, huge arms he has:

Amai: "It's not very deep, but it will hurt a little."

CEO: "I've been hurt way worse, this is nothing."

Amai: "Okay, then."

Amai cleaned the wound and put on a bandage.

Amai: "Now then, ready! Tell me, why were they after you?"

CEO: "I thought you were smart... Marco must have already told you about the other mafia, if they kill me, our mafia would be in chaos, my father can't go back to ruling, and then the South mafia would destroy ours easily!"

Amai: "I see... does this happen often?"

CEO: "It depends, but it doesn't matter because I always manage to solve it."

Amai: "But speaking of me now, tell me everything you know!"

CEO: "Okay, here we go..."


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