Here I was repenting, why didn't I spend more time with my family. Why didn't I focus my energy on learning, on my hobbies.
But time and tide waits for none, right?
A lot of time passed. I tried to change the direction of my destiny.
I tried to pull my self together.
Me and my friends performed in all the events.
Did the things we liked.
Went on trips. Oh what fun it is was enjoying bunjee jumping, scuba diving, paragliding with your friends. laughing, giggling. sitting beside the ocean and the mountains, watching the sunset. Creating memories.
Time was gradually healing the wounds.
I didn't look for hookups or relationships.
I tried self healing.
It is said when you have made progress, God sends that person again to test you whether you would make the same mistake again.
Adam returned.
They always return. They can't see you happy, progressing, I guess.
He apologised. Asked me to come back.
I didn't find him sincere enough.
People never change.
I didn't fall for it this time.
Finally, The chapter of Adam closed!
I started focusing on my career, studies, myself.
It felt better.
I was happy!
Life taught me so much.
Lesson 7: All these experiences are so important.
You ask yourself, What did I do wrong? Did I deserve it?
It's not your fault!
Try to be optimistic. Try to search for good in everything. No matter how hard life gets on you.
Life is like a hurdle race. It has plethora of hinderances. You fall on the way. But you gotta pick yourself up.
These experiences are to teach you. To make you strong. To teach you how to survive and face the world.
Finally, I felt free.
I started enjoying life.
Were there more difficult situations in my life? Ofcourse, there were!
Life isn't a bed of roses. It is never smooth sailing but I won't bore you with all those.
Everything passes. You just gotta be patient.
I learned medicine. I completed my course.
I enjoyed it thoroughly. Tried to grasp everything I could.
Got my degree.
It was time to bid adieu to my life at college, my friends.
We literally lived together. All these years. Slept together, ate together, went to classes together. We were there with each other all the time!
How was I ever gonna survive without them now?
It was time for farewell.
To step into the real world. To face the real challenges.
To actually grow up. Step on on our feet. Find our destination.
We made blanket fort like we used to for the last time in our hostel room. Watched movies. Went out to eat.
Danced till we lost breath and our legs literally ripped off our bodies.
Reminisced our time here together and promised to meet each other frequently and always be there.
We left with our luggage filled with our clothes and assets which had too many memories attached to it and with tears filled in our eyes.
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Updated 70 Episodes
It's a great novel, with a lots of great life lessons..... I loved this one also appreciates this masterpiece. 😄
i m the devil 😈
I loved the collage story part