Chapter 1 : Survival isn't simple

(I'm in an Egg!? I thought I was supposed to be reincarnated as a human!) Saren thought to himself

Later I realized it was more of a tough sac bundled with others in a mucus-like nest.

[ Goddess!!! What the hell did you do!! Can you hear my thoughts!!]

[... Hehe.. 😅 yeeaaahh... I can hear you.. but only for a very brief time. About a few minutes per month I can only interfere so much in my world. My power will also take a long time to recover from stoping time.]

[So why am I in an egg and not a human!]

[I was basically out of power and your souls were sent randomly to beings born at the same time you died.]

[ Okay so what happened to the others? Are they okay are they close by? Are they even the same species as me?]

[ They are all fine. I talked to all of them already. Zander has been reborn as a lesser golem. Izumi was reborn as a cute light green slimeling. As for Ferra, she was reborn as a baby Phoenix hatchling.]

[ So they are safe and now I know what I'm looking for. That still doesn't tell me where they are..]

[ You should head northeast of your dungeon you currently live in. I've told all of your friends to meet on the north side of the Diamond Continent. Your closest friend,........., Is in that direction...

It seems that you all... it out alive. I'm sure you have many more questi.... but I'm at the end of my time."

"Just say 'Display menu' and you'll be able to figure out moves and abilities you aquir.. along your jo...ney. If you s..ll need help ... tap the help bu.... if you don't unde.....nd something in y...r My powers alm..t ...]

Her voice muffled and faded again.

[ Wait!! Don't go I don't even know how to get out of this egg yet!! ]

(Welp I guess she's gone.. just great. I guess I should try this open status menu thing she mentioned before.)

{Display menu}

A light blue-tinted screen appeared in front of my little eyes. It reads:

Name: Saren Quill

Status: healthy, slight confusion

Level: 1

Hp: 10

Mp: 2

Str: 3

Def: 2

Int: 4



Skill set: Enchant (lvl 1), Lower water magic (lvl 1), (???) Adapt (lvl 1), ??? (?).

Title: Variant, Swamp Siren, Newborn.

(Okay so it looks like a basic RPG set up like before, but I should ask a couple of questions just to make things clear.)

He tries to reach to press the help button on the screen to ask about his skill points and the question marks in his abilities but he realized a big issue.

( I don't have hands!! Or arms!! Wtf!.. ugh... I guess I have no choice then.)

He had 2 choices use his tongue or his face to get help. He chose his face. He didn't want to know what these weird clear liquids around him tasted like.

( So I'm basically a tadpole in an egg. Alright then, gonna use my face to hit the button.)

  Not sure of how much strength he had to use and never had a tail fin before. He charged with his little tail fin with all his might. He did manage to hit the help button on the screen but also dislodged his egg sac from the rest of his family's nest breaking open from hitting shallow swamp water below. A throne of some kind was surrounded by pillars of mucus egg sac nests. His menu turned off after the falling.

The environment slowly focused in. It showed a slightly fogged swampland.

You could hear in the far distance some branches breaking, splashing, and other creatures howls in the swamp looking for there next meal.

A women shaped figure slowly approached Sarens little tadpole body. She was a dark tanned skin mermaid with pointy ears like an elf. She was able to slither on shallow water. Saren was calm while she picked him up in her hands pressing their foreheads together. She spoke to him in a soft warm gentle tone through short-range telepathy.

[Welcome to the world, my brave little prince. You seem to be quite strong and very different from the siblings before you. You have blue skin, instead of a dark brown. How interesting.]

[ Um.., are you my mother? For some reason, I'm not afraid of you.. but my name's Saren]

[ Oh my. Able to speak. What a smart strange little boy. Saren you say. I am indeed your mother Queen of the Swamp sirens.  I have no other name. If you must call me something. Call me Mother. Your elder siblings passed away from an adventurer raid recently. I finished off the remain adventures, but one got away. That's why we are the only ones left.]

Saren didn't realize that he was an irregular monster. So he decided to ask a bit about his surroundings and started to feel this undying need to eat.

[ Mother, why am I so hungry? I was fine moments ago in my egg. Also, how can I leave this swamp? I have to find my friends.]

[ The extreme hunger you crave is from your nature as a Swamp Siren Newborn. You and your many other siblings eat each other until one survives. It looks like you'll have the upper hand now that you're out early. What do you mean by friends? You've just come into this world. Also, the only way out is going south up the stairs, which is that way ( she pointed to a large space between the swamp trees.) But I warn you. It won't be easy. You'll have to become much stronger to be able to leave this layer of this dungeon I rule over.]

[ Eat my siblings!?! That sounds gross but for some reason, I'm still willing to do anything to eat something. Sorry if it seems as if I've deceived you in any way, but I'm actually a human mistakingly reincarnated as one of your children. I have 3 other friends out there just like my situation so I need to find them and kill a large number of demon lords. You rule this layer of a dungeon?]

[ Yes, and thank you for being so honest with me. You're still one my children don't worry. Maybe one day you can become king of this level.]

[No thanks, I'll let someone else have it.]

[ Well just so you know each level of this dungeon has a king or queen ruling over it to keep some form of stability in the layers land. No one knows how these dungeons came to be. This was way before my time.]

[ How old are you mother?]

[ 367 years old. We can live up to 1,000 years old]

( I wonder if the years are similar to my own on Earth. But I need something to eat now!)

[ When will it be time for my siblings to hatch?]

[ Any moment now, you have started an early hatching process from leaving the nest.]

The nest that Saren had fallen from started to move from all the egg sacs beginning to hatch. But unknown to him there was something even worse about to strike.


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