
Delilah Spensor
Delilah Spensor
i know, somewhere, you still mad at me, ಠ‿ಠ and like me you're pretending too ಠ◡ಠ and you know that we can never be angry with each other.
{when Delilah, Naomi and Adrian were 17 years old and Dylan was 18}
{right now, Adrian and Naomi are sharing same department, department C and Dylan and Delilah are sharing same department, department F, Delilah and Naomi are CR of their respective class}
{it's Annual Sports Day of their school, and they all four participants in it}
{Dylan is a champion player of baseball, while Adrian is a champion player of basket ball game, and our girls gonna face each in Task Mind Cards Race}
{this Sports day happens once in a 3 year, that's why every department contains 3 year students}
•••Anchor:-Welcome F.G High🗣️🎙️•••
•••Anchor:-We Are Here To Celebrate Our Next CHampionship of Sports Day🗣️🎙️•••
•••Anchor:- *Clap*👏🏻•••
///Clap///👏🏻 ///Clap///👏🏻 ///Clap///👏🏻
•••Anchor:-As you know, for the past few weeks eight of our department have been competing with each other, to get trophy to their department.•••
•••Anchor:-Out of those 8, 4 department have been selected to become our finale teams, and one of them is going to take this trophy , which is in front of you. *show them trophy*•••
•••Anchor:-there are four department with highest score, B,C,F&H, participating in the grand finale, in 14 different games.•••
•••Anchor:-rules are simple;•••
•••Anchor:- In the end, the one who has the highest score will win today.•••
•••Anchor:-in the ending game, if 2 or more than 2 department get same high score, then one of their respective CR's would be playing the last game with their Mind boggling skills•••
•••Anchor:-it's grand finale , Today they will know which department is carrying the trophy with them,•••
•••Anchor:-so, F.G High, Here comes a round of applause for our finalists Who are standing here after so much hard work•••
•••Anchor:- *clapping*👏🏻•••
///clap///👏🏻 ///clap///👏🏻 ///clap///👏🏻
•••Anchor:-And of course more for those who are not here, but sitting among us, Because if they were not there then these team would not be here•••
•••Anchor:-so great round of applause for those who has accepted their defeat, because acceptance of defeating and praise others , everyone can't handle•••
///clap///👏🏻 ///clap///👏🏻 ///clap///👏🏻
before Dylan's game started
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Just go there, break their bones, get what is yours, never show any kind of mercy on them, show them what you are or what you can do. *serious*😤
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
Baby, are you serious? *can't believe*(ò_óˇ)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
if your team achieve a point then get ready to complete your fantacy no. 4 ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
no no no, are you serious? really? *amazed* ( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ ) (゚ο゚人))
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
damn serious *fixed on*😤
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
But remember, if you fail to bring it, the more pleasure you get from bringing it, the more pain you will get from not bringing it. *dead set on*😡
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
mark my words, understand? *determine* ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
aye aye commander *salute* ᕦ(ò_óˇ)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
good now go😚
after the game department F , Dylan's and Liah's department got a point
Before Adrian's Game
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
You are awesome! Never forget that.😚
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
i know😌
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen.💪🏻😤
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
i know you can do it, you can do everything in the world if you want to 💪🏻😚
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
don't worry Girl, Your Man will be gonna snatch that point, from his opponents hands😏
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
what i always says, never look down upon your opponent, they might be capable than you☺️
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
okay okay Ms. Always Right, i know, But how can we fulfill a dream without magnifying it?😄
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
yeah yeah, anyway, just go and get your point😊
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
then where is my will power?🤨
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
here, always by your side *holds his both hands and kiss them*(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
All the best꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
one day, you'll certainly kill me by your sugar plated Smile😩(◕દ◕)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
okay okay, Now go😆
after the game Department C , Naomi's and Adrian's , got a score
department C and depatment F were increasing their score continuesly, in the end, there was a tie between these two teams
•••Anchor:-So, Here We Are, just a step away to know the name of the winning team. As we now know our 2 Grand finale teams•••
•••Anchor:-Department "C" & department "F"•••
///CLAP///👏🏻 ///CLAP///👏🏻 ///CLAP///👏🏻
•••Anchor:-So here are the rules for Last game:•••
•••Anchor:-First of all, both of them have to choose a colour which will bo supporting them in the whole race.•••
•••Anchor:-After that there will be a riddle behind that colored card, which, after solving, they have to reach the next card, there are total total ten colour cards with nine envelopes, Which are hidden in different places in the school,•••
•••Anchor:-every envelope contains a single piece of puzzle, you have to find all nine pieces, bring them here, on the stage and solve it•••
•••Anchor:-After adding those pieces of puzzle, a last riddle will emerge which will be pointing towards the thing inside this trophy, Whoever tells it first will win•••
•••Anchor:-Nobody can help them in this whole task, this task has to be completed by their own understanding.•••
•••Anchor:-as we already know every department has 3 CR, Which of the three CR would you like to send, department C&F ?•••
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i am going from department F *raises hand*🙋🏻‍♀️
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
then i'm going from department C *raises hand*🙋🏻‍♀️
they look at each other
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
•••Anchor:-Please come here on the stage and chose your color cards.•••
they both walk to the stage
•••Anchor:-let's start with envelope's colour•••
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
•••Anchor:-Pick up your envelope•••
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*Pick white envelope up*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*pick Black envelope up*
•••Anchor:-Your work starts after opening them•••
•••Anchor:-We will be watching you live at school with the help of a camera.•••
•••Anchor:- Audience, LETS CHEER THEM UP🗣️🎙️😄•••
•••Audience:-/// YEAH!///🗣️😄•••
•••Anchor:-your time starts now•••
they start their Game, they open it read the riddle....
