Hope Can Be Friends Again
8y/o Naomi
you heard something?🤨 oh look there👉🏻
8y/o Delilah
what are these stray animals doing here?🙁
8y/o Adrian
hey, who are you calling stray dogs?😠
8y/o Naomi
yeah why they are barking at us?😑
8y/o Adrian
hey little girl, be in your limit,😠
•another student:-yeah, do not make the mistake to provoke us•
8y/o Naomi
i think they want some animal food👉🏻🙁, but i don't have, do you have? no?😗
8y/o Delilah
i think, we need to take them animal foster home?😗
8y/o Naomi
yeah it would be great😗
8y/o Adrian
i think it would be great if you make your mouth shut😠*being ignored*
8y/o Naomi
but we are still children😮
8y/o Adrian
hey little girl i said shut up😠
8y/o Delilah
yeah you are right, we must inform head mistress😀
8y/o Adrian
have you forgot the promise you made with your parents and head mistress.......you can't make the mistake toh show your face in front of her again ........you know the consequences ....don't you?😏
8y/o Delilah
i remember each and every word undoubtedly , but , i think, you have forgotten😑💢
8y/o Delilah
you were the one who came to us first😑👉🏻
8y/o Adrian
i just wanted this karate girl to be our friend, but you ruined my mood
8y/o Delilah
why you wanted her to be your friend,?(‘◉⌓◉’)
8y/o Adrian
of course, 'cause she knocked you down, so i thought, she must join our team, and we would have another strong opponent against you
8y/o Naomi
do you think, you are a king of somewhere?(눈‸눈)
8y/o Naomi
what makes you think that i'd follow your orders? she's my friend, why i'd stand against her? why i'd choose you over her?
8y/o Adrian
i know, okay, don't exaggerate it now, i never thought that you'd become her friend, otherwise i wouldn't have given you that opportunity to join our teamತ_ʖತ
8y/o Delilah
you forgot to mention "looser" word with your "looser team"ಠಿ_ಠ
8y/o Adrian
8y/o Adrian
let's go guys, she's not like, what we thought, she's also the same as her, we wasted our time over her
••another student:-yeah yeah, lets go••
8y/o Naomi
wow he got a big group behind him
8y/o Delilah
yeah, but don't worry, you don't need to afraid of this group,(◠‿◕)........ i've already beaten all of them up, that's why they join that losers group(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
8y/o Naomi
afraid? don't forget i am the one who knocked you down that day, why would i be afraid of them?¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
8y/o Naomi
you're so friendly, don't you supposed to have more friend?┐( ˘_˘)┌
8y/o Delilah
i used to have 2 friends, Madison and Daisy
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.),..... but they have to leave because of me(。•́︿•̀。), .........i got into a fight with that boy Adrian, and they helped me, (~_~;)........and you know they were not trustees daughters, like me and him, so you know,.......(╯︵╰,)
8y/o Delilah
they have to leave because of me last month, after that, i was afraid because.😓..i...i I did not want to put anyone else in the problemಠ‿ಠ
8y/o Delilah
but you...(˘・_・˘)
8y/o Naomi
it's okay(/^-^(^ ^*)/....don't worry about me(◍•ᴗ•◍)... i can protect my self,😉 i won't leave you like them, okay? my daddy is also one of the trustee here😄
After being together for so many years, interactions started between them. ||between Adrian and Naomi||
they started to like each other, but she never told me her feelings
Somewhere she was afraid to lose me, For
this reason, she always pretend to be angry with him in front of me, but that was hard for her, he had confront his feeling lotta time, in front of her, but she never wanted to disappoint me, so she never accepted his proposal
I also used to think that he is lying and wants to separate him from me,
but one day, finally she disappoint me.......
