Episode 3: The Truth

As Luke arrived at his apartment, Lynx explained what happened and where he was. Luke is tired so he went to his bed.

"Nya\~Master?" Lynx was worried."Hmm... So you protected me earlier huh\~ Thanks Lynx I appreciate it." Luke thanked lynx. "Nyaa\~It's nothing.It is my job to protect master." Even though Lynx said this he was proud of it.

"Uhuh\~ Hey Lynx can you tell me about it." Luke is serious all of a sudden. "Hmm? Tell about what?"

"About me and this ring. Tell me the things that you were about to tell me last time." Lynx recalled when he said that Luke's age is frozen. "Ohh, but are you sure master? It may affect you." Lynx is getting serious too.

"It's okay since I can do all that moves even though a elementary boy can't do." Lynx just nod then told all the things he needed to know.

Lynx may look like an ordinary stray cat but he live more than his masters. Lynx told Luke that he may be a son of a master that dissapeared years ago since the ring will only chose the descendants of masters generation to generation. It may that something happened and someone froze your age. And last of all it can't be that big of a coincidence that his last name is CRUX. Cause the master's last name who dissapeared years ago is Crux.

This shock Luke since all these years he thought that his parents died in a plane crash 8 years ago. 'This is too much of a coincidence.' Luke thought with him trying to remember anything but can't as something is trying to block him from it.

"Ugh!" Luke's head suddenly hurt. " Master! What's wrong ?" Lynx came close to Luke." It's nothing I was just trying to remember anything related to it but something block me. Then made my head hurt" luke chuckled a bit.

"Huh?Something is blocking master?Is it a spell?" Lynx muttered to himself. "Master please excuse me." Lynx pat the forehead on Luke and chanted a spell." Time ticking, Space widing, Magic Flowing , For life is Living ,I, Lynx, Protector of the Ring dispells this spell!" As he chanted luke closed his eyes and everything around them begins to blur.'We are teleporting?! We are changing dimension!!' Lynx thought as he held on to Luke who his eyes are still close.

"Ugh!Lynx what is happening?I feel like being suffocated.!" Luke yell for Lynx." It's alright master just don't open your eyes until I say so!" Lynx yelled at him so that he can here in the middle of strange space.


"Ouch! What happened lynx?Lynx?" Luke was on the floor of the living room.As he look around for Lynx, he found him lying on the bed."Lynx what happened?" Luke question Lynx but Lynx was unconcious.

"He seems to be out."Luke sighed so he waited for Lynx to wake up but Lynx sounded like in a deep sleep. Luke feel weird or to be precise different but then his stomach grumbled."Better prepare some dinner while his asleep." Luke went out of the bedroom then went to the kitchen to prepare some dinner but then Luke saw himself on the mirror being tall spiky blonde handsome guy."Wha-! What the hell happened!!Is this me?Ugh my head hurts\~Maybe Lynx can explain later better cook something" then Luke went to kitchen to cook but the idea of him being all minor boy still bothers him but he just shrug it off .The smell of the omellete he cook woke up Lynx.

"Oh maste-!" Lynx was surprised to see Luke like a different person. Of course it's normal to be surprise, not too long ago he was just a brat and now his a minor boy."M-master is that you?" Lynx asked in a doubtful tone. " Yeah its me surprising right\~" Luke just grinned at him." Now before you explain what you did to me, first let's eat dinner." Luke made an omellete dish with some vegetable salad.

"Mmm, Yes master." Lynx was still there in a daze staring at his master then eat his dinner.After they ate their dinner Luke collected all the dishes and washed them. Luke is still new being all tall and all. Few minutes passed and Luke is done washing the dishes. "Now can you explain what happened lynx? What did you do to me?" Luke went to living room where Lynx is as he wiped his hands.

"Yes master. As master said that there was something blocking you from remembering your memories I tried to dispell the one who blocked you. And then everything around us just started to fade and begins to blur after that I began to realized that we were being teleported to a another dimension then I black out.But something is weird..." Lynx muttered the last sentence as he finished explaining a call suddenly came in.


"Hmm, master their seems to be someone calling for you\~" Lynx went to the bedroom to look at Luke's phone on the bed to see who's calling." Master!Ayra is calling." Lynx brought the phone to Luke. Luke look at his phone then answered it. " Hello?\~".

"Oh Luke its me Ayra. I was just checking if you are ok now you have a bad fever yesterday you know\~" she sounds worried."Uh yeah I'm fine now thanks for calling." Luke said it in a energetic tone so she won't worry.' I wonder Ayra and the others are now grown up?' This idea just came to him.

"By the sound of your voice then ok, anyway about that dinner you said is it still a go? It's ok that it will be canceled since you've just got recovered." Luke can sense ayra is not worried now and this made him glad.

