Title: Shadows of the Heart
In the heart of a city where danger lurked in every corner, Salvatore “Savo” DiMarco ruled with a cold, iron fist. As the head of the DiMarco crime family, his name was whispered in fear, his presenc
Harvest Of Secrets
Adeline Riley was a young girl who loved her little sister more than anything. But one fateful night, everything changed when her little sister went missing and was later found dead in a nearby la
"The Girl Who Wasn't Meant to Exist"
The lab had been her prison for as long as she could remember. There were no soft touches, no kind words, only cold voices, bright lights, and needles piercing her skin. Eve had been created to obey,
Falling for the Enemy
The first time I met Adrian Moretti, I didn’t know his name. I didn’t know who he was, what he was capable of, or why the men in the room bowed their heads when he spoke. All I knew was that he walke