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My Best Friend's Boyfriend

Episode 1


Another day of school. I can't believe the holidays are over and everything is starting again. I wake up early and start getting ready. I leave my apartment on the 12th floor and meet my best friend who lives on the 3rd floor. She's short, a curly-haired redhead with green eyes, she's so beautiful, the daughter of a b*tch. Many people think we've hooked up, but I'm openly gay. The other day, a guy asked me if I was seeing her, I asked him if he knew I was g*y, and that his question made no sense. People get embarrassed when we're not ashamed to say we're g*y, and I love the awkward look on their faces, it makes me laugh, lol. Anyway, I went down to get my girl, Rafaela. While she's getting ready I'll tell you about myself. I'm Luan, 18 years old, with light brown hair, almost blond, and blue eyes. I have an athletic build, nothing too exaggerated, but I'm a football player so I always stay in good shape. Some people say I'm handsome and that it's a waste I'm gay, and there are also girls who hit on me, because even though I'm openly gay, I don't go around telling everyone I'm gay. I think only those closest to me need to know, although sometimes I say it to put an end to stupid questions. So it turns out that no one notices unless they see me kissing a guy, or I tell them. Anyway, Rafaela and I have been friends since I was 7 years old. She's a year younger than me. Since we met at that age, we've been inseparable, we tell each other everything.


We arrived at school late, which is understandable since it takes my girl 3 days to get ready.

The inspector stopped us and gave us a warning, with 3 warnings we'd have detention after school.

Rafa: On the first day? Seriously?

Luan: Maybe if you didn't take the whole morning to get ready.

Rafa: Oh Lu, what if there's a new hottie? I have to look beautiful, you never know.

I rolled my eyes and went into the classroom, she followed right behind me, and as soon as I entered, I came face to face with a tall boy, brown eyes, and black hair. He had broad shoulders and was ridiculously handsome, but a jerk. He was bullying Lucas, the class nerd, I went straight up to him, I didn't even want to know, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's bullying. And the brute dropped Lucas and came up to me, just as he came up the teacher walked into the room, he came closer to me and said.

Boy: We'll finish our conversation later.

Me and this strange boy, he was handsome, but an idiot.

I went to my seat with Rafa.

Rafa: Lu, I can't believe you're already starting trouble on the first day of school.

Luan: Yeah, and what did you want, me to just let him pick on the kid?

Rafa: No, but… I don't know.

I rolled my eyes and started paying attention in class, though every now and then the brute would give me a dirty look. He looked like an animal eyeing its prey. Still, I wasn't intimidated, just because he's big doesn't mean I'm going to let him abuse weaker kids.

Soon the bell rang, and people started leaving to change classrooms, while I was packing my things he came up to me.

Boy: So little miss wanted to defend the little nerd, huh?

Luan: Not only did I want to, but I did, why? Got a problem with that?

Boy: Many… You messed with the wrong person, kid. Things don't work that way when I'm around.

Another boy came into the classroom calling him

Boy2: Marcos, come on, let's go to the court, there's going to be tryouts for the football team, stop pestering him and come on, before you miss it.

Marcos: Lucky me, dude, lucky me.

He spoke close to me and left, so his name is Marcos, such a handsome boy and such a jerk, I swear. But anyway, I need to get to the court because, as the other boy said, tryouts are about to start, and I'm the team captain, I need to be there.

I kissed Rafa, who was standing next to her desk, just watching us. Then I went to the court, and when I got there, the coach was coming in the other entrance. I almost got there late, and then the coach would have eaten me alive.

Coach: Well, as you know, today we have tryouts for the football team, I just wanted to say that now it will be a pre-test, since we only have 4 spots, and that of all of you, only 6 will be left to compete for the 4 spots after class is over.

As soon as he saw me next to the coach, his face, which had been cheerful and smiling while talking to another boy, completely changed. He seemed enraged to see that I was probably the team captain, since I was with the coach.

Coach: Well, I have a class to teach now, so this pre-training will be done by our team captain, Luan, I have full confidence in him and I know he will choose the best 6 for the test later. As soon as you are dismissed, go back to your classes as usual, each of you will be excused by the teachers for being late to class, but don't abuse it and go straight to your classrooms.

