Adrian Hynes
where is brother?😕 have you two seen him somewhere?🙄
*shake head as a No*🤷🏻♂️
*shake head as a No*🤷🏻♀️
Julia Hynes
are you ready? it's almost time, you know😟
Adrian Hynes
i'll be ready on time but what about brother is he ready?🙁
Julia Hynes
When we went to meet Naomi at the hotel, he was not ready yet😕
Adrian Hynes
what did he give her as a present?😄
Julia Hynes
Ask her yourself after your wedding😊
Julia Hynes
call your brother, ask him where is he?😾
Julia Hynes
He couldn't be late in his own marriages,😾
Derek Hynes
Remind him that he will get married first😑
Adrian Hynes
📱hey bro where are you? you want to get married or not?
Julia Hynes
put it on speaker
Adrian Hynes
oh wait, *put phone on speaker*
Dylan Hynes
📲no i'm not ready, maybe i'll be late😟
Adrian Hynes
📱what?, but bro😟, Liah is sayin' 🥺, if you'd be late , she won't marry you😦, she'll run away😲...........😏😏😏
Delilah Spensor
Hey $hithead 😾 *phone snatches from him*
Delilah Spensor
📱hey Lan, I wasn't saying, you know your brother...
Dylan Hynes
📲yeah i know i know...hahahaha
Darla Spensor
Liah , you can't talk to him 😾* snatches phone from her*
Delilah Spensor
Mom but...😐
Darla Spensor
here *passes phone*😊
Derek Hynes
thanks😊 *taking phone*
Derek Hynes
📱Dylan, where are you, you know that it's you, who'll be getting married, don't you?🤨, where are you, why it's taking so long?, you know your brother is already here😐, completely ready😑, who's gonna marry after you, too much excited,
Derek Hynes
*looking at Adrian* 🤨😐😑😒
Dylan Hynes
📲Actually Dad,I was going back home from the hospital...oops😶
Derek Hynes
why? what happe....
Julia Hynes
*sntches phone from her husband's hands* 📱what happened? are you okay?😦
Dylan Hynes
📲yeah i'm fine, it's just Naomi, she ...😗
Adrian Hynes
*snatches phone from her mother's hands* 📱what happened to Naomi ? 😦is she okay? 😟where is she? which hospital, i'm coming🙁
*about to go*
Dylan Hynes
📲wait Adrian, she's fine, she's with me, she just fainted, we're heading back, to the hotel😗
Adrian Hynes
📱but why she fainted?😟
Dylan Hynes
📲Because she liked my gift so much that she fainted due to happiness, did Liah faint ?😏😏✨😎✨
Adrian Hynes
📱what did you exactly give her?🤨😲 .......nah she didn't😒😑😒, she's fit and fine, and staring at me😑
Adrian Hynes
📱where is he? lemme talk to her , is she really fine?😗
Dylan Hynes
📲she is besides me, and listening music... and you cant talk to her.😁
Naomi Carson
📲who are you talking to?
Naomi Carson
📲what's he saying?
Dylan Hynes
📲oh nothing, i was telling him about you
Naomi Carson
📲don't tell him the real reason, he'll be..ummm *mouth squeezed*
Dylan Hynes
*squeezes her mouth, before she could say anything, separate his ear and phone, and tells to Naomi*
Dylan Hynes
📲he's listening 🤫*too slow but audible on phone, looks like whisper*
Adrian Hynes
📲what's she talking about?🤨 what's the real reason? tell me why she fainted?😟😟
Adrian Hynes
📱i know you're lying,🙄you can't make her unconscious😒, with your gift😑, she had me , and she didn't faint even once😲
Darla Spensor
is she pregnant?🤨
Dylan Hynes
📲uh?? aha ..yeah ..yeah she's pregnant,😅 and she's thinking about abortion,😔 cause she thinks, she's not ready to be a mom, 😣the baby wil ruin her career🥺
Adrian Hynes
Julia Hynes
What? is she gonna abort our grand child?😰
Adrian Hynes
Mom listen......
Julia Hynes
i know, it's your life and we can't force you to do something that you don't want, ...
Derek Hynes
of course you're adult, you can make your own decision.... and honey as you it's their life, their choice, i don't mind abortion, but at the same time, i don't support it too😶
Adrian Hynes
Mom, Dad at least listen.....
other side's voices were coming through phone speaker, that cut off Adrian and he stopped to listen
Naomi Carson
📲gimme the phone😤
Naomi Carson
📲😤😤 *snatching from him*
Dylan Hynes
📲noooo😣😰😤😠 *struggling hard, not to hand it over to her*
Naomi Carson
*finally she succeeded *
Naomi Carson
📲you can't win, over me *chuckles*😉 *to Dylan*
Naomi Carson
📲hey Adrian, mother & father in law, he was lying😤, i'm not pregnant😰, i fainted, i didn't ate a single thing since yesterday😅, due to happiness😅, and i am not that cruel🥺 , i wouldn't kill our baby🥺, not even in my dream😥, Adrian baby, you trust me,🥺 right?
