I Will Never Love You Again
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
So lets start
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
This bitch is so hard to crack the information
Carter Smith ○FL son○
hehehehehe l win
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
What 😧
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Heres the information
Lora Lee
Love : Mother and father and William
Hate : Charlotte
The one who want to kill Charlotte and broke the relationship and wants to be the future ms. Jackson
The one who plan to make the fire on the Jackson Mansion
If someone eho approached William will be dead
Connected on Scorpion gang
Having many s*x with mans
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
So thats the information 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
lm going to kill her for making mother hard childhood memories 🙂🙂🙂😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Hehehehe lets save this information maybe it will be useful to us 😈
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
Now thats good your not drinking anymore
William Jackson ♡ML♡
What ever 🙄
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Who's that ?
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Its me your Fiancee
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Assistant dont let her in 😡
William Jackson ♡ML♡
throw her out 😡
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Did my fiancee let me in 🤩
Sorry maam your not allowed to be here 🙄
Guards throw this women out
*Grab the arm of lara *
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
How could you do this to your future madam
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
l will Fired you all in the future 😡
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
Wow bro this girl is so obsessed on you
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Thanks to her my Love is gone 😡
William Jackson ♡ML♡
She's just a gold digger and a slut 😡
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
Bro anyway Why did you name your Company CLW ?🤔
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Just Mind your own business 😑
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
How could say that to me 🤧
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
lm your childhood friend 😾
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Mom dad 😢😢*Fake tears*
Ashley Jackson
Oh what happen to my future daughter in law ?
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Mom William throw me out in the company 😭😭😭😭 *Fake tears*
Reymond Jackson
What that brat really actually did that to you 😡😡😡
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Please don't punish him he must have a reason that's why he did that to me mom 😭😭😭 *Fake tears*
Reymond Jackson
**Sigh** Lora l should punish him cause he treat you badly
Ashley Jackson
My husband is right 😪
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Even my mom and dad has been fool of her 😡
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
I think we should invistage on her
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
She is so suspicious
Kevin Davis■ML Bestfriend ■
She even make her sister death
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Charlotte is not dead 🤬
William Jackson ♡ML♡
l told you many times she is not dead 🤬
CLW=charlotte love william
maybe 👀
Moon's snow
wait...the company name was Jk now it changed to CLW😒😂
kimberly adion
moreeee please