As soon as he finished speaking he was already leaving the court and left me with 15 students, 9 of whom would be cut.

I did several tests with them and with each test 1 or 2 were cut, and soon I only had 8 left. So I gave them a tougher test, thinking that maybe the unbearable macho would quit, but unfortunately for me, he is very good. I swallowed hard, and dismissed one more, I could even have dismissed two at once, but I wanted to dismiss him. So I gave them another very tough test, and frankly doubted anyone would be able to do it, when to my dismay he was the only one who managed. I got even more irritated and dismissed the last one, which was the one who came out worse compared to the others.

Luan: The rest of you, I'll see you after class, so that two more can leave and only the 4 who will be on the team remain. Good luck, and you can go now.

Before leaving he came close to me and said.

Marcos: Don't think that because you're the team captain I'm going to forget your affront, you haven't seen the last of me, cap-tain.

He spoke slowly, trying to provoke me. God, what a jerk, honestly. He's lucky I'm a peaceful guy, because I really wanted to punch him in the face.

I left and went to my class, where the teacher excused me even though I was late because she knew where I was.

Soon after, the macho man arrived. Unfortunately, we had some classes together, and apparently, more than I expected.

Teacher: Well?

Marcos: Excuse me, would it be possible for me to come in and observe the class? I was on the court doing the training tests.

Teacher: And why did it take you so long to get to class? Since even the team captain is here, I believe you should have arrived earlier, shouldn't you?

Luan, come here, please…

As soon as I got close to her, she continued talking.

Teacher: Do you think he deserves to be in my class? Since you arrived earlier? After all, I believe you left after everyone else on the court, or am I mistaken?

Luan: Well, teacher, I left the court kind of quickly because I didn't want to miss your class, maybe there's still some student left behind, I think Marcos should attend your class if you don't mind.

He had his head down a little, but quickly looked up and looked me in the eye when I said he should attend class.

Teacher: Okay, but don't let it happen again. That goes for both of you, you, Marcos, try to get to my classroom as early as possible and you Luan, try not to leave anyone on the court when you leave there, okay?

Luan: Yes ma'am.

Teacher: Go ahead, come in, boy. And you Luan, go sit down.

I went to my seat, and to my "luck," the only free desk for him to sit at was next to mine. He came to the desk and looked at me with a look of utter hatred, if he could I think he would even have growled at me. Anyway, he sat down and got his stuff. The class didn't take long to end, after all, we went back when it was almost over. Everyone was leaving for break time, until when I got up he got up and walked past me, bumping my shoulder, making me almost fall.

Luan: Are you serious?

Marcos: Oops, sorry captain, I guess I didn't see you there.

He said leaving the room, really, I'm usually peaceful and friendly to everyone, but this boy is getting on my nerves.

Episode 2

During break, I didn't see him. I was hanging out with Rafa and Arthur, a friend of ours, when I saw everyone running towards the court. I looked at Rafa, confused, and we got up to see what was going on.

One of the guys I cut from the team was arguing with Marcos. Of course, if there's trouble, this guy has to be in the middle of it. Like the complete idiot I am, I stepped into the argument to try and understand what was going on, and Marcos, who was furious with the other guy, turned completely on me, as if I was the one who had started the fight with him.

Marcos: Stay out of it, captain. My business is with him, but if you want, there's plenty of beating for you too, since you seem to love sticking your nose in fights that aren't yours.

Guy: Yeah, right, go on, keep arguing with the faggot, just to get out of the beating I was about to give you. You two must be in on this together, because there's no way he wouldn't have seen you cheat your way through the last test, otherwise you wouldn't have made the team. You screwed me over.

Luan: Hey, I might be a faggot, but I'm not an idiot, and if Marcos cheated to make the team, I'll be the first to kick him off. Now, instead of resorting to violence, why don't we just look at the damn cameras?

Guy: As long as it proves what an asshole this guy is.

Marcos: It's about time! I didn't do anything, this guy is crazy.

I walked out of there with both of them fuming behind me, and practically the entire school behind us. However, the bell rang then, and everyone went to their classes, complaining that there was no fight. I went with the two of them to the principal's office and explained what was going on, and he said he was on his way out to deal with a problem but let us see the cameras from the court.

