broke my trust
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*her hands made their way to his neck and held him tightly*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*kissed him back*(●’3)♡(ε`●)
their kiss changed into passionate one
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*turn head opposite to them* ugh⊙﹏⊙, for God sake, spare us(-_-;)
they were ignoring and still engaged their making out
Naomi Carson (in high school)
ahem ahem,🙁 don't forget we're still here😬
Naomi Carson (in high school)
don't ignore like that, we're in school😒
Naomi Carson (in high school)
if you can see, There is also a big monster's eye called a camera. and if they find you both kissing.....☹️
Naomi Carson (in high school)
you know the consequences well🤷🏻♀️
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*👈🏻being ignored*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*👈🏻 existence is being ignored*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
hello? ..hello? am i talkin' to a ghost?😤
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
belle , you're disturbing us🙁
Naomi Carson (in high school)
awwww, ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
so sorry,(。•́︿•̀。)
but i did that on PURPOSE(눈‸눈)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
that camera is☝🏻.... *intrupted*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
.....isn't repaired yet. 🙄*completes the statement*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
if you don't believe😏, we can try too😉 *smirk*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
keep dreaming😒
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
keep dreaming😒
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
that's what i do usually😌
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
Now I have to go, if they open the faucet and see, then it will not take long for him to come here.
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
see you later😘
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
see ya😘
he pecked on her lips and strode out
they were sitting on their respective benches, suddenly an announcement caught their attention
•••announcement:-" Ms.Delilah Carson, plaese come in room B3, Ms.Delilah Carson, plaese come in room B3.over"•••
Naomi Carson (in high school)
why are they calling you?🙁
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
i think this camera is still working☝🏻. they might've found about your kiss,😬
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
yeah, and i'm sure brother would be there too🥺
Naomi Carson (in high school)
but you said it's not working, so how come...😕
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
i just heard someone, i wasn't sure too🙄
Naomi Carson (in high school)
what now?(˘・_・˘)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
At most they will call our parents and show them all this, If our parents don't say anything, then they will hold this meeting,
and as you know about the meeting very well [to Delilah]...(*・~・*)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
You don't pay much attention to him,
☜ (↼_↼)he keeps speaking like this🤷🏻♀️, don't worry , i'll be right back, ☺️okay?[to Naomi]
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
yeah, Dylan kissed you too, i'm sure, He would definitely have a back up plan.☺️
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*went outside*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
thank God , that's just a normal class problem, otherwise i also thought they'd punish me *relief*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
that b@$t@rd Adrian😤, He put it all in my mind, ughh, he made Naomi worry too😐
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i hope , she's fine now😓
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*opens door* *shocked*😳
Adrian and Naomi kissing each other, Adrian's right palm was on Naomi's left cheek and other one was on her right waist, Naomi's Both hands were going his backwards through his shoulder. her one palm was in his hairs and other one was holding his neck, she was sitting on the table more over he stood there, Naomi's legs wrapped around his waist, they were deeply lost in there kiss, they didn't even notice the sound of opening the door
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*shocked*( •_• )
Naomi Carson (in high school)
they stopped kissing, they looked at each other, fear were roaming around on their face and looked at her, at the same time, still in same position
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*looking at them with a expressionless face*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*notices her position and corrects it*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
*grab her hand, still don't want to let her hand go*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*looked at him then her and snatches her hand away from his grip*
Naomi Carson (in high school)
see Liah, it's not like that what....*being interrupted*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
How long has all this been going on?😶
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Listen Liah...*again being interrupted*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
How.Long.Exactly.Has.All.Been.Going.On.? *aggressive*😠
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
HOW.FUCKIN'.LONG? *shouting* *annoyed*😡
Naomi Carson (in high school)
8 months *almost whispers*😓
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
You have been deceiving me for the last 8 months?🙂💢
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
but why? ..why?...don't you wanna be my friend anymore?🙃💢
Naomi Carson (in high school)
no Liah😨
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
was our friendship getting hard to bear?🙃💢
Naomi Carson (in high school)
no, not at all😨
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
did i make any mistake?😕💢
Naomi Carson (in high school)
no Liah it's not like...😰
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
if it's not like that , then 😑...tell me Naomi ┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→how are you gonna explain it?¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯ i saw you kissing with him with my own eyes,(ب_ب) are you saying? i was dreaming a nightmare in the broad day light?😶
Naomi Carson (in high school)
No, that was all...😞*speechless*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i am giving you a chance,😶 just Forget whatever happened till today between you twoಠ,_」ಠ, come here and don't ever think about this, and i'll be your side ,again, as usual.¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
are you fucking kidding with me?ಠ益ಠ
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
she's your best friend not your best puppet,ತ_ʖತ she has her own life,
own brain,(̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅
own values,😠
own feelings, 😠
you can't control her like this.😡
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
shut your mouth otherwise i'll sew it,👿 and i'm talking to my friend not you, 😡
and i'm not controlling her just giving her a opportunity to get back what she's about to lose 😠
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
so what's your answer Naomi?😶
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Naomi, why are we even listening to her? 😟If she is your true friend, then she will understand your feelings and appreciate it.😟
listen here,
we didn't do anything wrong okay, 🙂and she can't control you👿
Naomi Carson (in high school)
stop😞 *low tone*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
I SAID STOP IT, *shouts*😞💢
i'm handling it, i know what i need to do😓
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
why are you shouting at me?(‘◉⌓◉’) and what handling? look.. *cut off*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i'm still waiting. *being impatient*😑
Naomi Carson (in high school)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Naomi , what are you doing? listen Naomi..😰
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*takes breath in and leaves a breath out*🌬️
i love him☺️
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
I.Love.Him ... and...and you told me to never let go of your love☺️
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Dont.Fuckin'.Tell.Me. what i've told you🤬
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Did I not ask for only one thing in exchange for our friendship? 😠That Naomi, you have to keep your distance from him,......
Naomi, there's no way you can fall for him,....
Naomi, i'll support you always, but you mustn't give your heart to him,.....
Naomi this...Naomi that...Naomi.Naomi.Naomi...😡
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
but Naomi was being Naomi.😡..fell for him. broke her promise....broke my trust, broke everything between us,👿
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
and now....🌬️ *sighs*
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
That was wrong answer,😓
you've lost the opportunity🙃. never ever show me your face again👿
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
*after that she strode out*
-----:to be continued:-----
Kim Tyung 💅💁🏻♀️
I don't understand what her problem is???