After Hu had accompany them to the tribe, He left and they were greeted by the first general of the crown prince army.
When the people of the foxes tribe realized that Kaida had arrived, She was surrounded by them. During the cheering and singing they threw colorful flowers and followed her to the palace. Everyone was nicely dressed and was in a cheerful mood.
During her walk to the palace, children came to her to give her various flowers. When her hands were full of flowers, they gestured that she had to throw the flowers in the air. When she did, the children danced around her until all the flowers had fallen to the ground.
Haya looked at her eldest son. Around him several maids were helping him get dressed. He was dressed in the traditional engagement clothing of the fox tribe. He was wearing gray trousers with a gray blouse. Foxes were embroidered on the trousers and the blouse.
He looked beautiful, and for what? To marry a barbarian. Haya looked sad in front of her, could she not stop it?
Huli looked in the mirror. Why did my mother wanted to prepare me herself? It will take a while before they are here. And I think my combat clothing are much more comfortable.
A maid stood next to him and opened a box. Inside the box was a gold chain with a pendant of a fox. Next to the chain were two thick gold bracelets with foxes claws on them. When he had put on the chain and the bracelets he turned around
"how do I look mother"
Haya stood up and took a cloack of fox fur. On the cloack a fox with nine tails was embroidered. She put the cloak around him and put her hand on his cheek.
"You look beautiful my child. I am a proud mother. I only regret that I have not been able to find a worthy wedding partner for you "
Huli rolled his eyes and took her hand away.
"Mother lets it rest. we talked about this. Like father, I will keep my word "
Huli wanted to walk away but saw that the door opened.
Nana stood in the doorway. Nana was dressed in the traditional engagement clothing of their tribe. Like Huli, she had a gold necklace with a fox pendant, and she had thick gold bracelets with fox claws around her wrists.
She was wearing a cloack of fox fur that was embroidered with a seven-tailed fox on it. It was clear that his mother had order maids to make the cloack.
Huli turned arond angrily and looked ferocious at his mother
"mother what is the meaning of this? "
"Even if you marry the crown princess of the dragon tribe, it is not certain that the gods will bless your marriage. If she does not give birth to a healthy successor within a year, you can have a second wife. With this we will show everyone that a choice has already been made, should that happen"
Huli eyes grew dark and the anger could be see from his face.
"Are you so low-sunked mother? With this you show no respect for the crown princess of the dragon tribe. Do you know what consequences this can have for us? Do you know how strong the dragon tribes are? I demand that she change her clothes now or she is not welcome anymore!"
Angrily Huli walked out of the room.
Nana was silent all the time and trembled with anger. How dares he? He did not even look at me and I am not welcome? I am the princess of the northeast tribe! I do not want to be a second wife at all! But it is better than nothing.
She pretended to be sad.
"Auntie, what have I done wrong? I just did what you told me to do. Why is he so against me? "
Haya walked to Nana and hugged her
"I'm sorry, honey, I did not know he'd react like that. He has always loved you. I did not expect this. I'll think of something! "
Huli walked angrily through the corridors of the palace. What was his mother thinking? Everyone who is important will come to the wedding. All tribes will come together for the first time since the war. If we the fox tribe show such a disrespectful act to the dragon tribe, it certainly will not go well!
Everyone was busy in the corridors, it has been a while since the palace had been so lively
Huli looked out the window, he saw that the town was just as lively. The cheering of the people could be heard at the palace. He saw that flowers were thrown and heard loud singing.
A small smile could be seen on his face. If his people were happy, he was happy too. But what he did not understand was why everyone was already cheering and singing.
" Your crown prince, the king asks you to make haste and quickly go to the gate of the palace. The crown princess has arrived much earlier than expected "
He looked at the maid who was out of breath. Huh was she already there? How? She does not know the north? Huli rushed to the gate.
His mother and father stood at the gate. Beside them were his brother and two sisters. Where is Hu? When he did not see Hu, he knew immediately how it was that they had arrived earlier. Thank the gods that he was already dressed.
Okuri saw him and gestured for him to stand next to him. "
Your future wife can arrive any moment. Are you already nervous? "
Huli looked at his father. He seemed more nervous than him.
"I think I should ask you that. You can not even stand still. And where is Hu? I think I already have an idea how it is that they are here so quickly! "
Haya rolled her eyes and looked ahead with a sour look
"she is not that special"
Okuri grabbed his wife and whispered in her ear
"behave yourself wife, this is an important day. And are you not happy? after the marriage we can leave for your tribe and enjoy our peace "
he laughed, he was already happy to spend his days in peace with his wife and children, he was already tired of the council members and wanted freedom.
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