/At Lynx's part before the fight/
"Nyaaa\~" Lynx stretched his body as he saw mark is sleeping with him.'This is awkward\~' Lynx then went to the kitchen seeing a note on the fridge.'Hmm\~ its from master..I wonder what it says\~' Lynx grabbed the note as he read it.
*I'll give Ayra a ride back to her house and then we will go directly to the park to workout.Theres food in the table and Lynx... Give mark his food and enough water.*
** -Luke C.
Is what it says, as Mark came to him timingly as he finished read the note.Lynx gave Mark his food and enough water as Lynx ate his breakfast. It was still early and Lynx was bored, so he went out deciding to go to the park to meet Luke.
On his way, he met a two young girls being cornered by a guy who looks like a pervert.'Ohh\~Early in the morning and this happened..' Lynx just sat there watching them and thinking what will happen.Unexpectedly, the pervert became aggresive all of a sudden and grab the arm of the taller girl.
"Let go! You pervert! Stop!.." The taller girl yelled as the guy just continued his actions."Hey stop it! Or I will call the police!" Her companion yelled as she opened her purse to get her phone but the guy got a knife pointing to her friend that was grabbed.
'Ohh\~what will you do now young lady\~' Lynx just watched doesn't care what will happen."Hehehe\~scared now aren't you\~? Now give me the bag and quiet---•THUD!•" the guy suddenly fell to the ground and he is unconcious.
Lynx then got the chill down his spine.'Wha-!what just happened?!' Lynx went to take a closer look seeing a young boy at the same age of Luke with Black hair and yellow eyes?He helped the ladies and gave the purse back.'What is this feeling?! Its so familiar...Anyway gotta run before it sense me.' And the Lynx ran away but instead to hide he immediately went to his master or Luke.
'That wasn't normal!.He is not human, something is up..' Lynx went to the park as fast as possible to report something to his master until..."HELP!LUKE HELP!" He heard a girl screamed and then saw his master running towards the one who screamed. Many people heard the scream, some went to the source of it and then some just ignored it.
'Master! Gotta follow him.' And then Lynx followed Luke. After that he saw a girl being cornered by 4 men.As Luke blocked the black guy, they chatted a little until the mood is filled with pressure.Lynx wanted to help him but he can't exposed himself to other people.
He saw Luke's hand into a fist as he notice that Luke's action and behavior changed.'Master changed?Whats gonna happen?More likely, this aura is not master's.' Lynx just observed but is on alert expecting that things may go in a wrong turn.
But to his surprise, as the big black guy swinged his fist towards Luke, Luke suddenly dissapeared as Lynx noticed that Luke is above the guy.Lynx didn't expect this to happen.
/Back to Luke's Part/
Luke kick the guy in the face even though his in mid air.People came one after another.Luke just stood there looking at the one he kicked on the ground."Pathetic..Tell your boss this, keep his hands on him not on girls..Pervert." Luke looked at him with cold eyes.But this time his eyes turned green?.
Then Ayra reach out to Luke's hand.As she hold him, Luke flinch a little and then looked at her but this time his eyes went normal blue."It's okay now...Let's go, you must be exhausted." Luke comforted her as for Lynx followed them in his stealth mode.
As they went to Luke's car "What..." Ayra suddenly spoke up but her tone sounds like in fear."W-what if they come back to you to get revenge?" Ayra sure is in fear. Fear that Luke might get hurt."Hmm, if that will happen I will beat their asses up until they can't...So don't worry." Luke patted Ayra's head as he grinned at her to calm her down.
"Just be careful okay?." She still not convince."Fine, don't worry about it." Luke gestured her as he turned his hand into Like.Its now 8:47 am, Luke drove to an asphalt since he promised her that he would teach her how to drive.
Luke taught her the functions of the gears and the pedals and then some important tips.Little by little, Ayra learned the basic and then when Luke decided step out of the car, he isn't even surprise that she drive perfectly.She is the girl who he love after all and if she did not drived perfectly he will find fault himself for not being a good teacher.
Everything went perfect. Luke look at his watch to see thats it's 9:18 am.Luke decided that they should go home now since they both decided to 'hangout' today."We need to go home now. I'll let her drive to my apartment as part in the practice." Luke decided and when he thought about their 'hangout' his face went red.
Ayra came back still driving as she parked and Luke came in,"Look at this, just a little practice and some basic you can learn how to decently drive."
"Hahahaha thanks to the teacher, I easily learned how to drive. Thanks again Luke." She looked at him with a big smile.'Looks like she calmed down.' Luke look at her and sighed in relief. "Well then it's now almost ten, how about we go home and then prepare for our hangout?" Luke went to the driver's seat as Ayra scootch to the passenger's seat.
"Let's go! But!" Ayra exclaimed as she is ready to go but then suddenly grabbed the steering wheel before Luke sat down."What?" Luke looked at her confuse."I will be the one driving.You can just point where to go." Ayra then became aggressive as she went over to the driver's seat."Please\~Luke?"she looked at him with her pleading dog eyes."Fine\~" Luke then went back to the passenger seat.
