
Assistant of Alexander
Assistant of Alexander
*Dont tell me sir is welling to be her father 😱*
Assistant of Alexander
Assistant of Alexander
*Mind out of the world 😐*
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Assistant *cold*
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Assistant 💢 *cold*
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Assistant 💢💢💢😼
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Do you really want to be fired or not *Cold*
Assistant of Alexander
Assistant of Alexander
Sorry sir l just forget something 😅😅😅*That was close 😬*
Assistant of Alexander
Assistant of Alexander
So l will go now Sir and please enjoy the party sir *bow*
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
time skip
Strangers: Wow the Smiths are here
Strangers:The Smiths are rare to see Strangers: And they finally found there heir Strangers: Yeah but they still want to hide the heir
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Hi everyone thanks for coming on my Childrens birthday 🙂*cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So lets welcome the birthday princess and prince 🙂*cold*
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Stranger : Wow there so cute stranger :Yeah there look like there mother
someone asked
Who is the father of them 😏
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Ohhh that *Trembling on the question but still cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Thats a private question 😈 *cold *
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So l dont have to answer that question 👿*cold*
Stranger: so cold and devil 😰😰 *in a low voice *
Stranger: Yeah you can tell that by looking at her *In a low voice*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Who looks like somebody is curse me 😈*cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Guards take them away 😈 *cold*
Strangers: Sorry that we curse you Miss Charlotte but we really didn't mean it 😅
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So your telling me that lm stupid 😈 *cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Take them now 😒 *cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Anyway where were we *cold*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So lets sing happy birthday song for the birthday girl and birthday boy 🥰*cold*
🎶Happy birthday Song🎶 🎶Happy Birthday to you 🎶Happy birthday to you🎶 🎶Happy birthday happy🎶 🎶 birthday happy🎶 🎶 birthday to you 🎶
Everyone: Happy birthday Carter and Charlie
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Thank you everyone 🥰
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Thank you everyone *cold*
Time skip
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
So your name is Charlie and your brother name is Carter
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
I didn't know that your mother is Charlotte the Ceo of RM
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Cause l thought you will not talk to me cause mom is a dangerous person 👉👈
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
Alexander len /White/ ♡︎New ML♡︎
*But l like a wild and dangerous woman and she is not like other women who always wants money but l have to invistage her first 😁*
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
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Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
And support this chat story 🥰🥰
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Sadistic 💝Author💝
And please support my other chat story
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
The abonded princess 🥰🥰🥰
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Hope you read it guys 🥰🥰🥰


😆 chibi human 😆

😆 chibi human 😆

updated more plz ☺️



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