There was only one camera on the court that didn't catch everything, but it caught enough for us to see that the guy was crazy, unfortunately, and to my disappointment, Marcos didn't do anything that would get him kicked off the team.

Guy: You and this faggot are in on this together, for sure. I saw this son of a bitch cheating.

Marcos: Son of a bitch, no.

Marcos was already about to go after the other guy again when I threw the guy out of the principal's office. He left grumbling, but he left, leaving just me and Marcos in the room.

Luan: Look, you didn't do anything to be kicked off the team, but in these images, I clearly see that you started running before I blew the whistle for the start, which gave you an advantage, a small one, but an advantage. You're good, and this time it slides, but if you cheat on my team, you're out, understood?

Marcos: Come on, Captain, first of all, the team isn't yours, and second, these images don't show anything. You're the unbearable one. You know I'm good, so why are you trying to kick me off the team? You've had it out for me ever since our disagreement back in the classroom.

Luan: I haven't liked you since I laid eyes on you, and bullying on my team is not tolerated either, so if you keep up your cocky attitude and bullying others, you will be cut from the team, yes.

He came up to me, getting really close, and I felt like he was going to hit me, but I didn't back down. If he wanted to fight, we'd fight, but then the principal walked into the room.

Principal: Is there a problem here?

Luan: No, sir, we were just leaving. The other boy was mistaken, there was no cheating on Mr. Marcos' part.

We left the room in silence until:

Marcos: No, sir, yes, ma'am (he mimicked me in a high-pitched voice). Seriously, dude, you're such a pain in the ass, a total goody-two-shoes. I bet you couldn't get a girl even if you tried, being such a goody-two-shoes.

Luan: Hahaha, getting girls here... not even funny, but if that were the case, I'd get plenty easily, it just so happens that I'm interested in other things.

Marcos: Let me guess, studying and working hard to get into a good college, so mommy and daddy will be proud of you (he said mockingly).

Luan: Hahaha, too bad you didn't get it, you're dumber than I thought (I said, stepping closer and winking at him).

Then I headed for the court.

Damn it, I missed my last classes and I'm still late for the tryouts because I had to deal with something that wasn't even my business, ugh. Although, I would have loved for it to be true so that idiot would be off the team, but even with the head start, he was much better than that other guy.


On the very first day, I already had to deal with an asshole like that, and to top it off, he was the captain of the school team. I thought he was going to cut me just because he didn't like me, but there was one thing he had to admit, I was good, and the coach would be furious with him if he cut someone good because of a personal vendetta. I just know he irritates me a lot, and to make matters worse, I can't get what he said out of my head, "it just so happens that I'm interested in other things." What was he talking about? I saw the guys calling him a faggot and all sorts of things, and he didn't seem to care. Could he be gay? God, that would just make me even angrier and more disgusted by that jerk.

But now I'm going to the court, because I'm already late.


When I got to the court, he arrived right behind me. The coach was super pissed about our lateness, but I explained that we were with the principal, and he let it slide.

The coach immediately started the tryouts and cut one guy right away. Then, he organized a scrimmage between me and those who were left and ended up cutting another one. And of course, Marcos made the team. The jerk was really good.

Coach: Congratulations to those who made it. Practices are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before class. But we might have practices on other days as well, even after school and on Saturdays, it will depend on your performance... now you can go.

As everyone was leaving, the coach held me back for a bit and praised my choices, especially Marcos, who, according to him, was sensational, and with a little training, would lead our team to victory. I held back from rolling my eyes, and after all the compliments, he let me go home.

Okay, the kid was good, but was all that really necessary? Seriously.


When I got home, my stepmom was making dinner.

Paula: Hi, honey. You took a while; I was about to call you to see if everything was okay.

Luan: Everything's fine. I just had tryouts with the new students after class.

Paula: Oh, good, so did anyone actually worthwhile show up?

Luan: Someone did. It's a shame the kid is a total jerk, but he's a really good player.

Paula: Yikes, but I'm sure if he's that good, you'll know how to separate the times when he's on the court from the times when he's not.

