"Uwaah\~ That was delicious!" Luke exclaimed." Yeah it was tasty\~" Ayra follow on him. Their was a beautiful flower view so Ayra decided to take some pictures of it. " You sure do like flowers huh? Which one do you like?" Luke came up. " I like all kinds of flowers but I really like the white rose." Ayra smiled as she thinks of her favorite flower.
'Ohh so her favorite is that.' Luke thought to take note. "Hmm..How about we enjoy ourselves now?\~" Luke grab Ayra's hand with a smile. Both went to see some animals, taking pictures, went to the aquarium to see tons of different kinds of fish. They were awed at the view of the tank being all fancy looking but not expensive. The view of the clear water with many kinds of shells and many types of fish in one aquarium.
Next, they saw the great white shark. Luke tried to get it's attention but ignored. He pouts turning his back on the tank and didn't know the shark was behind him. Ayra saw what happened and just laugh in silent while comforting Luke.Poor Luke.....
Both of them saw everything in the aquarium so they went to stadium where the show of dolphins and tricks were held. The show was good, dolphins doing tricks like going on to the hoop, waving their fins, doing some sync dancing and splashing water on the audience. The trainor yelled for a volunteer from the audience and chose Luke. The trainor told him that all they want to do is to play. If he wins he gets a prize but if he lose the dolphin gets to punish.
The game started as Ayra was sitting as an audience eager to see who will win. The trainor puts some signs in front both of them. All they need to do is pick a sign on a count on three. What they're going to play is Rock-Paper-Scissors. The host counted to three and both of them chose their signs. When their sign were up, Luke showed scissors while the dolphin showed rock. The dolphin wins the first round next is the second round. One,..Two,..Three! Both showed their signs. The winner of the second round is....Luke!\~
The crowd claps as his opponent did. Ayra was laughing a little by what she saw.Next is the final round, both were deciding what to pick and then on three both showed their signs."And the winner is...-Drum rolls-.....Luke!!" The audience were clapping and wooing. The host told him to come close to get the prize."Congratulations on you win Luke. Say before we give you our prize you must pick one of the three box over there and inside it will be yours.." The host pointed at the corner and wink at him.
Luke sweatdropped as he pick the third one. "People! We have a lucky winner today! Not only he win, he got our limited edition, the Mr. Lucky our biggest stuff toy and a two ticket to....The Exerian!! What a lucky guy right folks?.Hehe" The host pat him and then asked him a question.
"Since you have an extra ticket lad, who is the person who'll be your partner on this trip, a family member?" The host pointed his mic on Luke. "Uhh no..I was planning to give it to my friend on our hang out today." Luke awkwardly said it. He too is nervous. "Ohh so who is this friend of yours\~ a guy or a girl\~ heheh"
" She's a girl and her name is Ayra." Luke introduce her as he smiled while Ayra was being embarassed cause her name was announced." Ho! Okay this lucky girl is sure lucky to have this guy! A round of applause people....Okay that's all for today, our next show is-" The host was announcing the next show.
Luke went backstage to see a man holding his prize."You must be the guy who won! Congratulations here's your prize and have a nice day!" Fortunately the toy is a little bigger than in human size and the ticket to Exerian is in Luke's wallet. After that he went back to his seat but Ayra is not there anymore.
"Psssst\~" Luke turned a round to see Ayra was out of the fence waving at him. Luke then went to her while carrying the toy. "Pfft- You look like you had fun\~" Ayra took out her phone taking pictures of Luke carrying a giant stuff toy."Stop that\~It's embarrassing if the other guys saw this but before that what should I do? We can't keep carrying this thing around." Luke is being troubled thinking that people will think he is a.....little kid. Well to be truth he is 14 years old and the same age as Ayra.
"There's a counter over there we can leave our things there and then come back later." Ayra pointed the way and both went to the counter. "This please." Luke handed over the toy. The staff nod and place it with care and then Luke and Ayra went back to their course. Both of them talk while walking what to ride first. Ayra suggested the roller coaster as for Luke just nodded.
Both enjoyed their rides, snacking of stuff, competing some mini games and then went to the movies. Almost they did everything and some of them we're romantically accidents like accidentally put on each other's hands or holding onto one another cause of fear and stuff.
"Waaaah\~ we did almost everything here." Luke stretch his body as they just got out of the cinema."Yeah but all of it was worth it and look we got tons of prizes here." Ayra look at their bag with tons of toys and things and stuff. Luke sweat drop "Yeah but it's not like we just throw it away...How about we give them to our family and friends?"
"Yeah that would be better..What time is it now?" Ayra look at Luke."Hmm..It's 5:48 pm...Well that is reasonable since it's getting dark" Luke looked up at the sky. \~RING\~RING\~RING\~
"Oh wait my mom is calling." Ayra look at her phone then answered.