Adrian Hynes
📱of course,😚 baby, there isn't any doubt, 😊i love you, 🥰right, are you okay, now?
Naomi Carson
📲yeah i'm ...
Delilah Spensor
I don't believe any of her words🥱
Delilah Spensor
never did even once🙄
Naomi Carson
📲no one asked your opinion, so FU¢K OFF 😤
Adrian Hynes
📱Don't ruin your Mood baby, it's our wedding okay?? we'll see them tomorrow, Don't worry we have life to fight, Just think about today, it's very precious, you know and tonight 😁
Naomi Carson
📲*blushing* uh okay
Julia Hynes
*snatches phone from her son's hands* 📱enough, after your marriage!.... Naomi baby tell Dylan, that time is running, come here A.S.A.P.😊
Naomi Carson
📲okay Mother in law😊
Julia Hynes
📱oh, don't be formal, baby, call me Mom, just like these three😊
Naomi Carson
📲oh okay, 😊wait three??🤨
Delilah Spensor
*loudly* oh did i tell you she told me first to call her Mom😎
Naomi Carson
📲okay bye Mom, see you soon😊
Julia Hynes
📱Bye, Darling😊
Julia Hynes
I don't know how long it will last☺️
Darla Spensor
Luck is necessary for your family's future🤭
Julia Hynes
I'm not worried right now, because their quarrel make my family glee,☺️ somewhere,it spreads happiness in our family,i won't get bored easily🤭
Julia Hynes
I just don't want this joke to be their reality😐
Julia Hynes
That's always been my nightmare😓
Naomi Carson, has always been with us, we used to share the same class, sometimes same row and sometimes same grades, when she came to our school, she was so kind to me, i still remember those days
when she first came I did not know her so well until she showed her brilliance in karate class, after a week. and in everything, she made us think, that she was something, my best opponent ever
karate teacher:-next , we have Delilah in our red portion, it's her first class today, and she is standing against Naomi in our blue portion, lets start today's practice, *whistle*
8y/o Delilah
another skinny, 😑 i don't wanna harm you, so i wont be tough on you😌,why don't you eat something?🙄
8y/o Naomi
i could say the same for you,😗 and don't pity on me😊, i won't spare you😁
8y/o Delilah
what? you think you could fight with me🤨, so you must know that i am the karate champion of our class😌
8y/o Naomi
let the luck decide😊
karate teacher:-both of you , are ready?
karate teacher:-3_2_1_ fight
They started fighting and after a short fight, Naomi knocked Delilah down and won.
8y/o Naomi
come-on we have 2 more round to decide😀
8y/o Naomi
*she lends Delilah her hand*
8y/o Delilah
(she's actually good at it, i don't think i could be possibly able to defeat her, specially today, why i never noticed her?)🙄🙁
8y/o Delilah
*grabs her hand and gets up*
There was no third round because she had won both rounds, and everyone was staring at her, shockingly
after their fight Naomi went towards Deliah and asked her to be her friend, she was shocked by seeing her sudden behaviour
8y/o Delilah
why you want to be my friend?🤨 you just knocked me down, you want a loser to be your friend?🙁
8y/o Naomi
you're not a loser, you just need some more practice, than you'd become far better than me☺️
8y/o Delilah
are you flattering me to become your friend?🤨
8y/o Naomi
no no , it's not like that, actually as you know i came here just a week ago and i am still unable to make friends, i think they don't want to be friend with me, you are the only one here who talked to me till now, so i'll be glade if you accept my offer☺️
8y/o Delilah
* thought for a second and looked at her and smiled and said*
8y/o Delilah
okay, we're officially friends now, hiii
i'm Delilah, you can call me Liah, too😊
8y/o Naomi
I'm Naomi, thanks to become my friend😊
After that day they became best friends, she also taught her Karate, now both of them were topper of their class
at their lunch time, they both were sharing same desk and lunch boxes
8y/o Delilah
Naomi who do you like the most, your Mom or Dad?😀
8y/o Naomi
as you know my mom is a celebrity, so she often show us herself at home, my daddy is a businessman , he stays busy, but he spare sometime for me, but i am too greedy i want both of their life, sometimes daddy doesn't come home , so i might stay all alone , while Mom always add something in my collection , she always gets me something from her trip, .....i don't know , who does i like the most? but i love them more than myself😊
8y/o Delilah
yeah my parents also can't see a single tear in my eyes, they always makes me happy, they find their happiness in my smile, and i like my happiness in their smile, i also like them both equally , more than another thing in this world🥰
Adrian comes with his group
8y/o Adrian
oh look look look😂
8y/o Adrian
an idiot got another idiot with her😏😝
------:to be continued:------