Ayra is excited for her first time real driving experience from destination to destination. On the way, Luke pointed out the directions to his apartment. Luke look at his phone, the clock showed 9:36 am.'It looks like we can make it.' And then Luke look outside. His apartment now can be seen.
Luke reminded Ayra how to park as she struggles a little she succeed.Two of them got out of the car as Ayra went first inside."Umm Luke? Can you put the bag on the bed please\~" Ayra went to the guest room then took off her sweaty clothes one by one. Luke went to his room, he already prepared the things they need.
*Faint*/Shower noise/
'Hmm?Looks like she is in the shower now...'As Luke undressed and went to the bathroom. Out of nowhere a picture of Ayra in a towel came in his mind and suddenly his nose bleed.' What the-! Stop having some delusions Luke! Pull yourself together!' Luke shake his head and slap his face. If somebody would look at him now he would look like an idiot."Haaaa\~ gotta get ready.." Luke stop his idiotic behavior and is back on track.
After a short while, Luke is done bathing,he brushed his teeth, cleaning his face and other things boys do.After a few while, Luke got out of the bathroom and went to choose his clothes for the 'hangout'. A plain white tshirt and a sky blue polo for the upper part and black jeans for the lower part.'Mmmm\~ I hope I look okay' Luke being nervous as he looked in the mirror.
"It's been a while since Ayra went to the guest room. I wonder if shes ready?" Luke left his room as he went to the guest room.
Luke knock on the door,"Ayra?Are you ready yet?" Luke yelled on the other side of the door."Just give a few minutes I'll be ready soon!" Luke looked at his watch to see that it's 9:57 am. "Okay! I'll for you outside!" After that he went outside to his car and saw lynx on the roof of it."Master..Nya\~"
"Hey lynx, why are you there on the roof?Where have you been?" Luke wave him hello."Uhh..I just went for a morning walk to kill time.Actually, Master I think you should be careful around you." Lynx look at Luke with a worried face."Hmm?Why do you say so?"
"Earlier this morning, I saw someone with a different aura compared to normal humans.It send chill to my spine giving a familiar feeling but I forgot what it was." Lynx climb up to the wall."Are you sure it's not your imagination?" Luke crossed his arms."No master! I'm 100% sure it's real.That is why you, young master, should be vigilant to your surroundings.Please consider this warning and act with caution, and to be sure I will come with you master." Lynx looked Luke with determination to protect.
"Ok fine.But don't let Ayra see you." Luke gave in as Lynx nod and went inside the car.After a few lil while, it was 10:03 am, the door opened revealing Ayra who is looking a cute innocent harmless girl.She wore one piece dress with a skirt colored light pink.Luke on the other hand, for Ayra he is a cool looking guy at the same time hot.
"Took you awhile.." Luke said to her but not looking at her."Uhh yeah, sorry bout that but now I'm here so let's go?" Ayra went inside the car as Luke also did. Luke is not worried about Lynx since he can vanish and stuff. "So...Where should we go first?" Ayra looked at Luke as she was brimming with smile. "Hmmm...I don't know I was planning for movies but would be boring right? So how about the amusement park?" Luke suggested as he focus on driving."Ohh you mean the Happy-Go-Lucky Funland?" Her eyes were sparkling."Y-yeah...Your eyes are sparkling, Do you really want to go that much?" Luke chuckled a little but in the inside 'Your like a kid...' His heart was pierced by her cuteness. "Yeah, I saw it on tv yesterday and I can see that it's was amazing!" Ayra talk about the park on the way as Luke only listened. Luke already know about the new park but it would ruin the happy moment for Ayra so he just listened quietly as he drive.
Few minutes passed by until they arrived at the Happy-Go-Lucky Funland. "Ayra can you wait for me at the entrance? I have to go park the car." Luke stopped by at the entrance."Sure." Ayra went out of the car as Luke went to the parking lot. Fortunately, the parking lot is big and only few cars are only parked.'This place is indeed Lucky.' Luke went out of his car and then immediately went to the entrance.
/At The same time in Ayra as she wait for Luke/
"Hahahaha....hmm?" A group of teens went inside but noticed Ayra."Pssst\~" one of the boys pointed at her. All of them nod."Hey beauty whatcha doin here all alone?\~hehe" The teens leader talked to Ayra." I'm just waiting for someone." Ayra just smiled at them."Ehh?! What kind of a person would make you, a beauty wait? What a scum. Haha\~" one of the followers laughed as the others silently giggled."Yeah..He must be an idiot.Why don't you come with us big brothers, little one?" Their leader grabbed Ayra's arm. Ayra is angry by their insults on Luke but her fear took over her. Ayra can fight but there is too many of them so she can't do anything except hoping for Luke to come back soon.As they grabbed her arm, Ayra resisted.
"Hey now little kitty, waiting on someone will just waste your time you know\~So why don't you come with us who are already here.Right guys?\~ hahaha" Their leader added an amount of strength to drag Ayra. Ayra begun to tear up as the group of teens only laughed. Ayra can see their lust in their eyes as she was about shout.
