My Best Friend's Boyfriend

My Best Friend's Boyfriend

Episode 1


Another day of school. I can't believe the holidays are over and everything is starting again. I wake up early and start getting ready. I leave my apartment on the 12th floor and meet my best friend who lives on the 3rd floor. She's short, a curly-haired redhead with green eyes, she's so beautiful, the daughter of a b*tch. Many people think we've hooked up, but I'm openly gay. The other day, a guy asked me if I was seeing her, I asked him if he knew I was g*y, and that his question made no sense. People get embarrassed when we're not ashamed to say we're g*y, and I love the awkward look on their faces, it makes me laugh, lol. Anyway, I went down to get my girl, Rafaela. While she's getting ready I'll tell you about myself. I'm Luan, 18 years old, with light brown hair, almost blond, and blue eyes. I have an athletic build, nothing too exaggerated, but I'm a football player so I always stay in good shape. Some people say I'm handsome and that it's a waste I'm gay, and there are also girls who hit on me, because even though I'm openly gay, I don't go around telling everyone I'm gay. I think only those closest to me need to know, although sometimes I say it to put an end to stupid questions. So it turns out that no one notices unless they see me kissing a guy, or I tell them. Anyway, Rafaela and I have been friends since I was 7 years old. She's a year younger than me. Since we met at that age, we've been inseparable, we tell each other everything.


We arrived at school late, which is understandable since it takes my girl 3 days to get ready.

The inspector stopped us and gave us a warning, with 3 warnings we'd have detention after school.

Rafa: On the first day? Seriously?

Luan: Maybe if you didn't take the whole morning to get ready.

Rafa: Oh Lu, what if there's a new hottie? I have to look beautiful, you never know.

I rolled my eyes and went into the classroom, she followed right behind me, and as soon as I entered, I came face to face with a tall boy, brown eyes, and black hair. He had broad shoulders and was ridiculously handsome, but a jerk. He was bullying Lucas, the class nerd, I went straight up to him, I didn't even want to know, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's bullying. And the brute dropped Lucas and came up to me, just as he came up the teacher walked into the room, he came closer to me and said.

Boy: We'll finish our conversation later.

Me and this strange boy, he was handsome, but an idiot.

I went to my seat with Rafa.

Rafa: Lu, I can't believe you're already starting trouble on the first day of school.

Luan: Yeah, and what did you want, me to just let him pick on the kid?

Rafa: No, but… I don't know.

I rolled my eyes and started paying attention in class, though every now and then the brute would give me a dirty look. He looked like an animal eyeing its prey. Still, I wasn't intimidated, just because he's big doesn't mean I'm going to let him abuse weaker kids.

Soon the bell rang, and people started leaving to change classrooms, while I was packing my things he came up to me.

Boy: So little miss wanted to defend the little nerd, huh?

Luan: Not only did I want to, but I did, why? Got a problem with that?

Boy: Many… You messed with the wrong person, kid. Things don't work that way when I'm around.

Another boy came into the classroom calling him

Boy2: Marcos, come on, let's go to the court, there's going to be tryouts for the football team, stop pestering him and come on, before you miss it.

Marcos: Lucky me, dude, lucky me.

He spoke close to me and left, so his name is Marcos, such a handsome boy and such a jerk, I swear. But anyway, I need to get to the court because, as the other boy said, tryouts are about to start, and I'm the team captain, I need to be there.

I kissed Rafa, who was standing next to her desk, just watching us. Then I went to the court, and when I got there, the coach was coming in the other entrance. I almost got there late, and then the coach would have eaten me alive.

Coach: Well, as you know, today we have tryouts for the football team, I just wanted to say that now it will be a pre-test, since we only have 4 spots, and that of all of you, only 6 will be left to compete for the 4 spots after class is over.

As soon as he saw me next to the coach, his face, which had been cheerful and smiling while talking to another boy, completely changed. He seemed enraged to see that I was probably the team captain, since I was with the coach.

Coach: Well, I have a class to teach now, so this pre-training will be done by our team captain, Luan, I have full confidence in him and I know he will choose the best 6 for the test later. As soon as you are dismissed, go back to your classes as usual, each of you will be excused by the teachers for being late to class, but don't abuse it and go straight to your classrooms.

As soon as he finished speaking he was already leaving the court and left me with 15 students, 9 of whom would be cut.

I did several tests with them and with each test 1 or 2 were cut, and soon I only had 8 left. So I gave them a tougher test, thinking that maybe the unbearable macho would quit, but unfortunately for me, he is very good. I swallowed hard, and dismissed one more, I could even have dismissed two at once, but I wanted to dismiss him. So I gave them another very tough test, and frankly doubted anyone would be able to do it, when to my dismay he was the only one who managed. I got even more irritated and dismissed the last one, which was the one who came out worse compared to the others.

Luan: The rest of you, I'll see you after class, so that two more can leave and only the 4 who will be on the team remain. Good luck, and you can go now.

Before leaving he came close to me and said.

Marcos: Don't think that because you're the team captain I'm going to forget your affront, you haven't seen the last of me, cap-tain.

He spoke slowly, trying to provoke me. God, what a jerk, honestly. He's lucky I'm a peaceful guy, because I really wanted to punch him in the face.

I left and went to my class, where the teacher excused me even though I was late because she knew where I was.

Soon after, the macho man arrived. Unfortunately, we had some classes together, and apparently, more than I expected.

Teacher: Well?

Marcos: Excuse me, would it be possible for me to come in and observe the class? I was on the court doing the training tests.

Teacher: And why did it take you so long to get to class? Since even the team captain is here, I believe you should have arrived earlier, shouldn't you?

Luan, come here, please…

As soon as I got close to her, she continued talking.

Teacher: Do you think he deserves to be in my class? Since you arrived earlier? After all, I believe you left after everyone else on the court, or am I mistaken?

Luan: Well, teacher, I left the court kind of quickly because I didn't want to miss your class, maybe there's still some student left behind, I think Marcos should attend your class if you don't mind.

He had his head down a little, but quickly looked up and looked me in the eye when I said he should attend class.

Teacher: Okay, but don't let it happen again. That goes for both of you, you, Marcos, try to get to my classroom as early as possible and you Luan, try not to leave anyone on the court when you leave there, okay?

Luan: Yes ma'am.

Teacher: Go ahead, come in, boy. And you Luan, go sit down.

I went to my seat, and to my "luck," the only free desk for him to sit at was next to mine. He came to the desk and looked at me with a look of utter hatred, if he could I think he would even have growled at me. Anyway, he sat down and got his stuff. The class didn't take long to end, after all, we went back when it was almost over. Everyone was leaving for break time, until when I got up he got up and walked past me, bumping my shoulder, making me almost fall.

Luan: Are you serious?

Marcos: Oops, sorry captain, I guess I didn't see you there.

He said leaving the room, really, I'm usually peaceful and friendly to everyone, but this boy is getting on my nerves.


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