Episode 11


I would like Lisa to trust me, I know she doesn't or at least not completely. I should have trusted a stranger and told her about the delicate situation I am in. It wasn't easy, but everything could have turned into chaos if she had kicked me out and shared the information. In my personal opinion, you have to take risks, but after what she went through, I understand that she needs more security.

I had the mother investigated. I needed to know what I was getting myself into and what kind of person she is. Her daughter disappeared and she hasn't bothered to look for her. She just goes to work and then spends time with friends, although rumors indicate that she is very close to her daughter's ex. It would be sick if the rumors were true and if something happened between them. For now, I must remain silent, let Lisa recover, and plan the wedding as soon as possible.

I'm not sleeping well. Setting alarms and not sleeping in my own bed is starting to take its toll. My bed is sacred, especially to my taste, and the other rooms' beds are comfortable but not comparable.

The passport is about to be delivered so that I can take her on a trip and get married. My birthday is also approaching, and I have no idea what the hell I'll do that day. Both my family and my employees usually organize something for this event, but now that I'm no longer alone, I don't know how I'll manage. The main thing is to take care of Lisa and not expose her, but she must accompany me.


Three days have passed and Lisa is much better. Her lips have healed, she no longer has trouble eating or drinking hot things, and her face is better. The bruises weren't very visible and now they could be easily covered with makeup.

Her abdomen doesn't hurt much, and the bruise in that area is disappearing quickly.

"You could hide this with makeup."

"I've never worn makeup, I wouldn't know how to do it."

That's how we ended up sitting on the bed with my laptop, watching makeup tutorials on YouTube.

I ended up applying the makeup myself, and she looks like a different woman. Natural beauty was already there, but now it's even more enhanced. If she smiled, she would look even more beautiful, but I hope to make that happen later.

"Have you thought about what you want to study?"

"I don't know, I always wanted to go to college but I'm not sure anymore."

"It would be good for you to study something, maybe later you'll want to have your own business, and in that case, business administration would be the right choice, and I could help you."

"You would do that for me?"

"You know the answer. Don't be afraid to ask me for anything. I'll help you in any way I can. If I haven't shown you that by teaching you how to apply makeup, I don't know how to do it. I saw her smile slightly, and I remained marveling at her."

"I've been thinking about asking the staff to return to their duties now that you're better. They will only come a couple of days a week, except for the cook who comes every day while I'm in the city. If you want, I can wait longer."

"Why are you saying this?"

"This is the master bedroom, as my wife, it is expected that we spend the nights together like normal couples. If the staff comes, we will have to sleep together at least on those days to avoid suspicion. I can ask them to resume their duties when we return from our honeymoon."

"Why am I here if this is your room?"

"Because above all, I am a gentleman, and when you came, I thought about your comfort, and this is the best room with the best bed."

"I have caused you a lot of trouble."

"You know very well that's not true. You will be my wife, you are my responsibility. By the way, before the wedding, you will go shopping with me. You need all kinds of footwear, bags, dresses, clothing in general."

"Maximo, I have enough already."

"What I ordered is not enough. It's just a tenth of what you will need."



Our wedding is approaching, and the passport is ready. I still don't know where I will take her. Perhaps we can visit some places in Paris or have fun at Disney. I haven't decided yet, but I will do everything possible to make it a memorable few days and to make her immensely happy.



janardhan koona

janardhan koona

beautiful and suspension



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