"Hey buddy, I think you got something of mine." A patted the teen on his shoulder."Huuuh?!" The teen only look down on him."Who are you little brat?! Don't mess in adults business!Now scr--" The boy was punched and then knocked out. The loud thud was heard by the rest of their group." Hey now I only asked politely to return something of mine but you yelled at me soo loud that I have no choice but to knock you out.." Their group looked at the boy who punched their member as Ayra turned around to see Luke beside the knocked out teen.
She began to smile at him as their eyes met."Adult? You gotta be joking and here inside of me is laughing.Sigh\~ Hey leader! You choose. Let go my girl or we go to the hard way." Luke smash his fist together only to get a laugh from the group."HAHAHAHAHA! A brat like You! Don't be joking!...Get him!" Their leader ordered them only to see them getting beat up instead."Haaaa\~ You guys are the comedian here or are you guys monkeys? I'm just here on a date with MY girl and then you monkeys snatching that belongs to me and then telling me that I'm joking?..Idiots" Luke grabbed Ayra's waist as for the leader getting angrier as he hear the word monkey.
"Die you Brat!!" Their leader came at him. He swung his fist towards Luke's face but got punched in his face by Luke instead. The leader's eyes went white.' Wha...just happen?\~' He questioned in his mind as his consciousness is fading and everything went black. "Hoo\~ that should do it." Luke catch some little breath as he realize that a crowd gathered on the spot. Suddenly he felt a gaze of him with full of intents. He look in the crowd to the person but can't find that person.
Luke turned around to see Ayra with a worried face. "Everything is okay now..You can stop worrying now." Luke comforted her as he hug her. "Who would worry for an idiot like you whose good finding for a fight and making people worry.\~" Ayra buried her face in Luke chest. Luke can feel her quivering. He separated Ayra from his chest. "Hey now..We're here at the park for our hangout not for drama...Come on let's go!" Luke cheered her up as he dragged her to the gate entrance but stop.
"Hmm? What's wrong?" Luke looked at her in question. "Aren't you forgetting something? What about our entrance pass? Without that we can't ride any rides especially entering here." Luke felt ashamed acting like an excited kid. So Luke immediately went to the counter and saw the pass price.
Child \= 15$ each
Adult \= 30$ each
VIP \= 79$ each
Luke asked the counter about the VIP pass. The lady nod and introduce the VIP pass."Sir our VIP pass is a special one. Not only can you use it today, it's expiration is when the color is red." The lady showed the VIP pass like a watch. It was color white. "Hmm, if I have this do we have a special treatment or stuff like that?" Luke took a interest. "Yes sir..Do you want to purchase one for yourself?"
"Actually, I'll take two of it." Luke payed up for it and then went back to Ayra. "Sorry took so long." Luke apologize to Ayra. "No it's okay..Hmm? What you got there?" Ayra notice the watch but didn't know it was a pass."Oh yeah..Here let me put it on you." Luke put on the watch on her wrist but the look on her face is questionable."Luke what is it?"
"It's the VIP pass. Take it as an apology for worrying you earlier." Luke look away as he scratch the back of his head. Ayra look at the watch as she went a little red." Idiot..I said that I'm not worried." Ayra hold his hand and dragged him inside." Come on, we don't have all day you know.\~" Ayra showed him a smile. It may look like a ordinary smile but for Luke the moment, the ray of light on her, it was beautiful.
"Beautiful..." Luke unconsciously said it. "Hmm? Did you just say something?" Ayra look at him and he began to realize what he said."H-huh? Nothing, it's nothing. Anyway let's go." They walk around know nothing where to start." It's looks like it's lunch time. How about we eat something before the rides." Luke suggested as he point at the cafeteria.
"Sounds good okay!" Ayra agreed as both of them went inside. "Good day sir and miss, I see that your on a date. A table for two?" The attendant politely asked them."Yes please.\~" And Luke politely agreed. The attendant nod and showed them their table. Their table is on the third floor, which is the highest floor. They to their table which is on the window side. The view was wonderful. They can see the all the rides, some buildings and it was a unique view. It was like all the rides and building are a design and is being arrange into a beautiful view.
Luke and Ayra sat down. The waiter came to them to give their menu as the attendant went back to his post. Luke let Ayra order first then followed him. Both of them were done ordering. "After this, where do you plan to go first?" Luke started the conversation." Hmm how about some sightseeing and then we go to the rides and some movies and then last the Ferris wheel." Ayra suggested as Luke only nod and smile. Their food is now serve. The smell and the looks made Luke's stomach growl. Luke went red in embarrassment as Ayra only chuckled in silent looking away from him.
Luke look at Ayra and pouts as Ayra continues to laugh. Her laugh died down and comforts Luke saying she was sorry. Luke on the other hand, only sigh and let the matter go. Both of them started eating. 'Delicious! This is soo good!' Luke thought after his first bite then look at Ayra to see nothing but plain expression. "Don't you like it? It's yummy you know.? Luke questioned her. "Yeah, I admit it was delicious but compared to your cooking it's lacking and I'm not even expert of this. Hehe" Ayra just said what's on her mind while Luke went a little red by her compliment. "Thanks! That is a lot to me." Luke smiled at her and little by little Ayra came other sense realizing what she said. "Uh yeah sure." She then look away blushing a little.
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