"Nope it's still a go!" Luke answered as he walk around outside of his apartment. He met his landlady wave at him to come close to him. "Uh sorry ayra can you hold for a second?" "Sure." She replied fast.

"Uhh what is it Mrs. Carla?" Luke came close to her." Ahh it's just that your auntie came here earlier to deliver something to you and it is quite big but you seemed to be sick so I just told her that I will tell him when he wake up and then she just agreed then drive away. The gift is in the garage boy go see it. I'll take my leave." The landlady just walk away after saying all that.' I see,I made my auntie worry.' Luke look down and then remembered that ayra is still on the phone.

"Ah sorry that took long, so the dinner is still a go." Luke apologize to her as he heard her chuckled on the other side."Naah It's ok I was being kept company here by clever." Ayra said it as Luke went to the garage to see what his auntie gave him. 'It couldn't be a car right?' Luke though as he chuckled a little "Oh and who is this Clever?" He questioned here thinking it was a another boy in her house.

"Ohh are you perhaps jealous?" Ayra teased Luke as he was burning up a little " No I was just curious nothing more." He replied immediately getting in return of ayra laughing. "Hahahaha!It was just my dog don't be upset. Unless you were my boyfriend." After she said that a thing called 'SILENCE' came between us.

"Uhh let's just forget what I said. About the dinner." She then change the topic. "Uhh yeah about that how about I pick you guys up?" Luke offered them a ride as he just saw the 'something' his landlady was talking about.

"Ohh don't tell me you'll pick us up now you have a ride\~ if so then why not? I hope you don't mind." Now she sound a little jealous. "Don't mind at all! Then how about I pick you up first then follow the other? Just give me your address." At this moment Luke is grinning looking like an idiot.'Though I did say that she won't give me her address right?'

"Sure I'll text you my address then." Ayra accepted it easily in Luke's surprise."U-uhh okay then goodnight!" Luke was feeling dumbfounded being nervous as he just said that out suddenly." Ok see you tommorow then Night!" And then after that she ended the call leaving Luke their staring at his phone.

' Wow....That went smooth than I expected.' Luke though as he scanned the car's inside and he liked it and it was color black his favorite. "Thanks auntie!" He yelled as he was overjoyed on his first car.


"Nngggnh" Luke was in his bed rolling around and then Lynx came up." Master can you permit me for leaving you alone this day I have to go somewhere today you see.\~"

"Ohh and is this somewhere place is something you can't tell me?" Luke asked him" Yes so master I need your permission. Can I?" Lynx became serious all of a sudden."Ok Ok no need to be serious just be back early ok?" Luke got out of his bed and then went to the bathroom.

"Yes master nya\~!" Lynx then went out to go to the his destination.As Luke brush his teeth he decided to take a jog since it's weekend. Luke prepared everything to go to the park but then he remembered he has a car now so then he can just drive it to the park and then he can jog there. And while doing it he can learn how to drive. So many benefits for him made him happy. Making his day a good one or even better.

After that he went to the car to practice driving and then drove it to the park.As time went by he arrived at the park and then saw many people jogging. Luke now learned how to drive and how to park. Luke is a fast learner so he just feel natural about it.

As Luke parked his car, he then went to park to jog. It was still 5:28 am since Luke started jog. Luke jog ang jog but that not the only thing he did he ran 2 km nonstop and then made some push ups and curl ups. He made himself a apple of the eye to the womans who also jog in the park but he just ignored it.

Time flew fast as he notice that it was 7:43 am now. Luke cooled down before he went to his car. After he cooled down he changed his clothes as he smell sweaty and all. On Luke's changing clothes all of a sudden some woman looked at him and staring at his body.Luke was bothered of the eyes staring and watching him but in the end he just ignored it.

After all that Luke decided to have breakfast make some fast cooked meal.As Luke drived to his apartment he coincidently stumbled on a puppy that was in a box. Luke went out of his car and went to check it out.To his surprise it was husky puppy.

Of course it is normal to be surprised because all husky dogs are being selled in a high price and there was no reports of it being thrown away. Luke look at the sky seeing that dark clouds are coming. Luke thought that a rain is coming so he picked the puppy and then went inside his car.

He put the puppy on the seat beside him. The puppy was shivering.'Maybe it's feeling cold or maybe it is hungry." Luke thought so he went to a store where they wash and sells dog foods. Since then Luke drive to the store and then went to the counter.

"Uhh I would like to give this dog a bath and I would like to buy food for him and the recommended one please." Luke made the order as the receptionist just nodded and took the puppy. At that time Luke realize that he was hungry so he checked the time at it was still 8:03 am so he made his way to a near family restaurant.

