Episode 15


It was him, damn it, what the hell does Marcos want with me in the bathroom? If he tries to fight me, I'll break him, although I'm not really in the mood for fighting, and apparently, neither is he, because he's also completely wasted, so maybe I can take him down.

Luan: What do you want?

Marcos: Why do you even exist, kid? You awaken something in me that I hate.

Luan: What are you talking about?

Marcos: You provoke me, what did I ever do to deserve that?

We were speaking in a slurred mess because of the drinks, but I think even if we were speaking clearly, I still wouldn't have a clue what he was talking about, until he came onto me. I thought he was going to punch me, so I braced myself to defend myself, but he came on too fast and I couldn't do anything. However, instead of a punch, he kissed me. He kissed me, what the f*ck is going on? He's kissing me. And he's asking for permission to deepen this kiss, and worst of all, I'm giving in. Why am I giving in?

I gave passage to his tongue and we deepened that kiss, which ended up becoming a hot, very hot kiss. He bit my lower lip during the kiss, and that was something I loved in a kiss. Then he pushed me against the wall and started running his hand under my shirt, touching my abdomen and then going up my back and pulling me closer to him, bringing our wet bodies even closer together. Yeah, he was wet too. I put my hand on his nape trying to deepen the kiss even further, if that was even possible, and I put my other hand on his waist and started to lift his shirt, until in a moment of clarity I realized what I was doing, and I pushed him with all the strength I could muster, making him fall, and then left that bathroom. Stupid, but not drunk stupid, but stupid because I was breathless from the kiss, and stupid because of the turmoil in my head now. I left the party and ordered a cab. I don't even know how I managed, but I did, and I went home. On the way, I texted Rafa telling her I had already left. She was going to be mad at me, but right now I can't even look at her, I have too much information in my head.

I got home and it was 3:40 am so I went upstairs and slipped in, or at least I tried, because as soon as I closed the door and started walking, I knocked over a flower vase, damn it.

In half a second, Paula was already in the living room, startled by the noise.

Paula: Oh, Luan, it's just you, you scared me!

Luan: You scared me too.

Paula: You're drunk, kiddo.

Luan: I'm not, it's just an impression, I barely drank anything.

Paula: Yeah, right, that's why you're slurring your words like that. Come on, I'll give you a bath and get these wet clothes off you. By the way, why are your clothes wet?

Luan: I-i-it's...

Paula: Never mind, let's just go to your room.

Paula took my clothes off and gave me a bath, that's all I remember, I don't even remember going back to the room, I just know I slept like a rock.

I woke up the next day with a terrible headache and nausea, ugh, I shouldn't have drunk so much or mixed drinks. I got up and did my toiletries with great difficulty because I was really messed up after that drinking binge.

After getting cleaned up, I went to the kitchen, and Paula was already there.

Paula: Real classy, dude, getting wasted like that. And you came back at 3 am, imagine if you had come back in the morning, you would have been dragged back here.

I looked at her pouting, asking her not to be mad at me.

Paula: There's coffee in the thermos.

I served myself and sat down. I hadn't even stopped to think about what happened last night until Paula asked.

Paula: But anyway, let's forget about the drinking. How was the party? Did you hook up with anyone?

And as if she had flipped a switch in my head, it all came flooding back at once. My God, he kissed me. I actually got dizzy with all the memories of the party, I was completely confused.

Paula: Aren't you going to answer me?

Luan: Paula, I need to tell you something, or I'm going to freak out. I hadn't even stopped to think about what happened, and now I'm going crazy over it.

Paula: Calm down, breathe, and speak slowly, you're being frantic... What happened at the party?

Luan: He kissed me. (I said it more to myself than to her).

Paula: Who kissed you?

Luan: Marcos (I said with a look of utter despair).

Paula: Who is Marcos? The only Marcos I know is the one you hate, Rafa's boyfriend.

I nodded, and her eyes widened.

Paula: He kissed you? Like, how? How did it happen?

I stopped to think for a second and then started telling her everything.

Luan: After they threw me in the pool...

Paula: Ah, that's why you were all wet.

Luan: Yeah, so, after they threw me in the pool, I went to the bathroom to dry off and wring out my clothes, and then as I was leaving the bathroom, someone pushed me back inside. I almost fell, and then the person locked the door and stood in front of me, and only then did I see who it was, and it was him...

Paula: How could you not have forgotten all this? Because in the state you were in early this morning, you drank so much, I'm surprised you didn't get alcohol poisoning.

Luan: I'm never going to forget last night, no way.

So anyway, he said things to me like "you awaken something in me that I hate" and "why do you provoke me?". I didn't understand and then he came onto me and I thought he was going to hit me, but no, he kissed me.

Paula: And by the look on your face, you liked the kiss.

Luan: Is it that obvious? (She nodded) Ugh, it was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. I've never felt a kiss like that before, it was hot, passionate, it took my breath away from beginning to end. I can't explain it, I just know I'm angry that he kissed me because he's Rafa's boyfriend, but I can't lie, I'd do it all over again just to feel that kiss.

Paula: Lu, be careful what you're getting yourself into, you're going to end up getting hurt and hurting other people.

Luan: You're talking about Rafa, right?

Paula: Yeah, I am talking about her. Have you talked to her since all this happened?

Luan: No, I didn't have the courage to look at her after that. During the kiss, I pushed him away and left the bathroom really fast, got a cab, and came straight home. I just texted Rafa telling her I was on my way. In fact, she must be super mad at me about it.

Paula: Honey, tell her what happened, get ahead of this situation. If you hide it and she finds out, it will be worse.

Luan: She's not going to find out.

Paula: Isn't she? And what if he steals another kiss from you?

Luan: I'll break his face.

Paula: Uh-huh, by the way you're acting right now, I'm sure you'd do just that.

Luan: I need to think, Paula. Maybe you're right, and I really should tell her everything.

Paula: The decision is yours, honey.

She kissed me on the forehead and left.

Then I picked up my phone and there was a message from Rafa saying, "I need to talk to you". After a few messages cursing me out for leaving the party without her. But only that one caught my attention, did she know? Did he tell her?

I replied with a "I need to talk to you too" and went straight down to her apartment.

She opened the door for me, and started yelling at me for leaving the party without her, as I walked to her room, and I followed her.

Luan: Sorry for leaving without you, but now tell me what you wanted to talk to me about?

Rafa: Sex.

Luan: Sex, what?

Rafa: Marcos and I had sex.

I was shocked.

Luan: How? When? Where?

Rafa: Shortly after you left, he dragged me to the bedroom, right there at the party, and started kissing me and taking my clothes off. Granted, I was a little tipsy, but it was all great, and I don't know why he took so long, but it was all amazing.

Luan: Just like that, and at that crazy party?

I tried to act as naturally as possible, there was no way I was going to tell her everything now.

Rafa: Yeah, but during sex he whispered something like, "why did I do that with him?". I don't know what he was talking about, but it must be because he had too much to drink.

Rafa: Anyway, since you don't like him, I'll spare you the details.

Rafa: So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Luan: Huh?

Rafa: You sent me a message saying you needed to talk to me too, what was it?

Luan: Oh, right, no, I just wanted to apologize for leaving you at the party and coming home.

Rafa: Okay, cool, even though it was messed up of you to do, I forgive you, man.

Luan: Well, I need to go upstairs now, I promised Paula I'd help her out with some stuff.

Rafa: You're acting weird.

Luan: I'm fine, must be the hangover.

Rafa: Okay then, kisses.

Luan: Kisses.


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