Chapter 9: Getting out

"So it went A little something like this." Said Zander with an eager face.

He opened his eyes and all he could see a bright orange almost liquid. It felt like to him that he had fallen from somewhere.

He remembers the situation that happened prior. He was more than thankful to be alive.

Zander tried to swim up with those thoughts running through his mind, but he wasn't able to move easily. He started to panic because he couldn't hold his breath much longer for what he had. His panic started to subside when his feet touched the ground of this shallow liquid he was in.

He was about to give up... Then he thought of Ferra, with all of his might and strength he pushed up from the bottom enough barely grasping the outer edge of the pool.

He crawled out coughing up what managed to get in his lungs. When he looked down all of the liquid turned to solid like a rock. Zander in shock looked behind him from where he emerged with curiosity.

The landscape was of pools and streams of lava. Bubbling and bursting with hot magma everywhere. Some fell from the cave-like ceiling. Above the pool of lava, he came from was a large Mana crystal that was able to survive in this harsh environment.

( What the hell happened to me, Goddess! You didn't say anything like whatever this might be, was gonna be my body!)

( I know that you're a little upset my Hero, but this was the best i could do in the situation. I used much of my power to find your souls' suitable bodies, but the one your in now is the only option.)

( Well i guess its fine sense you tried your best. Can't blame you. What am I? Where are my friends?)

She explained everything to him about this new system and how to use it. He found out from his Display menu that he was a Magma Golem. He was born from the irradiating mana from the crystal on the ceiling an old core absorbed it. With the rocks coming loose he fell from the ceiling into the lava. That's how they're born. She told him to go north after leaving this dungeon. He would go to the border and wait till he met one of his friends in monster form.

After getting the vague info from the goddess Zander decided to look around. He could hear a constant banging noise somewhere in the layer he was born in. He started to head into the direction of the sound.

Going around the lakes, rivers, and ponds of lava. He soon found himself in front of some strong enemies. Two Magma Mole newborns, skin hard as iron, claws sharp as iron. The moles we're both level 1. The only problem was two against one. He had to think back for a second of what skills he could use to help him out in the situation.

Name: Zander White (Magma Golem)

Status: Healthy

Level: 1

Hp: 10

Mp: 5

Str: 10

Def: 20

Int: 7

Spd: 1

Points: 0

Skillset: Low physical immunity (LVL 1), Fire resistance (LVL 4),

Ore fusion (LVL 1) Lesser Earth magic (LVL 1), ???.

Title: Variant, Magma Golem, Battle freak, Wall, Unwavering will.

Zander was still had nothing...

So he started booking it as fast as his little legs would carry him. The fact that he's a slow monster means these moles are nipping at his heels. Digging and jumping through the air like dolphins. He had to ask for help even tho he's never that type.

(Help system! How do I attack these pig snout bastards?!)

The help system explained how magic works. She also mentioned

{[If you click on your Lesser magic skill it may have a starter spell to use. By shouting the words and pointing your arms or energy the right way you may be able to fight back.]}

Zander, trying to find his cool, sees a narrow path in the dungeon. Trying to lure them into it giving him easier targets.

(I see you dirt pigs, come at me! I'm not much of a fantasy type person or much of a gamer, but I know how to fight in a tight spot. So I'll just have to use this for now! Assembly Cannon!)

Zander with his left palm facing the moles unknowingly fires his hand at one of them. Managing to grasp one but the other was coming in fast.

(Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Wtf wtf wtf!!! I thought this was going to do some spell launching some rocks... Not my freaking hand!!! Ok ok ok. Relax I can still feel it with the dirt rat in my hand. Tough little guys, but I don't need two hands to finish one of them on my own.😁)

Deeper into this narrow path the remaining mole is about to reach him. Zander does a sliding turn on his feet grasping with his large hands the face of the mole and slamming it into the ground as hard as he could.

Cracking of its head gave Zander the chills down his spine. He's never killed anything. He never went out hunting before, but he didn't feel any remorse or sadness. What else could he not feel?

Then he heard in his mind

{[Level up! Level up! Level up!.... ]}

He leveled up to level 4. He quickly asked how to bring his body back together.

{[Pull your arm backward like it's on a rubber band, but you have to be able to see it and has to be in a basic straight line.]}

He brings it back with the mole still trying to escape in his left hand. The hand bounces off the walls of the narrow passageway. Unknowingly causing himself and the mole damage. Points to there health.

Connecting his hand again like a glove after throwing his enemy with his right hand against the rocky wall. Not giving it a second to make any form of attack. He takes a nearby boulder throwing it at the mole. It leaps up into the air to dodge it swiftly. Unfortunately for the mole that was Zander's plan from the beginning.

Now able to close in the space do to his lack of speed he focuses his magic around his fist making it grow larger with the surrounding earth feeding into it. He jumps up instantly killing the mole as he squashed it against the low dungeon ceiling.

(Okay, maybe that last kill was a little overkill but I'm level 7 now and using this magic junk feels more natural now. I just gotta use my imagination and make up some of my own spells. Now that I'm here might as well find something to eat, but what can I eat? Help system what do magma Golems eat?)

{[ Rocks, magma, ore, cores, crystals and not restained from eating meat or herbs but there are no taste buds in your current form. By eating harder material or cores your body will, in turn, become stronger by absorbing it. Fusing your body with harder ore gives you those properties at a faster rate than eating them.]}

(Fusion... Hmmm, I'll try that after I get stuff an heal. My hands' damaged from that mole trying to escape.)

  Zander takes a rest on a nearby rock. Once he got comfortable the area he was in began to shake. Almost like an earthquake, but he could see crawling out from the narrow passage that was making these earth moving vibration. It towered over him almost reaching the ceiling. Zander took a few steps back trying not to fall just to see the face of this giant monster. He didn't know what it could be.

  Hiding from it he used his appraisal skill to see what he was dealing with, but before he even got to see it the ground began to shake again. Something else was crawling up a deep cavern. The scene looked like the whole layer was about to fall apart or be destroyed by these creatures from the unknown layer below Zander.


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