Luan: I hope so. Honestly, I wanted to cut him during the tryouts, but I couldn't jeopardize the team because of that jerk.

Paula: Yikes, I can tell this kid is really something else.

Luan: You have no idea.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and I went to answer the door. It was Rafa; she came in all excited.

Rafa: What were you up to?

Luan: Nothing, just talking to her about my day at school.

Rafa: And talking about the gorgeous Marcos, I bet.

Paula: Look, I don't know if his name was Marcos or if he was gorgeous, but from the look on Luan's face right now, I bet that's exactly who we were talking about.

Luan: Ugh, the guy is unbearable.

Rafa: But you can't deny he's cute.

Luan: I can't deny that he's good at soccer, but you're pushing it, girl, saying he's cute.

Okay, fine, he was cute, but I don't have to go around announcing it, do I?

Episode 3

Rafa and I started talking while I went to my room and entered the shower, while she stayed in the room and we talked through the open bathroom door. Rafa and I have always been so close that there has never been any ill intent between us, and of course from my side it wouldn't even happen, I'm not into that, but she is and still acts naturally with me naked in front of her, and it has always been like that, even when I wasn't sure about my sexuality, nothing ever happened between us, just a beautiful friendship from the start.

However, that didn't stop her from sometimes making very unnecessary comments.

When I came out of the bathroom just wearing a towel and took it off to put on my boxers, she came out with something that, honestly.

Rafa: Hey Lu, why can't I find a guy with a big d*ck like yours?

I looked around trying not to feel the embarrassment I felt for her, seriously, did she just say that?

Rafa: Oh, don't make that face, you know nothing will happen, but damn, it's a top d*ck, and I've hooked up with guys with ones that, my God, look like my pinky, honestly.

That was Rafa, spontaneous and saying such things that only God, and I loved that about her, it made me laugh a lot, but my mood changed when she said the next sentence.

Rafa: I wonder if Marcos is top, you know, in that department.

Luan: Are you kidding me? That guy's a jerk, he was bullying that poor kid in the classroom today, AND YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT THE SIZE OF HIS D*CK, DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OR WHAT?

Rafa: Oh relax, it was just curiosity, that's all, I'm not saying I'm going to hook up with him to find out. I just thought about it, that's all, jeez. You're too stressed lately, you need a d*ck to calm down.

Luan: Screw you.

I left the room angry and went to the kitchen, Paula had already finished dinner, so I started serving myself.

Paula: Wait, did Rafa leave?

Rafa: No, I'm here Paula, it's just that he's a little stressed and left me in the room talking to myself.

Luan: And I'll leave you here too if you start.

The two looked at each other and then at the food, Rafa helped herself, and she didn't even need to be invited, after all, she was part of the family. Paula also helped herself, and after we ate a lot, we went to the living room to watch TV.

My father arrived almost an hour later and had dinner, Paula had left his plate ready in the microwave. My father and I had been kind of at odds in the past few days, we had a talk about him separating from Paula, and I didn't like it at all, I love her, she takes care of me like a mother, and even though I call her by her name or nickname, La, and not mom, she raised me as a son. My mother died during my birth, and my father raised me alone until I was 2 years old and from then on it was Paula who raised me. I called her mom until I was 13, then I just stopped, and even though she was upset, she never complained, she respected my moment, she knows I love her as a mother regardless of what I call her.

I went to my room and Rafa followed.

Rafa: Hey, what's going on with you?

You've been so stressed lately. And it's not just today, and you barely even say hi to your father.

Luan: He talked to me about separating from Paula.

Rafa: Damn, really?

Luan: Yeah, and damn, she takes care of him so much, you saw, left dinner ready in the microwave, and nothing is good enough for him. She's always trying to give him the best and he doesn't even appreciate her.

Rafa: I'm sorry, I know Paula is like a mother to you, but babe, that's their business, don't feel so bad about something you can't change, your father wants what's best for him, and we don't always know what's best for us, maybe he'll regret his choices and maybe not, but that's up to him. I know it affects your life in a way, but don't let it get you down. I've noticed you've been acting strange on some days, but I waited for the moment when you would tell me what was going on, and since you didn't, I decided we should talk about it.

