Zander sprung up from his hideout holding his eye. Dancing around in pain.
"Hey *** hole! Why did you poke me in the eye!! "
Curious royal soldier:
"Ahhhhh i-i-its a G-G-GOLEM!!! Somebody save me!H-h-help m-m-meeeee!😵😭😵"
The royal soldier fainted out of pure fear. Zander could hear the soldiers' reinforcements coming from the dungeon he just escaped from. Rubbing his eye still in some slight pain, and blurriness.
Running to the woods off the beaten path not making much space between them from what he was carrying.
In the distance, Zander saw a small trail of smoke. He went towards that direction hoping to find other people who were not afraid or at least have left some scraps to eat.
Carrying these objects become easier because he was gaining level as a form of training. The downside is that it makes him hungry. Which makes him less emotional to all the things he cares about.
By the time he reached the smoke night had fallen around him.
Trying to be quiet as possible Zander was close enough to hear their conversation without causing any suspicion.
Chief Thief Ched-duh:
" Well boys, we had a decent haul today. It should last the 3 of us for a couple of months. No one can stop us, 'The Chedduh Gang' now but God!😂"
Right-hand thief Goo-duh:
"Yeah chief, robbing that lower noble family sure set us up pretty nicely. Look at this loot!😁"
Left-hand thief Jack-uh
"Looks to me like they were skipping town with all of their possessions. I wonder what they was runnin from."🤔
Chief Ched-duh
"I don't know or care, but in the morning we make like a tree a leaf"
"Boss that was such a bad joke.😂 So which way are we goin to jack-uh boy? You're the navigator."
"Well, we can't go any farther north on that main trail over there. We'd be caught for certain. So we'll have to go west to the West City port yard. There we can sell all this shit in the merchant areas and maybe sail to the Kingdom of Spades. Then start all over again."😁
A few hours later.
" Jack-uh! Stop yer flapping now. I'm a tired old coot that needs his beauty sleep! Goo-duh, you're on watch doody...💩🤣"
"Yes boss." *mumbling under his breath
As the 2 men finally fell asleep. Now was Zander's perfect time to grab some form of higher quality food. While waiting he started feeling the effects again.
( Alright, I can take on this single stooge on my own. I'm starving and i don't really wanna kill these guys if i don't have to.")
Zander put down the scales and claws he received from the dungeon behind the trees nearby to sneak around easier. They had 3 high-quality void bags. The higher the quality the more weight and number of items it can hold.
Goo-duh went pee out behind ched-duhs single and only tent they had. The others just slept in sleeping sacs near the fire.
Zander now at the bags tied to the chief's tent stake for his "security" purposes. Zander opened their inventories to see what they had inside
All bags inventory
• gold statues, jewels of all shapes and sizes
• Human Food enough to last a few months for a small family
•extra weapons and clothes stolen from the nobles
• 1 black dragon core worth millions of gold coins * the cores the size of a softball*
***World currency***
100 copper \= 1 Silver
100 Silver \= 1 Gold
100 Gold \= 1 platinum
The thieves didn't know how lucky they struck in fortune. Since Zander used his appraisal skill he could see its rating.
Zanders jaw almost fell off but he pushed it back into his head
(Holy shit-balls!! Orange S class item that's the rarest item class!😲 Thank you Lucky necklace, God! *kissing it in his mind* Now if i were to eat this it might be years before my feeling begins to worsen or won't have any hunger needs to survive. So I'll just leave the human food and the close and a few jewels and gold in one bag and steal the rest. Nothing wrong stealing from thieves.😄)
Zander ripped the 2 bags off the stake in the ground. He ran as fast as he could waking jack-uh in his cacoon like a sleeping sack. Which he could get out of easily.
The tent collapsed causing Ched-duh to be stuck, frantically trying to find a way out.
Goo-duh while he was peeing he had his pants around his ankles. He tried going after him but tripped on Jack-uh worming around on the floor.
With his successful steal after picking up his prior loot. Zander head toward the north following the main road trail till morning hit.
A whole calvary of royal soldiers on horseback went charging by going after the noble family who stole the black dragon core that was held in the diamond kingdoms treasury.