After a few minutes he arrive at Eric's Restaurant which was a little far from the Dog store. He entered and then made his way to a vacant table. As he sitted a waitress came to him." What will you order sir?" The waitress ask." I'll just have a breakfast set meal and some chocolate milk please." Luke just ordered casually.The waitress just nod then went away.

After a few minutes the waitress came back with his meal and placed it on his table.After that Luke began to eat his meal and then he thought 'Delicious!' as he happily ate his breakfast Luke left the payment on his table and then went back to the Dog store.

As he arrived, his puppy was waiting for all fed up and clean. Before it was a little dirty making his fur turn dirty gray but now its a black and a little white clean puppy."Whoa! Thank you How much is all I've ordered?" Luke asked as he opened his wallet to pay. "The Bath is $28.00 with a free meal and the dog's food is $216.00."the receptionist said.

Luke gave her $300 and said that keep the change then the receptionist just nod. As luke went to his car the puppy in his arms is asleep so he decided to go home straight. It was 8:53 am since luke arrive at home. Now that he entered his apartment he settled down the puppy on the couch.

"Now then what should I do?" Luke is bored as he sat down on the couch. He then looked at his ring and then he felt sleepy. Luke slowly went to sleep as his mind went to the Dragon' Ruins.

"Oh isn't that the young boy who came here before. Whats with the sudden change boy?" The man in the black cloak said to Luke." Uhh its a long story you see-." Luke started to explain what Lynx explained to him.

"I see\~ As always Lynx is a sharp one." The man in the cloak said it as his hands went through his beard.'Huh? What does that mean?' Luke thought but he put it on hold since he doesn't know something yet." Hmm..Uhh mister I didn't get your name yet." Luke scratch his head as asked for his name.

"Ohh looks like I am getting old now, sorry for the late introduction, I am the Apostle of the Great Black Dragon, The Real Dragon. You can just call me Louis since that was my name when I was still human." Louis look okay after saying all that stuff.

"Ohh so your an apostle huh. No wonder your here hehehe." Luke scratch his head again acting dumb but it was to cheer up the mood." Uh yeah so what can I do to for the chosen?" He looked okay now for real now.

"I came here to know more of the ring. I am curious of it so I want to learn everything of it. And if I learn it as soon as possible maybe I can do cool tricks like having wing so I can fly or I can become a dragon." Luke said all that like a kid that is still innocent and pure.

"U-uhh, uhuh so thats why you came here but I have to warn you, Not everything is free Some also have a great price on it. A greater power comes with a great price that your life maybe the payment." Louis is being serious." Ohhh even so It's not my fault being chosen and being a CRUX you know\~" Luke said it as he crossed his arms and pout.

'After all I don't know who I am anymore. After Lynx explained I have already accepted my fate.' Luke maybe acting childish outside but inside his serious."\~Sigh\~ Okay then, but I must compliment your naiveness and courage for this. I let Lynx train you and maybe he will tell you more than I know." Louis sweatdropped at his childish side but then gave up and let him train.

Luke light up but Luke never know that this could endanger anyone close to him."Now now you need to go back now. May you have luck for the training." Louis waved at Luke." Thanks again Louis see you soon." Luke wave at him then vanish to thin air.

Luke woke up as he was sleeping on the floor...again.This just made Luke wondered 'Am I moving that much to sleep on the floor?' And this thought just made Luke sweatdropped.' Oh right the puppy how is it?' Luke check on the puppy but it was still sleeping.

"Hmm its still sleeping but its 1:48 pm now. Maybe it woke up and then went back to sleep." Luke then went to the kitchen to see anything to cook for dinner after all his friends are coming over.

"Hmm this is good enough for 5 people including him or maybe I will still have some left overs." Luke is thinking of who can he give the leftovers.'Landlady? I still have to thank her.' Then after he thought who can he gave the leftovers. He then decides the recipe of what he will cook for dinner.


This startled Luke." Ohh so your awake. How about a small meal after all we are having guest for dinner so we'll have a feast." Luke sait it as he bend down and patted the puppy.-WOOF!WOOF!- "Hehehe you seem happy, how about I give you a name after all I will be the one who will take care of you from now on."


The puppy is obviously happy. Luke is thinking what should be the puppy's name." Mark! How about that?" Luke snap his fingers. -WOOF!- "Good boy Mark good boy\~" Luke is happy having a husky puppy. He gave mark some food and water as mark chowed down his foods.

It's almost 7:30pm, Luke decided to pick Ayra at that time so he went to take a quick bath and wear something casual. He wore a polo sky blue with some white little birds as a design and a Black fit jeans. It was now 7:14 pm Luke grabbed his car keys and then went to say goodbye to mark and went to his car.

Luke looked at the text Ayra send last night where she send her address. Then Luke drove to her house.


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