Both of them were almost equal, sometimes someone ahead and sometimes someone else
--:on the other hand:--
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Bro? umm umm *eating popcorn* ( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
hmm? sip sip *drinking Coke*😋
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
what do you think, Who will make the most fuss after losing?? (° ~ ° ~) *Watching girls Game but more eating and drinking*😋
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
i donno, Maybe Liah, or? Maybe Naomi?🤔
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
so Whose side are you on? 🤨
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
i'll be on Liah's Side, she always make extra ordinary Fuss😁
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
yeah right, but sometimes Naomi makes bigger fuss than Liah( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Only when, when Delilah provokes him🙄
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
She is far more sweeter than Delilah( ◜‿◝ )♡
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
Yeah i know, sometimes Liah crosses line, but i never underestimate Naomi's ability too *eating*( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ )
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Lets bet, if Delilah makes bigger fuss, than you'd complete my Physics notebook, and gimme your this month's pocket money😁
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
Done! but if i win, then i'll get your last year gift, which Mom gave you, i know you haven't opened it yet😁 and Your, black shoes, which Naomi gifted you, ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Bro that;s not fair, It would be costly bet for me, 😩 then i'll ask for three thing, what about your ...
on the other side
After taking half an hour, both of them got all the pieces.
And then they came on stage for the final puzzle, and after solving it, their last riddle was,
"I’m a liquid but I’m not water I’m sticky but I’m not glue I’m sweet but I’m not melted chocolate I’m found in a comb but I’m not hair I’m created by an insect but I’m not a web"
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
I’m a liquid but I’m not water,......I’m a liquid but I’m not water.......🤔
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
....another liquid? ugh what is it now? ......I’m sticky but I’m not glue🧐
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
.......i'm sticky, sticky .......sticky....what is sticky? i must be contain sugar with it?🤨
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
I’m sweet but I’m not melted chocolate .......sweet...sweet... not melted chocolate...then melted ice cream?....🤔
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
I’m found in a comb but I’m not hair ......comb comb ....comb yes comb...honey bee comb...yeah it must be😲
both at the same time
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
•••Anchor:-both answers are correct, but it is difficult to tell who gave the answer first.•••
•••Anchor:-let our judges decide•••
•••Anchor:-Ms. Spensor and Ms. Carson you can go back to your seat and wait for the final announcement after 5-10 minutes•••
•••Anchor:-The name of today's winner has arrived, which is in my hands right now, and I would ask one of the judges to come in the middle of the stage to give the trophy.•••
•••Anchor:-so this trophy goes to............the department of the•••
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
WHAT? ༼ ~ •́ ₒ •̀ ~ ༽ 😄
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
WHAT? (ʘᗩʘ’) 😱
Dylan  Hynes (in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
WHAT? (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;))) 🤐
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
YAHOOO ✧\(>o<)ノ✧ 😄
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
you did it you did it, YOU DID IT, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE😄😄
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*He took her in his arms and due to happiness he started twirling her*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
hey hey stop, i love you too now stop *flustered*😅
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*he stopped and put her down gently while smiling*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*place his both hands on her both cheeks, and goes down to kiss her...*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
what are you doing, you can't kiss me in front of the whole school😟
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
yes i can😌
•••Anchor:-i want to invite all the winners of department C on the stage, please come here and take your trophy•••
they ended their kiss after a min
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Let's get it, on which our name is written *looks at Delilah and Dylan and smirks*😏
-----:to be continued:-----


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