"Make sure everything looks fantastic! She'll arrive in a few hours! I want everything to go perfectly! "
Okuri was instructing the servants at the palace to do everything perfectly.
After five years he would see Kaida again. Because of the time he spent with her in the south, she felt like a daughter to him. He was glad that Huli did not make a scene about the marriage, but his wife was a different matter.
"Father just who is going to marry big brother? Is she really so special that everyone is running like that to arrange everything?"
A ten-year-old boy arrived. He had golden blonde hair and blue eyes. Compared to his brother and father he was small, but looking at his peers he was one of the longest. Despite being athletic build, he was not muscular. Martial arts was not his strong point either. Since he was the youngest, Haya did not want him to do a lot of martial arts either. His studies were more important.
"Hua do you remember the stories I told about the war? About the warrior who saved my life in the South. She is the one your eldest brother is going to marry. I'm sure you'll love her. Plus she has enough sisters so maybe between them, there is also a wedding partner for you"
okuri laughed happily
Hua looked at his father, it was clear to see that he was in a good mood. He was the opposite of his mother.
His mother's mood became darker each time and she was anything but happy. Despite throwing father out of their bedroom, he was still happy and was planning to continue.
His mother tried to put his sisters and brother against the crown princess of the dragon tribe, but like Hua they chose no party
"So here you are Hua"
a girl of twelve years old came in. She had gray hair and blue eyes, she looked like Okuri she was tall and thin, behind her was a girl of 15. She had golden with a touch of gray locks and blue eyes, she was long with wide hips.
"Hui and Huan, my daughters! How beautiful you look! "
Okuri was happy to see his daughters dressed up. They are growing up so fast.
Okuri and Haya had five children together. Two girls and three Boys. But where was Hu? Okuri knew Haya had called Huli, but where was that rascal Hu?
Hu liked to cause trouble. He often crept out of the palace to do mischief. Please do not let him do that today!
"Do you know where your brother is?"
Okuri looked worried
They looked at each other and said "no father"
"I have not seen him since breakfast father. He did say that he was going to ride his fox before he was going to get ready"
After they had said goodbye to Okuri and Yumi they had left for the palace. Rei and Kyro were in the wagon with their children.
Kaida preferred to ride a horse and travel with the warriors. She now started to get nervous and hoped to calm herself down. What kind of person will he be? How will he respond? What if it does not click between us? There were so many thoughts in her head.
She knew that from the northwest tribe they would be traveling half a day to the tribe of Okuri. They left early so that they would arrive there in the late afternoon. The sooner she was there the better she wanted everything to be over.
They were already halfway through the trip so they decided to take a rest. It struck her that there were few forests in the north and many open surfaces.
The soil looked rich and much can be harvested. But she did not know whether the climate was good for it. Suddenly she saw something moving in the corners of her eye.
Kaida threw a dagger with great speed towards the place. Piercing the tree trunk right next to the face of the boy hidding.
Wow what a precision, it is clear that she threw it as a warning otherwise I would have been dead. I already think she's great!
"who is there? Only a coward would hide. I order you to show your face, I will only give one warning"
Kaida spoke with a cold voice. There was no fear in her voice.
A boy that was about sixteen years old came from the bush. He had gray hair with a golden glow and blue eyes. He had broad shoulders and was tall. You could tell from his muscular construction that he was a warrior.
He had a smile on his face
"my name is Hu, I have traveled here on my fox. Our tribe is in turmoil because the crown princess of the dragon tribe arrives in a few hours. Unfortunately, I could not wait and traveled to you."
Kaida looked at him, he looked like someone but who was it?
"My name is Kaida I am the crown princess of the dragon tribe. It is an honor that you have taken the trouble to travel to me. But it was not needed, because I'm not that special "
Hu laugh became broader. Not special? If that was not the case, how could she have directed that dagger so precisely? Looking at the distance and the obstacles, it was clear that she was skilled.
"I work in the palace myself, if you want I can accompany you to our tribe? If you continue your journey now, it will take at least 6 hours. I know a route that takes you there within three hours, what do you say?"
Kaida knew that Hu did not speak the full truth, but he did not look like someone who had bad intentions
" whats in it for you? why would you help me to get there faster"
Hu was bored and he knew he only did it to start trouble. he want to see his father face if Kaida was there earlier than expexted. Or his mother face when she saw Kaida. He could not wait for that moment.
"well to be frank i just think it would be fun if you arrived a bit ealier"
Kaida did not know what he meant with that, but she could tell it was not a lie. She was already tired from all that travelling so she didn't mind it either.
" Well Okay, That's fine. Follow me and i'll lead you to my men."
Hu blew on two fingers and whistled loudly. In the distance Kaida saw something moving and it came closer and closer. Suddenly the ground began to tremble and a big fox leaped from the bushes. The fox had a light gray skin and six tails.
He walked to Hu and laid down. Hu sat down on the fox and held out his hand to Kaida.
"Have you ever ridden a fox?
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