Luan: My father is being a jerk, and it's not just now.

Rafa: He might be, but stop taking their problems to heart. That's the only way you'll be okay.

Luan: Will you sleep with me tonight?

Rafa: Of course.

She texted her mother that she was going to sleep with me. Our families were more than used to us being together and sleeping together. The only thing is that they thought we were going to have something, and they were even more frustrated when I came out to them, but today that's in the past and they act naturally about it.

I made the bed for both of us, so we lay down and slept snuggled up, her holding me and cuddling me.


The next morning we woke up still snuggling, but I was the one cuddled up to her.

Rafa: Oh, how I miss having someone to sleep with every night. I love you, you know.

Luan: Kkkkkk I love you too, and sometimes it's really good to be able to be like this, but if it was with a boy I was seeing it would be much better.

Rafa: Don't even get me started, after a great night of sex, sleeping on your back. Ahhh, that's a lot to ask God, is it?

Luan: Kkkkk now stop talking loudly, my dad and Paula are probably still asleep, and come on, you have to go down to your house to get ready. And I don't want to be grounded because of you. Don't forget that we already have a warning and they only expire per semester, so we can't have any more warnings this semester, so we don't run the risk of being stuck in that unbearable detention room.

Rafa: Okay, bummer.

I'm going home.

I got up and went to get ready, and soon I was ready, so I went downstairs to wait for Madame, and honestly, I didn't feel like going to school today at all, it's a pain in the ass having to put up with that insufferable Marcos, and now with him on the soccer team, aff.

Rafa was soon ready and by some miracle we weren't late. We arrived on time and I went to my classroom and she went to hers. I sat down and waited for the teacher to arrive, now there were two physics classes that I don't really enjoy, but I end up doing well in.


Damn, I woke up late, and I'm almost late, but I think I'll make it to class on time. I ran and flew through the corridors and managed to get to class on time, and to help who was in the room, the insufferable Luan, the ridiculous boy, I wanted to smash his face in, and so far I don't know why I haven't done it yet, I think it's because I don't want to risk being expelled from the soccer team, because there they give scholarships and I can go to a good college. Because if it depends on my grades, I'm screwed. I went in and sat in the only vacant seat, behind Mr. Asshole.

Then the teacher came into the classroom and told us that we would have a short assignment worth 1 point on the previous year's content, so that he could find out how we were doing on the previous content, and then move on to a new one.

Teacher: Well, the work can be done in pairs, everyone must pair up with the person sitting in front of them.

No, damn it.... Damn, damn, damn, I can't believe I have to work with this asshole.

I got up and tried to argue with the teacher, and he said that I had to do it with him or on my own, and on my own I was going to get screwed, I can't get very low marks or I'll be out of the team, I'll have to do the work with this man.

I sat down again and he turned in his chair so we could do our work at my desk.


Luan: Well, can we get started or are you going to freak out and go and talk to the teacher?

Mark: Come on, Stevens.

He said my surname in a tone of mockery, aff sincerely.

Luan: We'd better start then Marcos Leon.

I returned the same tone of debauchery and he boiled over with hatred.

We started work and my goodness, he didn't know anything, I don't know how that door got to third grade, for God's sake.

More and more I looked around for some kind of salvation because, look, it wouldn't be easy, if I wanted to get a grade other than 0, I'd have to do the work alone.

I was doing my work and the jerk with the biggest ass face was looking around, when I noticed the teacher passing by the desks to see how the work was going.

Luan: The idiot, take the book and pretend you're reading it (I whispered).

He looked annoyed at the order I gave him, but as soon as he saw the teacher looking at the work on the desk in front, he quickly grabbed the book and pretended to be helping me.

Teacher: How's it going here, Luan?

Luan: Everything's fine, teacher.

Teacher: Okay, keep going, you're doing well.

He walked away and Marcos dropped the book again.

Marcos: Come on, do you want my help or not?

Luan: Alright, but do you remember anything from last year's content?

Marcos: Not a thing, hahaha.

I rolled my eyes and went back to working on the assignment alone while the fool got credit behind my back, ugh, I was already stressed.

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