Zander turned northeast of the oath to avoid the soldiers. Even tho he's 10 times lighter than before with the high-quality void bags that he placed in his chest cavity. He would never be able to outrun or fight that many people on horseback. The sun was at high noon in the sky when he reached an opened clearing if trees.
Zander stumbled upon a large crater-like nesting area in this open clearing of trees. He realized he was in danger when he saw bones of humans and other monsters. From out of the thick woods he saw a dark figure running towards the middle of the best we're there was a single egg. It was a scrappy young crimson red hair boy. He picked up the egg and ran like his life was about to end. Racing past Zander took a double glance at this tiki faced the monster and screamed.
The boy tripped rolling on the ground dropping the egg. The boy got back up and started running as fast as he could still in fear without the egg.
Zander began to feel the earth and see trees shake. Out from the deep thick forest came a Reptigoa. Breaking through the nearby trees and crying in anger for its egg. It saw Zander next to her child and thought he was the one that did it. She charged with her massive hard head to crush Zander. He was quick with his reflects started running away at a decent pace absorbing the ground around him and becoming larger in size.
The creature came close enough we're he launched himself with rock pillar on top of his pursuer trying to make the mother Raptigoa go to sleep in a chokehold. She was buck and ramming her body into trees to get him off. The sun was starting to set.
**Present Day**
" aaaannnnndddd that's how I made it here with a bit of luck and will power."😉
Saren to Zanders mind:
[ Okay, well I'm glad you're okay and made it to me safely but i need you and my companion Shoku here to watch over me while i evolve into my next form.]
While telling them the plan if what they were going to do next Saren looked at Zanders stats out of curiosity who was stronger.
Name: Zander White (Magma Golem)
Status: Healthy
Level: 34/37
Hp: 2970
Mp: 1900
Str: 134
Def: 145
Int: 74
Spd: 107
Points: 49
Skill Set: Low physical immunity (LVL 5), Fire resistance (LVL 4), Appraisal (LVL 3)
Ore fusion (LVL 4) Lesser Earth magic (LVL 7), Illumination, Night vision, ???.
Title: Variant, Magma Golem, Battle freak, Wall, Unwavering will, night light, thief.
(Pfffft, 😂🤣😂 Omg how the hell,l is he a night light. Haha maybe the person making these titles isn't to bad. Now i can compare to mine)
Name: Saren Quill
Status: Healthy
Level: 35/35
Hp: 2807
Mp: 2100
Str: 123
Def: 117
Int: 89
Spd: 145
Points: 49
Skillset: Enchant (LVL 2), Lower water magic (LVL 7), Adapt (LVL 3), Spacial senses (LVL 4), Appraisal (LVL 4), Water-resistance ( LVL 4), Lesser lightning Magic (Lvl 5), Lightning Resistance (Lvl 3), Berserker mode (Lvl 1), Short-range telepathy, ???.
Title: Evolved Variant, Swamp Siren, Omnivore, Bad Blood, Momma's boy, Orphan, Berserker
(Well he definitely has the upper hand right now. Just wait until i transform. I better be able to talk after this one.)
[Alright Zander I'm ready.]
Few more days pass
Zander was trying to be best buddies with Shoku the whole time Saren was evolving. Shoku gets easily annoyed Zander's personality. He just tolerates him now for master's sake.
" That one was rough I'm still aching all over my body from it... Wtf did i just say that?!?! Thank you, Goddess, for letting me win this one!😭"
Saren finally spoke for the first time in a human language
Saren was almost a full-on human. He had a gem in his forehead from his prior forms light. He could still manipulate his gills. Still had scales in parts of his body. Almost all of his sharp teeth and changed to more human. His skin color now was a very faded light blue fusing into normal skin pigment taken over 60% of his body. He could now have retractable fingernail claws.
" Hey love birds over there, now we have to face the hard part. How do we get past the guard looking even scarier than most dungeon monsters?"
They both looked at each other with clueless faces. Then from the other side of the wall fire broke out people were screaming and border royal guards were rushing to help fight a massive creature that appeared in the nearby town. This was their ticket in. This fight would show them the difference in their strength against this new foe.
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Updated 14 Episodes