A:Hey mom what's up?
M:Uhh Ayra, Honey where are you now?
A: At the park with Luke..Why?
M:Can you come home now?
A:Yeah we intend to.
M:Great cause there is someone waiting for you here and it might surprise you\~.
A:Hmm?Who is it?
M:Not telling\~If you want to know come home now and you can invite Luke.
A:Ok..See you mom.
M:See you honey(kiss noise)
"So as you've heard I need to go home now." Ayra put back her phone on her purse."Yeah I'll drive you back lets go." Luke just smiles there but on his head he is a little bothered by someone on Ayra's house. Luke almost forgot about the toy at the counter and so is Ayra so Luke went as fast as he can to get and came back.
Ayra sweat dropped at his actions. "You don't need to be in a hurry you know. Ahaha"."Yeah but we can't afford to make the person at your house wait for rights? And besides I'm dying to know who is this person..." Luke muttered the last sentence."Huh?" Ayra look at him in question."Nothing\~".
After Luke got the toy, they were talking on their way to the car. Few minutes, they got out of the park and went to their car. Luke recalled that Lynx was with them but didn't see him. After they got to their car, Luke then look at the backseat but Lynx is nowhere to be found. 'Where could have Lynx go?' Luke thought then a sudden voice answered him.
'Nya\~ Master I'm here\~' Luke suddenly twitch like cold got to him. "Are you okay Luke?" Ayra asked in a worried tone."Uh yeah, maybe someone is talking to me hehehe." Luke looked at her scratching the back of his hair. "Pfft, yeah and maybe they are dissing you haha\~" Ayra then went back to normal. 'Yeah...But I swear I heard Lynx but Ayra was acting normal.How could that be.' Luke thought while acting normal and opening the door for Ayra.
'Hehe\~ That's because I'm talking to you mentally master or more like I'm inside of you\~' Again Luke heard Lynx voice and by Lynx explains it, it makes sense. 'Ohh I see, okay we'll have to talk later then' Then Luke went inside of the car. Luke started then drove the car to Ayra's house. Their trip was a little silent so he turned on the radio to see some music. After that their trip was enjoyable. They were singing and mimicking the voice of the singers then tried to duet.
Time pass they arrived at her house seeing her mom at the gate and some unknown black car. Lynx's fur went up having some goosebumps and Luke can feel it. 'Hmm? Is anything wrong Lynx?' Luke asked. 'N-no, its nothing master.Its just that it was the familiar feeling I felt earlier and it is a dangerous one master please be careful and be vigilant.' Lynx warned him as he tried to recall what is the feeling. Luke parked the car then he went out of his car and then went to the side of Ayra to open the door.
Ayra's mom saw what happened and was troubled by it. Ayra then got out of the car then went to his mom and then Luke followed. "Hi mom I'm back. So who is it?" Ayra hugged her mom as Luke only stand behind her." Welcome back and before that come inside first and I have already cook dinner so Luke?" Her mom then look at Luke . "Since aunt already cooked then it's a waste to not eat it soo I'll take you up on that offer Thanks\~" Luke thanked her and then they went inside. Luke saw a man in a black suit I front of the door guarding but it was a first time to see him.
'Maybe it's the guest's bodyguard or something.' Luke thought while looking at the man. "Hey mom who is that guy? I've never seen him before." Ayra whispered to her mom as her mom whispered to her back."Don't worry its the companion of someone who was waiting for you. But honey, I think you should ready yourself." Then Ayra was confuse she wants to ask but the door suddenly opened showing a guy. Luke then felt the tingling 'Master!!Its the guy I told you earlier!Master the familiar feeling came from him!' Lynx became a little aggressive as if he was ready to fight.
After hearing all that, Luke wore his poker face.'Lynx! Calm down and then stay vigilant. Tell me something is wrong immediately and report if we're in danger.' Luke calmed Lynx down as he did."Ohh\~ So glad to see you again A-Y-R-A\~. It's been a long time since we met." The guy with black hair and yellow eyes smiled then grabbed Ayra's hand and kissed it but she pulled her hand back. "Umm..Who are you exactly?" Ayra question but the look on her face isn't a curious expression but a worried one.
"Ouch..How cold.Well can't blame you for forgetting me after all this years hehe." He fix his composure. Ayra glance at her mom signing 'who is he?' but her mom only sigh. "Now now before we get to that how about we eat dinner first before it gets cold." Ayra's mom broke the atmosphere then Ayra and Luke followed her. "Hahaha yeah how could I forget. Okay then we will continue this later." He then went inside as he was bossy went he put it like that. But before he went inside, he looked at Luke as Luke looked at him. Their eyes met and Luke can see in his eyes the signs of a...Predator.
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