The Black Dragon

The Black Dragon

Episode 1: First Start

Names Luke Crux 30 years old guy . I am here to tell you guys about something you called 'Life'. Of course I have nothing against it but I just hate it you know, I mean it's like having a day nothing but boring events like going to school,listening to subject,talking to other even though I don't know what they are talking about. I think you may call me a 'LONER'. But after these sentences I made out in my head, I can't say that I'm right cause an event which I may be waiting has come.

/When I'm still 6 years old and in Grade 4/

"Ahh so here is the new student class please do behave and listen" my new teacher said as he sat down "Umm...I'm Luke Crux a transfer student and..thats all" Of course I was nervous, I'm standing infront of new kids it's not new.

"Ok so everyone please be friendly to Luke and Luke you may seat at the vacant one" he stand up and point where I seat "Ohh I forgot that Luke won't stay here too long since he is still an undecided student so sooner or later he will change class but still be friendly to him ok?\~" he added "Yes sir" some answered

"Haaa\~ It's all boring here nothing new" I muttered in dissapoint tone

'I was transfered here at school called "Spring Elementary School" I like the name though but it's still the same day as yesterday. Hmm how about I go to Aunty's Room when lunch break, maybe I can find something to play'


The bell rang and it was lunch break Luke went to the other side of the school since it is shaped like a U. He passed some kids playing 'Cards?' he thought he passed them but his attention was caught.After few minutes went by he arrived at Spring section which is his Aunty's classroom.

Luke peek into his aunty's classroom. He saw her as she was talking to a girl which shes kinda taller than him,nevermind that.

"Aunty!" Luke yell but with a soft tone. This caught the childrens attention and for that moment my nervousness rise.

"Hmm who is that boy?" A little dark skinned boy said to his classmate "Mm?Maybe he had an aquiantance or someone he knew here." the chubby girl said heading to the doorstep. I stepped back a little being a shy one this made the chubby girl smile so I hid my face.

"Hey do you need someone here?" the chubby girl asked me after that I look at aunty to say something and the chubby girl look who I stared.

"Ohh so you're aquiantance with Mrs. Rachel, don't be shy come in" the girl gestured at me to come in as I did but slowly though then I went beside to aunty with my back facing them.

"Haha so pupils this is my nephew Luke" she push me to face them. I was nervous and I always keep my head down when I do.

"Ohh so this is your nephew his soo cute\~ By the way my names Ayra, and this is Cathy,then Kyla and thats Andrew." She said then pointing to the girl which aunty was talking to and then a sister type named Kyla and the dark skinned tall boy named Andrew.

"N-nice to meet you all\~" I said that with a really soft voice. 'I'm too nervous! Gotta relax' Luke thought as he was inhaling and exhaling.Luke calm down and went to his aunty.

"So what brings you here?" She asked me still smiling. ' Is it really fun to see me being shy?' Luke got irritated but only a little. " I'm bored I'm still new here so I don't know what to do" Luke sat down with a gloomy look.

"Hmm that maybe a little hard on me since I don't know what games are played these days..How about you ask April?" She pointed to a girl that was reading a book, in fact it's a math book.I look again at my aunty "No I don't want to disturb her.".

"Ohh what about those cards kids play, I wanna play too" my childish side is getting out little by little. "Ohh those are called 'Pikamon Card', you will know how to play if you watch them." Aunty pointed two guys playing the so called 'Pikamon Cards' where they were surrounded by other kids.

Luke went to the spot where the game is. He took a look to the players winning and losing, this got his attention but lunch break is almost over so he went back to his room.

As look went back to his room, he look at his surrounding seeing that many kids play that game ' Hmm is it really that much fun to play?' He thought then ran to his room and then lunch break was over.


As Luke sat on his chair, his new teacher came close to him "Luke your new class will be in Starlet B at the main building, your admittion was just decided now, you can go early so you can memorize the school's lay-out." He said then went back to his table.

'Since the teacher said so then I will go' he thought as he packs his notebooks into his bag then left the room.

"With that said I don't know what to do now. Sigh\~" Luke muttered to himself as he walk to the gate.Luke sat at the bench near the gate as he saw the girl named Ayra.

' Hmm thats the girl who was talking to aunty earlier' He thought as he recalled the she called him 'cute'. This got him bothered.

"I'm not cute. I'm just cool" Luke muttered praising himself. After a few minutes he got tired so he went home first.

On his way home, he met a black cat with it's leg being wrapped by a tape. He kneel to take of the tape that was being wrap around it leg. As he took off the tape their was a black ring with a white diamond.

This shocked Luke as he thought that this could be worth a thousands of dollars or even millions which belonged to a rich man/woman.But that feeling didn't last longer as Luke held the cat in his arms.

Luke arrived at his apartment as he went directly to his bed. He went to check his phone to see any messages.

Luke is living on his own even though he has an aunty but he prefer to live alone after his parents died in an airplane crash. Luke look at his cat who was sleeping beside him on his bed.

'This cat is stray.' Luke saddens a bit of the thought that this cat is just like him. Even though Luke is just a 6 years old he is responsible which happened before his parents died. His parents taught him how to cook, wash his clothes and any his house hold chores. You can say that he is a fast learner.

"Ugh better do some laundry and cook some dinner." Luke got up and then went to do the chores. After luke wash his clothes he cook some omellete rice for him and a fish for the cat. Luke's Aunty supported his decision to live on his own but she said that she will help provide some money for food and electricity.

After they ate dinner they went to living room to watch something on T.V. As Luke sat down the cat walk into his room then went back to the couch showing him the black ring. Luke saw the cat as he took the black ring out of his mouth.Then the cat went away again.

Luke took a long look at the ring and saw that there were words inside it. He read it and then the diamond glowed.


' I wonder who's ring is this' Luke fiddle it with his fingers and took a closer look."Oh there are words inside it." As he saw the words inside he read it " A ring that is black as the hell, shall be the dragon of the chosen death itself\~"..' What a weird thi-' his thoughts stop as the diamond on the ring glowed brighter every second.

"Wha-! What is happening! I can't se-!" Luke slowly loses consciousness as he past out...

/After a few minutes/


"Ngh\~ ugh just what happened?\~" Luke got up realizing his on the floor. His mind was a mess trying to remember what happened and why is he on the floor..As he is trying to recover his memories his cat is staring at him.


"Are you okay now master?" The cat talked.'Oh it's talking cool' Luke thought while his brain is still processing. After a few seconds, "Wait! You can talk!?" Luke shouted in shock and surprise.

" Sigh\~, This is going to be a long\~ day" the cat sigh..' He sigh just now right!I'm not imagining right!' Luke thought as he was shouting inside his mind though.





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