Delilah Spensor
(i wish we can be friends again like before)(◔‿◔)
when Delilah, Naomi and Adrian were 15 years old and Dylan was 16
Adrian, Delilah and Naomi were sitting in the detention room with a teacher who was checking notebook on that time
Naomi Carson (in high school)
ugh...we again got detention,( ・ั﹏・ั)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
it's all his fault,(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞ if he didn't dig that hole in backyard of the school and didn't try to bury me on that hole, we wouldn't be here┐( ˘_˘)┌
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
Aww my innocent new born baby.
(人*´∀`*)...........as you didn't do anything
(´ー`).......don't forget you pulled me inside that grave〳 •̀ o •́ \☞Then you climbed on top of me and came out of it and put mud on me( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )☞........ i was out of breath, i could be dead by now😠😠💢
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
but you are still alive😑, ugh my bad😖
Naomi Carson (in high school)
How did i get into it?🥺
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
sorry baby you accidently got into it😄
Naomi Carson (in high school)
*death glare at him*😡
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
yeah that's your kind heart's fault, it made you drown🙁
Naomi Carson (in high school)
but i was just saving him, (╭☞•́⍛•̀)╭☞he was yelling for help, i went there and thought he has asthma problem so i decided to save him but you suddenly came and prevented me to save him, on that time
,(●´⌓`●) sir showed up, ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)and thought we're again doing prank on him and he sentenced us three detention, where i was wrong?(个_个)
after sometime, someone knocks
•••Random student:-may i, sir?•••
•••Random student:- Sir, actually There is a problem in the nearby washroom, some red liquid like blood is coming out of a tap.•••
•••Teacher:-what happened now?ಠ_ʖಠ•••
•••Teacher:-Now who has done this?
•••Teacher:- lets go [to random student]•••
As soon as teacher and Random student went out of the room, Dylan came
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
look what i got, it's lunch time( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Naomi Carson (in high school)
what have you done this time?🤨
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
You must be hungry, My red balls will hold him there for just thirty minutes or less(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
Now , who wants a Ham, coke and chicken bucket(✯ᴗ✯)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i want😄
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
her take it, bro *give one the packet to Adrian*
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
thanks brother 😁
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
it's for you, love *gives one to Liah*😉
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
thank you 😚
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
and it's for you belle *gives one to Naomi*😀
Naomi Carson (in high school)
how did you get all these things, here😗 *taking* thanks😋
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
there are my ways , you know😉
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
how?... How did you know that we would be here?😀
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
i went to your classroom, but you weren't there, i heard someone to say that 3 students got detention, and i came to realise, these three could be you three, so so¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Thanks again😚
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
anything for you
( ˘ ³˘)♥
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
you know, right, that i love you more?
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
i doubt that,*eating* ...*gobbled up* My brother has always saved you, and he's saving you , as usual, What have you done besides putting it in the problem? tell me( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
no one here need your perspective😑
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
you [to Dylan]..tell me🤨 , ...right???🧐
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
of course Liah, there is no doubt😌...and Adrian you're wrong👉🏻😁
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
she can do anything for me😌
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
yeah yeah😤 *nodding*
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
she can give me anything😌
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
hmm hmm😤 *nodding*
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
you know, she can kiss me, too, right here, in front of both of your eyes😌😚
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
yes yes *nodding* , *sudden realisation* what no(。・//ε//・。)
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
what? *frowning*🤨
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
what? *chuckles*🤭
Adrian Hynes (in high school)
See Bro, she is denying on your face😁👉🏻
Delilah Spensor ( in high school)
i can kiss him anywhere, anytime, i want😠.......I just, do not want to show my good moments to you,😤 what if you look at it baaaaad😳
*feels two hands on her respective cheeks*
*feels , both hands forced her to turn her head direction*
......ummmmm *feels someone suddenly kiss her* *shocked*😲
Dylan Hynes (in high school)
*he suddenly placed his both hands on her both respective cheeks , turn her eyes towards him and suddenly place his lips on hers*( ˘ ³˘)♥
------:to be continued:------